Part Thirty One ♡

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Katies POV
i rang Cassidy again, she didn't answer so i gave up. I was worried about her to be honest. Mikey then came out of the shower with a towel wrapped round his waist and completely took my mind off of Cassidy.
"Oh sorry" mikey said. I just kind of looked at him. he's like.. naked, pretty much. "Wasn't sure if you were in here or not." he kind of looked around.
"Oh well I can get out for a second if you want to get dressed in h-" he cut me off.
"No i'm fine." he shot a quick smile while looking at me, and then his bag. I laid back down trying not to look at him. As he was clearly getting changed right in front of me. Right at the foot of my bed. So I just held my phone close to my face and pretended to scroll through Instagram, not really paying much attention to what was on the screen. I just needed it there to distract myself. But oh my god it was hard not to peek. His body is so- "You know what?" He interrupted my thoughts. "It's a lazy day anyways and i can't be bothered to go to nandos. I think I'll just stay in these." Of course. Only in his boxers.
"Yeah I guess you're right." I gave a smile, trying not to make anything awkward, but clearly failing.
"So. Do you want to watch a movie?" he said, still standing in front of me.
"Nobody else wants to make plans?" I was confused, as someone always comes up with something to do. "Nope. No plans today, aside from them going to Nandos."
"Okay then. Yeah. What movie?" I already knew what movie he was going to say. He had that mischievous look on his face and went over to my movie collection. "Mikey no!" I said once I saw him put the movie in. "What? Are you afraid of the Babadook?"
"Yes! I'm horrified of that movie. The only reason I have it is for Sophie." I rolled my eyes as he hopped into bed with me and put the covers over us.
"Guess I'll just have to hold you tight then, huh?" He knows how to make me blush. But he also thinks it's hilarious. "Come here." he chuckled and wrapped his comforting arms around me. We had a late start to our day and by time all of the previews were over it was about 5pm. So since my lights were off, the sun left a soft light in my room. The movie was horrifying of what I would remember. I must haven fallen asleep some time during the movie. Not for a long time though, there's still some sunlight shining through my window. At first I didn't realize and didn't feel anything because I had just woken up, but once my head started working again, I felt That I wasn't laying where I was before. I still hadn't moved yet or opened  my eyes. I realized I was cuddling Mikey by laying on top of him. I also felt that his hand was on my bum. This was new for me but I didn't want him to know I was awake. I didn't want him to move. But I knew I had to eventually so lifted my head up. My face was so close to his and I just wanted to stare into his eyes forever. I am extremely lucky. Mikey honestly makes me the happiest I've every been. He turns my bad days into good from only just being around him. He had one hand on my bum, and the other on the middle of my back. He moved the hand on my back, up to my face to move my messy hair out of the way. He started to smile a little but I just stared with a blank expression. staring into his eyes. I really couldn't see them that good since it was getting darker and he was facing away from the window. But that's not what was important. I mean, I've already established it before but right now it really hit me. This is what I want. I deserve this. I want to be in his arms forever because I just can't help the fact that i'm utterly in love with this boy. He started to talk while his smile got wider. "You're just so.." His smile faded slowly and he pulled my head close and kissed me. First a soft one. Then more. And more. The kisses got more aggressive as time went on. Before long he slid his tongue into my mouth. Oh my god. I have no words. He moved and sat up with his back against my headboard. I tucked my legs around his waist while sitting on his lap; our lips still connected. His hands were constantly moving all over me while I lightly grabbed onto his hair, sometimes tugging. I stopped as he started to take my top off.
"Wait." I paused. "Should we do this?" I was concerned wether or not this was right.
"Yes, Katie. I think we should." His voice was so soft.
"But it's still light in here. I don't wanna do it in the light." Whoops. I can't help that i'm self conscious about my body.
"That's fine." Mikey said as he stood up and closed the blinds. It was almost pitch black in there now, besides the little golden rays from the blinds peaking through. But honestly, I thought it made it even more sexy. While he was still stood up he looked down at me sitting on the bed. He started to take of my shirt, and this time I didn't stop him. Then he slipped my shorts off. I watched him look around for a second until he saw a wall that didn't have anything hanging up on. Suddenly he picked me up and brought me over to it. The next thing I know,  I was pinned to the wall, and let me tell you, He pushed me against the wall pretty aggressiv- wait. Oh my god. Harvey is in the room next door to us.

I was just minding my own business on laying down on my phone when suddenly I heard a big thump on the wall next to me.
"What the hell?" I nearly dropped my phone on my face. I walked out of the room and went to go knock on Katie's door. But first I decided to listen. Never mind I'm not going to knock. That's weird and I'm sure it w- OH MY GOD. I heard soft moans. Katie and Mikey are having sex. Just as i told mikey what i thought, he did this? I decided to just go back into my room. But that was a bad idea. As soon as I got in there I heard the moans were louder in there than by the door. Now I know what that thump was. Couldn't he have took her to a wall that wasn't against my room? It was like he was rubbing it in my face that i couldn't have her. Whatever. I'm going down stairs. I'm not listening to this.
"Hey Harvey." Andy said.
"Hey Andy."
"What's Katie and Mikey up to?" Sophie said. "Oh, just sleeping."
"Nothing new." Sophie laughed. So I decided to just sit in the living room with them all and watch TV.

By this time we were both fully naked. I was laying down on the bed and he was on top of me. My legs were up around his back. He bit my lip.
"Fuck." I exhaled with a moan as he slid into me.
"You've got to stay quiet for me, okay katie?" Mikey whispered to me. Oh my god he's so hot.
"I don't know if I can." I said as I exhaled more, trying not to let any loud moans out.
"That's better." He grinned at me. He started to move down, making trails of hickeys down my neck and body and licking back up. I felt his hot breath against me.

*Rye's POV*
"Does anyone want to actually get Nandos?"
"Um.. Yes? What kind of question is that!" Jack said.
"Alright, cool. I'm gonna go ask Katie and Mikey if they want to come"
"But they're sleeping" Harvey said.
"It's fine I'll just go ask. They won't be mad."
"No, I really think you shouldn't bother th-" I didn't really hear what he was saying because I walked away. I knocked on Katie's door. I didn't get a response so I figured they were still asleep. So I opened the door. They were both laying down under the covers looking at me. Why did they look so startled?

"Umm.. Did you need something." I wasn't expecting anyone to come in. I was still naked and mikey had just finished going down on me. I wasn't really in the mood for company.
"Sorry if I woke you. I was wondering if you'd like to come to Nandos with us?" Rye said. Oh, if only he knew.
"Yeah just give us a minute" Mikey said and pulled the covers further onto us.
"No we gotta leave now. It's going to close soon." Rye laughed.
"Okay well just go on we will be down in a second" I said. I really wished he would go. I was getting very uncomfortable.
"Come on guys, why can't you just come now- oh my god." He looked down to see Mikey's boxers and my clothes and under garments lying on the ground. "Were you- I'm so sorry." He turner around and walked out of my room, clearly embarrassed. Once he shut the door Mikey and I just looked at each other and chuckled. "Awkwarrddd." Mikey said and laughed again.
credits to brooklynscandy for being a babe and writing thissss bc i'm tooo cringe to write it myself lololol x

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