Part twenty Four ♡

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Katie spun round to see glass shattered all over the kitchen work top.
"for fucks sake," Katie said and went over to the window that was smashed. She saw a car, a car that looked exactly like her ex's, driving away from her house at full speed. Mikey came running downstairs as he was the only one awake that had heard the window smash.
"hey! what's happened?" Mikey asked as he ran over to Katie.
"someone's just thrown something and smashed the windowww," Katie whined.
"do you know who it was?" Mikey asked.
"well, i saw the car drive away and it looked like Harry's, my ex," Katie said.
"haven't you had trouble with him before?" Mikey asked.
"yeah, the second time i met you and i came back here to get some stuff and he was sat in my room," Katie told Mikey.
"maybe he has head problems," Mikey suggested.
"yeah, maybe," Katie said. "But what am i going to do about the window?" Katie added.
"just ring someone up about it tomorrow. Shut the curtains and go to bed. We'll sort it tomorrow," Mikey said.
"okay," Katie said as she shut the curtains. Mikey and Katie both headed upstairs and went into Katies room.
Katie got changed into some shorts and a oversized tshirt and Mikey got into some joggers and got into bed. Katie got in next to him. Mikey pulled Katie closer to him and kissed her. They both fell asleep after a bit.
~The next day~
Katie and Mikey were still fast asleep until Sophie and Brooklyn burst into Katies room.
"KATIE! KATIE!" Sophie said and shook Katie violently to wake her up.
"What?" Katie said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Why is there glass all over the worktop?" Sophie asked.
"someone smashed the window last night," Katie said as Mikey sat up.
"we think it was Harry, her ex," Mikey said.
"ew," Sophie said.
"yeah, i'll go ring someone for you Katie," Mikey said and picked his phone up.
"okay, thank you," Katie said as mikey walked out of the room to ring a window fitter.
Sophie and Brook then walked out and they went back into Sophie's room. Katie laid back down in bed and fell back asleep.
Around an hour later Mikey walked back into Katies room and laid down on top of her.
"hey gorgeous," Mikey whispered in Katie ear. Katie hid her head under the pillows and groaned.
"no go away i want to sleep!" Katie whined.
"oh fine," Mikey said and sat up. "there's a man coming to fit you a new window at 4pm by the way," Mikey told Katie.
"okay, thanks," Katie said and sat up next to Mikey.
Mikey looked at Katie and smiled. Her hair was messy, her oversized tshirt was hung off one shoulder and the duvet was covering her legs.
"wow, you really are gorgeous," Mikey said and put his arm round Katie and pulled her in close.
"you're so cute, what did i ever do to deserve you?" Katie said and looked up at Mikey.
"no, what did i do to deserve you? a beautiful young woman." Mikey replied.
"you're too cute," Katie said as she stood up.
"where you going?" Mikey asked as Katie walked towards her bathroom.
"to shower.." Katie replied as she disappeared into her bathroom.
Mikey headed downstairs to leave Katie to do what she needed to do. He walked into the kitchen to see the rest of the boys and Sophie sat round the table.
"morning Mikey," Andy said.
"morning," Mikey replied.
"where's Katie?" Sophie asked Mikey.
"see in the shower," Mikey told sophie and sat down, in between Jack and Rye.
"Did Katie say anything about Cassidy this morning?" Rye asked.
"No, she was complaining about me waking her up," Mikey said. Everyone laughed.
"that's our Katie," Sophie said and laughed.
The boys and Sophie continued to talk until katie walked into the kitchen.
No makeup, jeans, her half wet hair hung on her shoulders and Mikey's hoodie. Mikey stared. Katie walked over and sat down on Mikey's knee.
"sorry there's no chairs," Katie said and laughed.
"it's fine, you're not heavy," Mikey said and put his hands loosely round Katie's waist.
"what've you all been talking about?" Katie asked everyone.
"Nothing really," Andy said. Rye began to say something but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Katie stood up and went to open it. It was the window fitter.
"hey, i've come to fix your window," The man said.
"thought you weren't coming until four?" Katie said.
"my job before got called off," The man said.
"okay, it's the window in the kitchen, to the left of the sink," Katie said and stepped back so the window fitter could go inside. Gizmo saw the man and went bounding towards him. Before Gizmo got there Katie swiftly picked Gizmo up and took him outside. She then walked back into the kitchen and sat back on Mikey's knee.
"we should go for a meal after this mans gone," Jack suggested.
"sure," Katie and Rye said.
"i'm down," Brook said.
"yeah that's a good idea," Andy, Mikey, Sophie said.
"where you thinking?" Katie asked Jack.
"anywhere with food," Jack replied.
"Didn't we drive past a Nando's when we were coming up?" Rye asked Andy. 
"yeah, it's about 30 minutes away," Andy said.
"well, we'll go there then. If everyone's okay with that?" Katie said.
"yeah that's fine," Everyone said.
~1hour 30Minutes later~
The window fitter had done the window and charged Katie. He left and then everyone else head off to get changed for the meal. Katie and Mikey went into Katies room, Brook and Sophie went into Sophie's room, Jack and Andy all went into the spare room and Rye went into Cassidy's. Him not knowing Cassidy was in there because he thought she was coming later on.
After Rye walked into the room, there was a scream.
"OH MY GOD," Rye shouted. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME," Rye continued. Cassidy was laughing at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Cassidy said and stood up to hug Rye.
"i thought you weren't coming til later?" Rye said.
"i wasn't, but i came for you," Cassidy said and smiled at Rye.
"oh come here," Rye said as he embraced Cassidy in his arms.
"i've missed you, you know," Cassidy said still hugging Rye.
"i've missed you too," Rye said and kissed Cassidy's forehead.
While Cassidy and Rye were talking and getting ready for the meal, Katie, now in an oversized tshirt and short shorts, and Mikey, in shorts and shirtless, were dancing to proper rave music together and play fighting. Sophie, Jack, Andy and Brook were all ready and waiting. They were all sat downstairs waiting.
~20 minutes later~
Rye and Cassidy were now waiting with the rest of them and Katie and Mikey were still listening to music and laughing at each other. Neither of them had made a slight bit of changed since they had gotten upstairs.
Eventually Sophie had had enough of waiting and stormed upstairs and straight into Katies room. Katie and Mikey were in shambles laughing and laid in Katies bed.
"GUYS! hurry up!!" Sophie shouted at them.
"go without us, we can't be arsed," Katie said and sat up.
"urgh fine!" Sophie said and stormed back downstairs. Everyone groaned and stood up, they out their shoes in and left.
Mikey and Katie were left in the house alone. Suddenly Katies phone rang, it was her dad.

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