Part Twenty Six ♡

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Sophie and all the boys walked through the door laughing and talking loudly, waking Mikey and Katie up.
"do they not know what quiet is?" Mikey said to  Katie and sat up.
"obviously not" Katie said and got out of bed. She opened the door and shouted downstairs.
"can you please be quiet, me and mikey are trying to sleep!" Katie shouted.
"ooh yeah sorry, we forgot," Andy shouted back.
"thank youuu," Katie said and went back into her room. Katie got back into bed with Mikey and they both just listened to them all talking and shouting, after being asked to be quiet. Then they heard whining from Gizmo stood outside Katies room. Katie stood up and went to get Gizmo. She picked Gizmo up from outside her door and brought him into her room.
"i'm not sharing you with a dog" Mikey said to Katie and laughed.
"you don't have to," Katie said and laughed. She put Gizmo on some cushions so he was comfy and then she got back into bed with Mikey.
"Good," Mikey said and put his arms back around Katie. They both fell asleep for the second time. Everyone else eventually got to bed and slept.
It had just gone 10am when Katie woke up. Mikey was still asleep so Katie got up and had a shower quickly. After Katie had showered, she dried her hair and straightened it. Katie walked back into her room and saw Mikey sat up on Katies bed while on his phone.
"your hair dryer was being too loud," Mikey said and looked up.
"sorry but i had to shower and i can't stand wet hair." Katie replied and sat back on her bed with Mikey.
"you smell nice, like peaches or something" Mikey said and looked back down at his phone. Katie then picked her phone up and had a look at her socials and things. She checked her dms on instagram and there was a message from a roadie.
*the message said*
hey katie, i don't know if you'll see this but it's worth a try. TELL THE BOYS TO RELEASE AN AFTER THE SHOW MUSIC VIDEO PLEASE!! and also please try to get andy to reply to my dm, it's really serious.
you're also so pretty and funny, Mikeys a lucky guy!! Xx
After reading the message Katie stood up.
"i'll be two seconds." Katie said and wandered off to Andy and Jacks room. She knocked on the door to see if anyone was awake.
"oh hey Katie," Andy said after opening the door while rubbing his eyes.
"morning, and read this," Katie said and handed Andy her phone with the message displayed on the screen. Andys eyes scanned the message.
"Awe they said you're pretty! That's so sweet," Andy said.
"Shut up fovvs and go reply to her message ahah," Katie replied.
"Ok ok," Andy said and picked his phone up. Katie walked back to her room to see Mikey rolling around on the floor with Gizmo.
"I'll just leave you to it," Katie said and began walking back out of the room.
"noooooo!" Mikey said and jumped up and grabbed Katie's arm.
"what?" Katie said as she spun round to Mikeys face almost touching hers.
"don't go" Mikey said in a sweet voice. Katie smiled at him as Gizmo ran past them both and shot off downstairs.
"I'm hungry, come on," Katie said as he spun back around and walked downstairs. Mikey followed her but on the way down Mike ydecided to run down the stair and pass Katie. He slipped on the bottom step and fell into a pile of shoes that had been left from the night before. After they both finished laughed and Katie had helped Mikey back up, they both walked into the kitchen to see Rye and Cassidy having a conversation while drinking cups of tea. Katie could tell just by looking at Cassidy's face that something had upset her. Trying to lighten the mood, Katie offered everyone bacon and eggs.
"ill take some please, babe." Mikey said.
"Me too, please," Cassidy and Rye also said.
Katie made the food and handed them all plates with food on. Andy soon appeared after Katie had served the breakfast.
"Hey, Katie? Can i talk to you?" Andy said.
"Sure," Katie replied and headed outside. She sat down on the bench on her decking and crossed her legs. Andy sat next to her.
"so, whats up?" Katie asked Andy.
"well, Jack mentioned something last night and i was just wondering about something," Andy began to say.
"yeah, okay?" Katie said.
"yeah.. uhm.. he said something about how you two had been seeing each other, even though you're with Mikey?" Andy said.
"no! What the hell? The only thing we've spoken about is food.." Katie said.
"okay, i was just wondering because i didn't want Mikey getting hurt like e had before," Andy said.
"I wouldn't dream of hurting Mikey, Andy. He's the best person!" Katie exclaimed.
"okay, maybe Jack was just half asleep or something, i don't know!" Andy said.
"oh well, if he brings it up again just stick up for me," Katie said and laughed.
"anytime," Andy said. They both stood up and went back inside. Jack had made an appearance now and was sat in the chair Katie was sat on. Katie just looked at Jack, then went to sit on Mikey knee, seen as though she didn't have a chair.
"oh hello," Mikey said and laughed as Katie sat down on him.
"hey aha," Katie said back.
"whats up with you?" Mikey asked Katie.
"Nothing, I've just had my chair nicked," Katie said and looked at Jack. Jack just laughed.
"sorry, i didn't know," Jack said.
"It's fine," Katie said as Mikey put one of his arms round Katie's waist and his other hand holding a cup of tea.
"I need to speak to you later,Jack," Katie said to Jack.
"Okay," Jack said. "how about we just go talk now?" Jack added.
"yeah sure," Katie said. Jack and Katie both stood up and headed to where Katie and Andy were just sat.
"so, whats up" Jack asked Katie as he sat down.
"well," Katie began.

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