Part twelve ♡

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"Are we like together as like a couple?" Mikey asked, seeming quite embarrassed.
"I don't know, it's up to you," Katie said and smiled.
"Well, if it's my choice. I'm saying yes," Mikey said and smiled.
"Well, there we go then," Katie said. Mikey leant in and hugged Katie.
Then there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," Brook said as he walked into the room.
"Okay," Mikey said.
Brook opened the door, Katie couldn't see who was there.
"And you are?" Brook asked the person at the door.
"I'm Ben, is there someone called Katie staying here?" Ben asked Brook.
"Yeah, she's just in here. Come in," Brook said and stepped back so there was room for Ben to walk inside. Katie gasped and looked down.
"Who are you?" Mikey asked Ben.
"I'm Ben," Ben told Mikey.
"Hey, Katie..." Ben said, nervously. Katie looked up.
"I thought you were dead, Ben!" Katie said and jumped up and hugged him.
"It's nice to see you too!" Ben said and hugged back.
"What? I'm so confused right now." Brook said and sat next to Mikey on his bed.
"This is Ben, my bestfriend of seven years until he disappeared on me and went to Australia," Katie told Mikey and Brook.
"Nice to meet you," Mikey and Brook said to Ben.
"You too," Ben said and smiled.
"Wait, how did you know I was here?" Katie asked Ben.
"I went to your house and Sophie told me you were staying here," Ben told Katie.
"Oh Okay," Katie said.
"It's been so long since I've seen you," Ben said.
"That's your fault," Katie said to Ben.
"Yeah I know, give me your number and we can grab a coffee sometime and catch up?" Ben said.
"Yeah of course!" Katie said and gave Ben her number.
Then the front door opened and Andy walked in.
"I got us loads of choc- who's this?" Andy said and put the bag from the shop on the table.
"I'm Ben," Ben told Andy.
"Why are you here? Who aaaarrrreee you? Katie explain," Andy said.
"This is Ben Woodworth, he is my bestfriend of seven years until he left me and went to Australia." Katie told Andy.
"Ah Okay, I'm Andy," Andy told Ben.
"Nice to meet you," Ben said to Andy.
"You too," Andy said.
"Right I'm gonna head off, I'll text you tomorrow Katie," Ben said.
"Okay, Bye!" Katie said and hugged Ben. Ben hugged back and then left. Katie sat back down next to Mikey.
"That was weird," Brook said and laughed.
"Yeah it was," Mikey and Andy agreed.
"Right, it's 10:30pm, what we doing?" Katie asked.
"Rye and Jack are asleep," Brook said and laughed.
"Lazy lazy. I bought us chocolate and stuff," Andy said and sat with everyone.
"We should have a pillow fight," Brook suggested.
"I'm down," eveyone said to brook.
Everyone stood up and grabbed a pillow and started hitting each other with the pillow. Katie started to move across from Mikey, next to Brook but when she was walking over she fell. She fell straight into Brook, knocking him over and then Katie falling on top of him. They both fell to the floor, there faces almost touching. Katie quickly stood up.
"Sorry Brook!" Katie said and helped him stand up.
"It's okay. Are you okay?" Brook asked Katie.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Katie said.
"Okay, this is boooring now," Mikey said and stopped hitting Andy with a pillow. They all put their pillows back on the bed.
"Let's watch a movie then," Andy suggested.
"Okay," Brook said and sat down. Katie sat down and then Mikey sat next to her. Andy sat on the other side of Katie.
"We haven't even picked a movie out," Katie said and laughed.
"I'll put one on," Mikey said and stood up. He found the movie 'The Bye Bye Man'
Mikey played he movie and then sat back with Katie, Andy and Brook.
Mikey put his arm around Katie and pulled her close.
After the movie had finished, Katie and Brook had fallen asleep. Brook had his head on Katies shoulder and Katies head was on Mikeys shoulder.
"BROOKLYN!" Mikey shouted. Brook jumped and sat up.
"What?!" Brook asked
"Nothing," Mikey said and laughed.
Katie began to wake up and yawned.
"Well sleeping beauty is awake," Mikey said and laughed.
