Part Five ♡

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The group of them walked into the meet and greet room. Girls started to queue up to meet the boys. Katie stood at the side with a bottle of water in one hand and her phone in the other. Girl smiled at Katie and walked past, towards the boys.
"Katie! You were so amazing!" One girl said.
"Can we get a photo?" The girl added. Mikey glanced over at Katie and smiled.
"Yes, of course! Did you enjoy the show?" Katie asked.
"Yes, it was amazing! I can't believe it's the last tour date though," the girl said.
"I know, the boys have done so well!" Katie said.
"I know!" The girl said and then got her photo with Katie. They hugged and the girl went to meet the boys.
After two hours the queues died down and the meet and greet was over. Katie had been sat down for a while with Sophie, waiting for the boys to finish.
Mikey walked over to Katie and sat next to her.
"You enjoyed yourself?" Mikey asked Katie.
"Yeah! It's been a good day!" Katie said.
"Glad you've enjoyed yourself!" Mikey said. All the other boys walked over and Sophie looked up.
"You guys were amazing, you sounded even better with my sister," Sophie said and looked at Katie.
"Glad to hear it," Rye said.
"If Mikey gets his game together, there could possibly be more shows like that," Jack said and winked at Mikey. Katie giggled and looked down.
"Shut up, Jack." Mikey said and laughed.
"Katie! It was our last date for the tour today, why don't you come stay at ours tonight and see what it's like?" Brook said. Katie looked at Sophie then all the boys.
"Are you sure?" Katie asked.
"Yes! It'll be so funny, we could get to know you more aswell." Andy said.
"Let me ring my mum, I don't know how Sophie would get home?" Katie said.
"You can drop her off and we'll come to yours and pick you up. It'll give you time to pack a bag aswell," Rye said.
"Okay, well I'll see you later then!" Katie said, stood up and grabbed her jacket and bag. Mikey hugged her and Sophie followed Katie out.
"See you later Katie!" The boys shouted as the door shut behind Katie and Sophie.
Katie and Sophie walked over to Katies car and got in. Sophie plugged her phone in and played some of Roadtrip songs and covers. Katie started the car and drove home.
Katie pulled up outside her house after about 1-2hours. They both got out of the car and walked into the house.
"Mum! Dad! We're home!" Katie said. Lisa and Darren came to the door.
"Did you enjoy it?" Darren asked.
"Yeah, I'm going back out. I gotta pack a bag, is that okay?" Katie asked.
"Oooh yeah she's been invited to stay at Mikey's," Sophie said.
"Yeah, that's fine sweetie!" Lisa said.
"No drugs, no smoking," Darren said.
"Yes dad, I gotta go pack a bag!" Katie said and went to her room.
Katie opened her bedroom door, surprised by a Gizmo running towards her.
"Hey Giz!" Katie said and picked him up. She stroked him and then put him back down. Katie went over to her wardrobe and get a backpack and put a pair of pyjamas in, that were shorts and a vest top, her face wash, skin care and makeup wipes. She grabbed her hair bobbles and a hair brush and put them in the bag too. She grabbed a pair of blue, denim jeans and a white top. Katie also put her grey 'Roadtrip' hoodie in and some clean underwear and socks. She put her phone charger in the bag. Katie looked at her makeup and then looked away.
"No time for that," Katie said to herself. She walked back downstairs and put her bag in the hallway. Katie walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.
"So, when do we get to meet this Mikey?" Lisa asked.
"We're not even dating, mum!" Katie replied.
"But we still want to meet him! He sounds amazing from what you've been saying!" Darren said.
"Hmm hmm," Katie replied.
Katies phone suddenly vibrated.
Mikey to Katie:
Hey, we're outside. Do you want me to come knock on your door?xxx
Katie to Mikey:
No it's fine, I'm On my way!xxx
There was a knock at the door.
Mikey to Katie:
Too late!xxx
Katie stood up and went to open the door. Lisa and Darren followed. Katie opened the door.
"Hey!" Mikey said.
"Hey," Katie replied and smiled.
"So, you're Mikey?" Darren asked.
"Yeah..." Mikey replied.
"It's lovely to meet you, I'm Darren and his is Lisa!" Darren said.
"It's lovely to meet you," Mikey said and smiled.
"Right I'll carry your bag?" Mikey asked.
"No, I got it," Katie told him. She picked her bag up and walked out of the door with Mikey. Waving at her parents before the door shut.

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