Part Fifty Seven ♡

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Katies POV

We arrived at the concert venue and fans were crowded outside the venue. I followed all the guys out of the van and hurried inside quickly, slightly being pulled by Mikey.

My nerves began to kick in as the first support act stepped off stage.
"you'll do great," Mikey said and kissed me. The rest of the guys hugged me and then i stepped onto stage. It was overwhelming. People were cheering, for me.
"Hey guys!!" I shouted into the mic. Screams, Cheers, shouts all came back at me.
The music to one of my own songs, that me and Mikey came up with as a joke, started playing. I smiled to myself as i sang it, remembering how me and Mikey sat on the floor of my living room all night trying to come up with a decent song. Once i sang that, i moved onto a cover. The first cover the boys heard me sing: This Is Me. I began singing, the crowd joined in. Singing every single word with me. I had time for one more song after that. Then i felt two arms wrap around my stomach.
"Sing with us," Mikey whispered into my ear as i spun around. The music for their song 'Don't hurt Yourself' started playing. All the boys came out, their arms wrapping around each other, pulling us all into one huge hug.
Jack then pulled away, sang his line. I could see girls in the audience tearing up over this song. I saw how much it helped people, how much people care. Then i remembered, when i felt so low, how this song helped me through everything. How knowing the boys loved every one of us, how that helped me. Mikey came and wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed me on stage, ON FUCKING STAGE. We both pulled away as the crowd cheered loudly, my cheeks heating up.
When the song ended, i headed off stage.
"GIVE IT UP FOR KATIE! THE BEST GIRLFRIEND AND FRIEND YOU COULD EVER WANT," Mikey said as i walked off stage. I smiled to myself and sat down in the back room. Then all the boys came pouring into the room.
"KATIE!! fuck me that was so good," Mikey shouted as he burst through the door and threw himself on top of me, hugging me tightly.
"you did awesome," The rest of the boys said as they walked into the room.
"thank you so so much," I smiled.
"Katie how the- YOU HAVE SOME GOOD LUNGS" Blair said as he walked into the back room clapping.
"Thank you!" I said smiling, Mikeys arms still wrapped round me and him on top of me.
"right, we're on now." Rye said and stood up.
"you'll smash it," I said and smiled. Mikey stood up and leant to kiss me.
"i'm so proud of you" i said as Mikey stepped back. "you're gonna do great," I smiled. He smiled at me and nodded, then running off after the other lads.
"KATIE!" Blair shouted as i leant back into the sofa.
"yeah?" I asked and stood up, walking towards where Blair was stood.
"how do you feel about doing me some photography?" Blair asked and held out a camera. An expensive, top quality camera.
"uh, sure. I'm not gonna get near the front though," i said, remembering how large the crowd was.
"you can go infront of the barrier," He told me.
"are you sure?" I asked.
"yeah, go for it," He said. I took the camera and headed to the stage. I stayed down, talking photos from quite a low angel, getting the light behind the boys.
Some of the photos were actually quite good, i'd never used a camera as good quality before. When the boys sang 'After the Show' the photo of them throwing the water was unbelievable. They all ran off stage as the crowd clapped and shouted. I also went backstage, showing Blair the photos as we both walked into the back room.
"THAT WAS AMAZING!" I said as i handed the camera to Blair and all the boys pulled me into a hug.
"well done boys," Blair said, joining the hug.
"mikey, you never told me your girlfriend was THIS talented," Blair exclaimed, showing the boys some of the photos i'd just taken.
"woah what the hell!" Andy said and took the camera from Blair. All the boys crowded round Andy, looking at the camera.
"KATIE!! these are amazing!" Rye said.
"thank youu," I smiled.
"You've really got yourself a special one," Andy said to Mikey and patted him on the back.
"i really have," Mikey smiled and winked at me.
We all went through to do the meet and greet. Some of the girls kind of ignored me, mainly scowling at me for some unknown reason. Many of the girls did take photos with me, asked me questions about the boys such as "what's it like dating a boyband member" or "how annoying are all of the guys really?" or "is Blair a nice person?" Most if the Mikey girls had some fantastic questions, i got ones such as: "is Mikey good in bed" "is he really the biggest sweetheart?" "Does Mike give good hugs?" and so on, so on.
I smiled happily, meeting everyone, taking very cool photos
After the meet and greet, we all got out things and headed to the van and then the next concert venue.

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