Part Forty Three ♡

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i started to write a new story, it's on my published works if you wanna read it x
Ryes POV

I could tell andy didn't want to speak to me but i couldn't not talk to my best friend.
"can we talk?" i asked as i sat down on Katies bed. She'd walked out and left us both to talk in her room.
"whatever," Andy said.
"look i didn't mean to upset you," i said.
"but you still did," Andy mumbled.
"yes i know, and i'm sorry for that. i didn't mean to!" i said. Andy was my best friend, i couldn't loose him.
"it's okay, i guess," Andy said, still not looking at me.
"Andy, I'm sorry for what i said and did. I was only having a bit of fun, i didn't mean for you to get hurt!" i said, i was on the verge of crying.
"look, it's fine. I cant argue with you," Andy said and finally looked at me.
"thank god," i said and stood up. "come here," i said. Andy stood up and walked towards me. I pulled him into a hug and we stood for a few seconds.
"can't be loosing my best friend now can i?" i said as we both pulled away.
"no," Andy said and smiled.
"come on, let's go back downstairs," i said and walked out of Katies room. Andy followed me and we both walked into the living room where everyone was.

Katie and Mikey were cuddled up, Mikey leaning against the sofa with katie in between his legs, leant against him, his arms round her waist. Jack and Amber were sat together, pretty sure something was going on between them. Brook was sat by himself on the sofa so me and andy sat with Brook. And gizmo was sprawled across the floor in-front of the sofa.
"AH FINALLY!" Brook said as we sat down.
"right what do you wanna watch?" Mikey asked.
"Can we watch a horror??" Amber asked.
"NO!" Andy and Katie shouted in sync.
"YES!" Me, Mikey, Brook, Amber and Jack shouted back. Gizmo just barked.
"whatever, as long as it's not babadook," Katie said.
"yeah, we all know what happened last time," Mikey said and winked at Katie.
"don't we just," i said and we all laughed.
"i'll watch the exorcism," Andy said.
"we'll watch that then," I said and found the movie on netflix.
We began watching it and halfway through i felt Andys head in my shoulder, i looked down and he'd fallen asleep. Bless him.
I texted the group chat, the one with amber and Katie in too, i had a plan to scare andy.
We had no name
Me- guys i wanna scare Andy. He's fallen asleep.
i got instant replies.
Katie❤️- go on
Mikey👾- do you have an idea or?
Jack🍀- Oh yes i am down
Brook🙈- HAHA, yes i'm so in.
Me- next time i cough, we'll all scream so it wakes Andy up and he panics.
Mikey👾- i'm down
Katie❤️- AHA yes that'll be funny
Jack🍀- oh god yes ahahha
Brook🙈- I am so in
Amber👀- that'll be hilarious ahahah
Me- next time i cough yeah?
Jack🍀- Yeah
Brook🙈- got it
Katie❤️- Yeah got it
Mikey👾- Okay
Amber👀- OKAYYY
I turned my phone off and carried on watching the movie. Five minutes later i decided to do the plan.
"AHDUCJFHFBDJSJJSJS" everyone screamed. Andys head shot up and he screamed too. We all then laughed.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Andy shouted.
"oh my god your face was priceless," i said while still laughing.
"that's so mean, i was enjoying my sleep," Andy said but joined in laughing. We all continued watching the movie but as Katie does, she fell asleep. It was 12am so we let her off. Mikey woke her up and they both went to bed.

Mikeys POV

Me and Katie went into her room after her falling asleep on me while we were watching the movie. I'd woken her up and we both said night to everyone and we went to bed.
"you always fall asleep while watching movies," i said and laughed as i took my tshirt off.
"i know," Katie replied.
I got into bed in only my boxers as i normally do now and katie ended up next to me in her underwear.
"i couldn't be bothered to put any clothes on," Katie said and laughed.
"neither," i replied. "at least you look good," i added. Katie laughed and laid back down next to me.
"that's funny," Katie said.
"what is?" i asked, confused.
"the fast you think i look good," Katie said.
"woah what? are you mad?" i began to say. "you're stunning, gorgeous, caring and hilarious. You could look good in a hotdog costume," i said. Katie laughed again.
"i wore a hotdog costume for halloween when i was 11," Katie said.
"NO!" i said and laughed.
"yes i did," Katie said and we both burst into hysterics.
"i-i cant believe you did that" i said still laughing, struggling to get words out. Katie didn't even reply we just kept laughing, half naked on her bed. And to be honest, it was a moment i never wanted to end.

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