"Shut up," Katie said and laughed.
"It's 1:45am, we should get some sleep," Andy said to everyone.
"Yeah, goodnight everyone," Brook said.
"Night!" Everyone said back. Brook went to his room and went to sleep.
"Shit, I forgot to FaceTime my sister," Katie said.
"I'll go get Brook, I know he's her favourite," Mikey said and laughed.
"Okay," Katie said and picked her phone up.
Katie to Sophie:
Hey, you up?xxx
Sophie to Katie:
Yeah, what's up?xxx
Katie to Sophie:
Can I FaceTime you?xxx
Sophie to Katie:
Yeah sure xxx
Katie to Sophie:
Okay, two minutes xxx
Brook walked into the room and sat next to Katie. Mikey went and sat on Katie.
"What are you doing Mikey?" Katie asked and laughed.
"Brook stole my seat," Mikey said.
"Stand up," Katie said. Mikey stood up and then Katie stood up.
"You sit down, I'll sit on the floor," Katie said.
"No, just sit on me. You're not heavy," Mikey said and sat down where Katie was sat. Katie went to sit on the floor but was stopped by two hands on her waist, pulling her into Mikeys knee. Brook shuffled away a tiny bit, uncomfortably.
"You're not sitting on the floor," Mikey said.
"Fine!" Katie said and laughed.
"I'm FaceTiming my sister," Katie said and started a call with Sophie.
"Hey!" Sophie said.
"Hi there," Brook said and stuck his head into shot.
"Hellooo!" Andy said from the other side of the room.
"Hey!" Katie and Mikey said.
"What's up Katie?" Sophie asked.
"I told dad to tell you I was gonna ring you," Katie told Sophie.
"Yeah I know, he told me before him and mum went out," Sophie told Katie.
"They gone up town?" Katie asked.
"Yeah," Sophie replied. Brook popped his head back in shot.
"You know your sisters sat on Mikey," Brook said. Sophie laughed aswell as Andy and Katie slapped Brook lightly.
"You'll be squashing him Katie," Sophie said.
"Rude. Calling me fat?" Katie asked.
"She's not squashing me," Mikey said and laughed.
"Yeah you're well fat Katie," Sophie said.
"Uhm yeah of course," Katie replied.
"She's not fat!" Mikey said.
"I was joking ah," Sophie said and laughed.
"Good!" Mikey said.
"Oooh boyfriend starts getting defensive," Brook said and laughed.
"Shut up Brook," Mikey said and laughed.
"Wait you two are together?!" Sophie said.
"...uhm," Katie said.
"Wait are you?" Brook asked.
"..yeah we are," Mikey said.
"WAIT ARE YOU ACTUALLY OH MY GOD!!" Sophie said, excitedly.
"THATS SO AMAZING!" Andy said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Brook asked.
"Because it happened about three hours ago," Mikey said.
"Thank you soph," Katie and Mikey said.
"Mum and dad have just come in, I've got to go," Sophie said.
"Okay, Bye!" Katie said.
"Bye Sophie!" Mikey said.
"BYE!" Andy shouted.
"Bye babe," Brook said.
"Bye!!" Sophie said and ended the call. Brook stood up.
"I'm going back to bed, see you in the morning," Brook said.
"Okay, night!" Katie, Mikey and Andy said.
Brook left the room and went to bed.
"It's 2:10am, we might wanna get some sleep," Mikey said.
"We're in the studio all day tomorrow," Andy said.
"Oh yeah," Mikey said. "Aren't we recording one or two of the new EP songs?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah," Andy said. "Katie, why don't you come with us?" Andy added.
"I mean, if that's okay," Katie replied.
"Yeah you should come, I think you'd enjoy it!" Mikey said.
"I will then, if you want," Katie said.
"Yeah!" Andy and Mikey said.
"Okay, Okay," Katie said and laughed. Andy went to get into bed and fell asleep. Mikey got into bed and Katie lied next to him. Mikey wrapped his arms round her and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight," Mikey said.
"Goodnight," Katie replied and rolled over. They boy fell asleep.

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