Part Sixty One ♡

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Katies POV
"that ones nice," Mikey said, pointing to a flat in East London. "and then rent isn't too expensive,"
"is that one nice because it's a 20 minute walk from you?" I asked and laughed.
"noooo..." He said and looked away, chuckling slightly. I hit his arm playfully and carried on looking for a flat.
We scrolled through so many flats until we both stopped, eyes both looking at the same flat. I clicked on it. This flat had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, was on level 4 and had a large balcony.
"i think, i just think i might have to get this one," I smiled.
"i think you might have to aswell," Mikey smiled and kissed me forehead. This flat was literally down the road from the boys' flat.
"i'll be back in a second," I said to Mikey and got off the beanbag we were both sat on. I took my laptop downstairs and flopped myself onto the sofa next to my mum.
"Soooooo," I sang and my mum turned to look at me.
"what?" She asked me.
"i think i've found a flat," I said to her and showed her my laptop screen.
"oooh that's nice," She said. "the rent! that's a bit steep!" She exclaimed.
"mum, it's fine. I can afford it, and even if i can't at one point you said you'd help me out," I told her.
"does it say you can have pets because Alfie is your dog?" She asked.
"yeah it does," I said. When i move out, i've got to take Alfie with me. That was the deal my mum made when i said i wanted to move.
"well, if you get the flat. When will you move in?" She asked.
"probably as soon as i can," I said. She nodded and smiled, then her favourite tv show started so she shooed me off.
I walked back into my room to see a sleeping Mikey. He'd fallen asleep on my bed, laid on his side, a small smile on his face. I smiled to myself and climbed into bed next to him. His eyes opened and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. I rolled over to face him, his deep blue eyes staring back at me. He lifted his hand and his finger traced the side of the jaw and then he cupped my face with both hands.
"you're so gorgeous," He smiled and kissed me. "and i love you so much," He said after he pulled back.
"i love you too," I smiled and kissed him again. We both wrapped each other up in our arms and i rested my head against Mikeys bare chest. I traced shapes onto his chest and i soon heard soft snores coming from the cute, curly haired boy below me. I kissed him one more time and shut my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Mikeys POV
*next morning*
I woke up, my arms still wrapped around Katie, her head resting on my chest and one of her legs across both of mine.
I smiled to myself, knowing that one day, i'll get to wake up to the love of my life next to me every morning. I was slightly disappointed that she wasn't going to have a baby but then again, she is only 19, i'm only 22, were both still too busy to be able to look after a child. Don't get me wrong, i'd of loved a younger version of me or Katie, but we're too young. Then i felt Katie lift her head up and i turned to look at her.
"morning," I smiled at her.
"morning," She said, half way through a yawn. We both got up and headed downstairs for something to eat. The hickeys on our necks still hadn't gone down completely so of course we got funny looks from Katies dad. We very had some toast each and a cup of tea and then went to sit in the living room.
"what're we doing today?" I asked Katie.
"whatever you want," She replied.
"you mentioned something about wanting to sort your room out. We can do that if you want?" i suggested.
"sure," She nodded and then finished her tea.
"KATIE! MIKEY!" my mum shouted. We both stood up and walked into the kitchen where they both were.
"yeah?" I asked and stopped in front of my mum and dad.
"we're going out, if you wouldn't mine feeding the dogs and walk them aswell, that'd be nice," My mum said to us both. We both nodded and then my Mum and Dad left.
"well, guess we'll walk the dogs and then go to ikea for your room," Mikey said. I nodded and then we both headed upstairs to get ready. I got in the shower first, then Mikey. I didn't brother doing my makeup so while Mikey was in the shower, i just got dressed. I chose some black adidas leggings and a white cropped vest along with Mikey's white hoodie. I laid on my bed on my phone and waited for mikey to get ready.
He came in from his shower, already dressed and ready to go.
"come on," He said as he threw my coat at me. I caught my coat and we both headed downstairs. I put my shoes on and then put the leads on Gizmo and Alfie. Luckily he'd already had all his jabs so he was aloud out.
"let's gooo," Mikey said, opening the door and letting me and the dogs walk out. I handed Mikey Gizmo's lead and locked the door behind us.

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