Part Seventy Four ♡

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Mikeys POV
"who the fuck do you think you are?" he said to me, moving closer to me.
"i think you need to fucking shut up yeah?" I laughed.
"OKAY, enough," Katie shouted, standing inbetween me and this lad. "come on Mikey," Katie said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the club behind her.
"why didn't you say anything?" I asked, stopping just to the side of the club doors.
"what?" She asked, turning to look at me.
"why didnt you tell him to stop calling you stuff like that or like i don't know, it didn't seem right," I sighed.
"he's always been like that," Katie said and began walking towards her flat.
"well, he didn't seem very nice," I laughed.
"no, he's not really but he's been one of my bestfriends forever," Katie said. We carried on walking towards Katies flat.
When we got there, Katie unlocked the door and we both walked in. We took our shoes off and Katie walked into the kitchen.
"do you want a drink?" Katie asked me.
"go on then," I said. Katie handed me a vodka and lemonade and she had the same.
"do you wanna sit in my room or what?" Katie asked.
"i'm not bothered," I smiled. Katie nodded and walked into her room, i followed her into her room and we both sat on her bed, putting our drinks on the side tables.
"i'm so sorry Mike," Katie said.
"why?" I asked.
"just everything. I was being selfish, i should've thought about you," Katie sighed.
"no no, i completely get it," I said.
"i should've told you, spoken to you about it instead of just ending it with you," she flopped back onto her bed.
"honestly don't worry about it, i understand completely. I saw it all one night," I said.
"what?" She asked.
"that night before we went to see my mum, i saw the things people were saying but i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to upset you and i wanted to wait until you told me about it," I admitted.
"god Mikey," She said.
"i know, i'm sorry," I sighed.
"it's fine, i get it," She replied.
"do you want me to talk to the boys about it and post something?" I asked.
"hang on, we're not even together anymore," Katie laughed.
"yeah but yano i.." I stopped.
"sooo, Mikey, will you be my boyfriend?" Katie laughed, sitting up.
"god i love you, of course" I smiled. Katie leant in and kissed me.
"am i aloud to say something now?" I asked.
"i mean, sure," Katie laughed. I picked my phone up and began typing away.

Katies POV
While Mikey was writing what seemed to be an essay, i got up and got changed. I put on a black vest top and some short shorts to go with it. Mikey put his phone down, smiling at himself as i laid back down next to him.
"done," He smiled.
"oh can i look?" I asked.
"go for it," He smiled, wrapping his arm around me. I reached for my phone and cuddled back up to him. I went onto instagram to see an extremely long paragraph written under a photo of me and Mikey, an off guard one taken when all of the boys stayed at me of me and Mikey laughing our heads off.
i scrolled down to see the caption.
OKAY, enough is enough now. I've seen everything fans are saying to Katie, EVERY COMMENT, EVERY MESSAGE, EVERY POST. I cant believe some of the stuff i've read. How some of you can have the guts to tell someone i love with every part of my heart to kill herself! It's so disgusting. I can honestly say that Katie is the most beautiful, caring, funny, amazing girl i've ever laid eyes on. Over these past 18 months i couldn't thank her enough for everything she's done for me. She's always been there for me and andy, Jack, Brook and Rye. I can confidently say that even they will tell you how amazing she is. I have figured out the behinds of the hate, Katie went to see some friends in Birmingham and they had a party. The cigarettes in the photo WERE NOT KATIES. Yes she was drinking, so what? She's not underage so why you're all getting butthurt over it, i'll never ever know.
So, i very politely ask you ALL, yes all, to be nothing but kind to her as she is nothing but kind to everyone else. She deserves all the happiness in the world and if i could give her that i would. I cant count the amount of times she's looked upset, or cried, over things fans of the band, are saying to her. I personally couldn't ever find the guts to tell someone to kill them self, it's disgusting.
All i ask is that you support mine and Katies relationship, and if you don't we kindly ask you to leave the fandom or just keep your hateful comments to yourself.
Thank you x-Mikey ❤️

I looked up, tears in my eyes.
"god i do love you," I smiled. Mikey wrapped his arms around me.
"i love you too," He replied and kissed me.
We both finished our drinks and i headed to put them in the sink. I walked into the kitchen just as Cassidy, James, Cara, Regan and Ally walked in.
"Great," I said under my breath and scooped Alfie up into my arms.

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