Part Fifty Five ♡

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Katies POV

There stood fucking GEORGE EZRA. Holy shit, i froze.
"hey," He said and smiled at me and Mikey. COMPLETELY GONE, SO GONE.
"Hi!" I squealed. Holy shit, i am THE biggest fangirl.
"So this is the lucky lady thennn?" George asked Mikey.
Mikey laughed. I was still in shock.
"wait, hang about," I began to say, both of them looked at me.
"what the fuck is going on," I said. They both laughed.
"You've got a good boyfriend, Katie," Was all George said. George then walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug. He was really tall, i hadn't realised before.
"well, enjoy front row." George said as we all sat down in this room.
"i cant believe this," I said.
"you're the first two people i've ever actually let in before the show," George told us.
"well, we appreciate it," Mikey said.
"yeah, thank you," I said.

We spoke for around an hour, it was really nice actually. Then George had to go and meet the people that had vip tickets. Me and Mikey got to go inside the venue, we bought drinks and went to the barrier and waited for the show to start.
As soon as the venue started filling up, people were pushing to the front, knocking into me and Mikey, pushing others around. It was quite stressful really. We managed to keep our front row, our jackets thrown over the barrier in front of us.
"reminds me of our last London Show," Mikey whispered in my ear. I chucked and turned to look at him.
"but with 10x less people," I winked.
"sorry, miss biggest fan," He joked.
"you know i am," I laughed.
Then as it began to drop dark, Georges only support act on tour came out onto stage. It was Dan Caplen!! I facetimed Sophie.
"HI!" She shouted.
"look who it is!" i said and spun the camera around so she can see Dan.
"OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM!" she squealed.
He sang two of his songs and then a song that he helped write and sang in, called these days. You may know it by Jess Glynn and Macklemore, yep, Dan wrote that and has his own part to sing in it.
When Dan has finished singing, he left stage after thanking us all.
"Thank you so much for that Katie!" Sophie squealed. Mikey put his chin on my shoulder and waved at sophie as i ended the call.
"you ready for George??" Mikey asked me and i took a drink of water. I nodded, put the lid back on my water and smiled.
"Thank you so much," I said to Mikey.
"Its fine! Anything for you," He smiled.

We stood for around 30 minutes before it was pitch black and George came out. I completely broke my voice when he came onto stage.

Mikeys POV
Me and Katie sang to every song. I was too busy looking at how happy Katie was, how she loved to see one of her favourite people live. She was smiling from ear to ear, she was signing every lyric, waving her arms around, her hair falling onto his shoulders. She was so beautiful. When the music stopped and George left stage, Katie turned to me and pulled me into a very tight and thankful embrace.
"THANK YOU!" She said, happily.
"anything for you," I smiled and kissed her. There was still music blasting out of the speakers so it was hard to hear anything she was saying.
The show ended and we both waited for everyone to leave and begin walking to the exit. When we left the venue, we walked towards the train station. Katie grabbed my hand and began swaying our arms back and forth.
"did you enjoy it?" I asked.
"YES!" she squealed, stopped and pulled me into a tight hug.
"i love you," i said.
"i love you too," Katie replied and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"we should go to concerts more often, you look so gorgeous when you're having fun," I said as we carried on walking, hand in hand.
"well, who do you want to go see live?" I asked.
"the 1975," I replied confidently.
"right, well let me see what i can do," Katie smirked as we got to the train station.
We both got on our train after about 20 minutes of waiting and headed back to Katies house.
The train wasn't supposed to take 3 hours, it was supposed to take 30 minutes. How we love a good delay. Katie fell asleep on me in the train station so i thought it'd be a great moment to let the fans know we're still together, seen as though loads of people have been asking about her.
I took a photo of her head resting on my shoulder and added a caption that said 'There's always that one person that can fall asleep anywhere @/katiebarnsleyy' and posted it to the instagram story.
We stayed waiting for the train, when it finally got here, i woke Katie up and we both got on the train. Katie fell asleep as soon as the train started moving, her head resting against me and my arm wrapped around her.

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