Part Eighty Nine ♡

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Katie's POV

When we were both ready for the show, we headed down to the lobby to see all the boys and Blair waiting for us.
"take your time," Andy laughed as he saw us get out of the lift and walk over to them.
"this times it's not my fault," I laughed.
"i overestimated the time i had to shower," Mikey whined, holding his hands up in defence. Everyone laughed except Blair who was scowling at both me and Mikey.
"you need to learn how to manage your time," Blair said to us both. We both nodded and everyone hurried to get in the van.

When we arrived at the venue, there was already quite a few fans stood outside even 4 hours before the show. We all got out of the van, Blair all hurrying us inside.
After soundcheck and something quick to eat, VIP ticket holders were being let in. Me and Mikey stayed stood together, more and more people wanting photos with me separately, which was quite the shock. Happily taking photos with everyone, Mikey left me to it, heading over to meet others.
"don't you dare cheat on him," Some girl walked up to me and said.
"upset Mikey once and i'm genuinely going to run you over." Her friend said, obviously backing her up because they were friends.
"i wouldn't dream of it," I smiled, walking away from the girls and making my way back over to Mikey.
He saw me walking over to him and when i got to the side of him, he threw his around around my shoulders, hugging me in an awkward fashion but we got around it.
After VIP ended we had around 30 minutes before i had to go on as their support act. I sat down on the sofa, keeping quiet and picking my phone up.
"are you okay?" Mikey asked, sitting next to me and looking at me with concern.
"i'm fine," I said, not looking up at him.
"are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded and looked up at him, smiling.

We sat backstage for around 20 minutes and then my name was announced. I grabbed a mic and went onto stage; the crowds were getting louder. I sang two covers and then the boys came on with me to sing don't hurt yourself. After we'd sang Don't Hurt Yourself, we all rushed off stage.
"swear down that gets better everytime!" Rye exclaimed, pulling everyone into a group hug. We all turned around to see Blair walking through the door, clapping.
"that was the best you've ever done!" Blair exclaimed. We all smiled and then the boys were called to go onto stage. Blair walked over to me after the boys had left the room and handed me a camera.
"i love your photos," Blair said to me. I smiled and thanked him. Blair walked round to the front of the stage, leaving me to take photos.

"thank you Rome!!" The boys said as they ran off stage, Blair tapped me on the shoulder and i turned to walk back to the room with him. I handed Blair the camera back and sat down on the sofa, next to Mikey. Mikey threw him arm around my shoulders, pulling me into the side of him and kissing my temple.
"i think we should all have a celebration meal!" Rye exclaimed. "it was our first Rome show," He added.
"that sounds good," Andy replied.
"yeah, you all in?" Blair asked. We all nodded.
"Right! Get your things together and meet me in the van!" Blair exclaimed. Blair hurried off to the van, leaving us all collecting our things up.
After collecting our things, Mikey grabbed my hand and rushed to the van.
"are you that hungry?" I laughed, following behind him.
"yes!" He turned and exclaimed.
After me and Mikey got into the van, followed by the rest of the boys.
Blair drive us to, what he claimed, one of the fanciest restaurants.
When we arrived, Blair seemed pretty right about the fancy part. We walked in and the waiter took us to a table. We all sat down and Blair handed us all menus.
"Everything's so expensive!" I exclaimed.
"i was thinking that, Katie," Brook laughed.
"it's fine, all on me," Blair smiled, telling us it was fine and that he'll pay.
It didn't feel right letting my boyfriends manager pay for my food especially since we had to beg him to let me come on tour.

After Blair forcing us to order what we want, us ordering and eating and Blair paying for everything, we headed back to the hotel. Me and Mikey headed to our room, leaving the others sat in the hotels lounge having a drink.

"today was insane!" Mikey beamed as he fell onto the bed.
"it was!" I answered, taking my jacket off and laying it on the back of a chair. I walked over and laid next to mikey on the bed, propping myself up on my elbows and looking at him.
"shit, you know.." he paused. "when i first saw you.." He carried on. "god it was like an angel had just appeared in-front of me," Mikey smiled at me. I giggled as Mikey moved closer to me, leaning in to kiss me. I smiled, moving us both so Mikey was leant against the headboard and i was across his lap.
"God how i've missed us two," He whispered in my ear. I chuckled, my arms snaking around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. His lips trailed down to my neck and i pulled back.
"hey hey, remember what Blair said," I giggled.
"shut up, we don't have a show for two days," Mikey replies, placing his lips back on my neck and kissing at my skin, leaving definite marks behind.
In the next moment, we were both shirtless, Mikeys hand tightly gripping my bum, grinding my hips into his. He looked at me for a few seconds before cupping my face with his hands and connecting our lips. He laid me down on the bed, hovering over me, our lips still connected.
Mikey softly caressed my cheek with his hand before pressing his lips against mine once more. His hands moved down my side, tugging at the waistband of my jeans. I pulled back, helping him take them off, his jeans coming off straight after. I looked at him, my finger tracing over his tattoo on his chest, tracing the outline. I leant down to press my lips against his skin, I started at his jaw, slowly kissing my way to his neck, shoulder, collar bone and chest. Occasionally sucking his skin, definitely leaving a love bite or two. I slowly kissed and sucked at the parts of him i knew turned him on the most, earning me a few small moans.
His hand reached round to unclasp my bra, him throwing it across the room somewhere. His lips instantly attached to my neck, him sucking at my skin and then moving down to my chest. My hands tangled in his hair. He reached down and slowly reached for my panties, pulling them down slowly and me kicking them off, thrown on the floor somewhere.
As the kiss began to get more and more aggressive, i wrapped my legs up around Mikeys waist, him gasping at my sudden movement.
"Would you like to be able to walk tomorrow?" Mikey asked and laughed, looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders. Mikey raised an eyebrow at me and smirked as he lowered his boxers. He kicked them off and lowered himself between my legs. i felt him looking at me with a smug look on his face. I wasn't complaining but i sure wasn't the happiest either. I hated not being in control. With that thought i rolled us both over and straddled him, guiding his hands to my bum, which he squeezed appreciatively. We carried on kissing until Mikey decided to roll us both back over. I was laying down on the bed and he was on top of me. My legs were up around his back. He bit my lip.
"Fuck." I exhaled with a moan as he slid into me.
"You've got to stay quiet for me, okay katie?" Mikey whispered to me. Oh my god he's so hot.
"I don't know if I can." I said as I exhaled more, trying not to let any loud moans out.
"That's better." He grinned at me. He started to move down, making trails of hickeys down my neck and body and kissing back up.  I felt his hot breath against me. He slammed into me over and over, moans gradually getting louder. As we both reached our highs and finished, Mikey laid down next to me.
Just as Mikeys lips connected with mine again. We both crawled under the covers and fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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