Part Seventy Seven ♡

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Mikeys POV
I woke up to hear bowls clattering and cups clinking in the kitchen. I sat up to see Brook and Jack getting something to eat, then i glanced at Katie, still sound asleep. Alfie was also still asleep, laid on his back, his paws in the air. I smiled, wrapping my arms around Katie and holding her closer to my chest. She was still sound asleep by the time it reached 11am, she's never been a person to sleep for that long. I reached to pick my phone up and had a quick look through twitter. People were ranting about how they hate that 'fans' can be mean to Katie and it really made me smile. I retweeted a few.
HOW CAN PEOPLE BE HORRIBLE TO KATIE?! She's so gorgeous and makes Mikey SO happy. Fuck off, all of you. Leave her alone. She's done nothing wrong.
You so called 'fans' need to actually get yourself together!! LEAVE KATIE ALONE!! She makes Mikey happy, Mikey makes Katie happy. Let them be happy together FGS
Katie, Mikeys girlfriend if you're behind, is so amazing. Don't attack me but she's there for the boys, she makes Mikey happy and she's all round gorgeous!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!
I smiled, reading more and more tweets about how people thought Katie was ace, I 100% Agree.
The next thing i knew, Alfie was bounding up my bed towards me and Katie, his little legs carrying himself as fast as possible. He jumped on Katie and curled up in between us both. Katies eyes opened and she rubbed them.
"Thanks for that Alf," Katie chuckled, stroking him.
"Afternoon," I laughed.
"Uh, it's morning," Katie smiled, looking at the time.
"Only just," I laughed.
"shut up," She said, laying back down.
"MIKE!" Andy shouted, barging through the door.
"that's my name," I smiled.
"GET UP! WE GOTTA GO!" Andy shouted.
"Okay, Okayyy!" I replied.
I went to get in a the shower while Katie and Jack took Alfie outside to do his business. I got dressed and then headed back into the front room.
"ready?" Andy asked me.
"Yep," I smiled.
"Katie are you coming with us?" Andy asked.
"Well, if that's not an issue?" Katie said.
"Of course it's not an issue, go get ready," Andy smiled.
Katie went to shower, taking her clothes with her. We all sat round to table, except Jack who was playing with Alfie, and waited for Katie to be ready.
After around half an hour, Katie walked back into the room wearing some black leggings and a white cropped tshirt. Her hair was tied into a bun on her head.
"You ready?" Rye asked Katie.
"Yep," Katie said, putting some socks on and grabbing a hoodie.
We all stood up, putting our shoes on. We left Alfie in the flat, hoping and praying he wouldn't make a huge mess.
We all left the flat, i locked the door behind us and we all separated into two cars. Rye, Andy and Jack in Rye's car, Me, Katie and Brook in Katie's car.
We arrived at the property to look around after around a 30 minute drive. We pulled into the drive and all got out of the cars.
"I already like it," Brook said.
"let's go have a look," Andy said. The landlord lent us some keys to have a look around and see how we felt.
Andy unlocked the door and we all walked in. We walked down a hallway, and then reached the bottom of the stairs, a kitchen to our right, another hallway to our left and stairs just in front of us.
"OKAY, we're so moving here," Rye exclaimed. We walked into the kitchen, an open plan one with room for a sitting area to the side with two doors leading into a conservatory.

4 hours later

After we looked around the entire house, we left, locking the door behind us.
"that place is amazing," Jack said.
"isn't it just!" Rye exclaimed.
"so have we decided on this one before we look at the others?" Andy asked.
"YES!" Everyone shouted.
"well, then we can all avoid Mikey and Katie being disgusting and cringey," Jack laughed.
"we're not that bad!" Katie exclaimed.
"keep telling yourself that," Brook laughed.
"i'm sure i will," Katie chuckled.
We all got back into the cars and headed back to the flat.
When we walked through the front door, Alfie was laid smack bang in the middle of the sofa, fast asleep.
"HAS HE SHIT ANYWHERE?!" Andy shouted, searching the room for and signs of dog poo.
"He's house trained," I laughed, sitting down next to Alfie and stroking his tummy. His ears perked up, his eyes opened and the next thing i knew he was sat on my lap, his paws resting on me ribs and he was trying to lick my face. I smiled, making him lay down on my lap and stroking him.
"We should get a dog," Jack suggested, coming to sit next to me, Alfie instantly jumping into Jacks lap.
"we will, all comes in time," Andy said. That's when Ryes phone started ringing.
"it's Blair," Rye said, quickly answering the phone.
"What?" "no we've just gotten back" "You want us there NOW?" "yes okay, we're gonna be there soon," "Bye"
"what was that about?" Brook asked.
"Blair wants us for your preparations, now," Rye said.
"at 5pm?" Jack asked.
"Yep," Rye said.
"We better get going then," Andy said.
"Yeah we should," Rye and Jack said. All the boys stood up, Mikey leant over, kissing me quickly and then rushing for his shoes.
"We won't be long," Mikey said as everyone rushed out of the door.
"See you later," I smiled.
"See you," Mikey chirped as he shut the door behind him. I moved to sit on Mikey bed, scrolling through twitter to see lots of tweets about me. What have i done now?

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