Part Sixty Nine ♡

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Katies POV
I carried on doing my makeup while Mikey went to shower. I was really nervous to meet his mum, he said she already loves me but i'm not sure.
I finished my makeup and began straightening my hair before Mikey walked into my room.
"what're you gonna wear?" He asked me after getting dressed himself.
"My black jeans and a tshirt tucked in," I replied. He nodded and sat on my bed, his phone in his hand. I finished straightening my hair and went to sit next to him, in one of his jumpers and lacy underwear.
"have you not seen my phone?" I asked again. He shook his head and wrapped his arm around me.
"no? i heard it go off loads last night though," He said. I nodded and rested my head against him. I'd been getting hate recently, over the last four days, and i didn't want to tell or show Mikey. It wasn't anything bad until i was looking yesterday.
'just kill yourself, Mikey would be happier'
That one comment, over and over again in my head. Making me feel so much worse about my self. Maby he would he happier if i just, left.
'didn't think Mikey would go for a fat twat like you'
I was so self conscious of my body, i always dreaded comments that were aimed at my body. I work out, i eat what i should, i try to stay active, weighing 8 stone and being 19 isn't what you would call normal. I knew i wasn't fat, i knew i wasn't overweight but comments like that tipped me, scared i was too fat, scared i was overweight. Mikey reminded me every time he grabbed my arse, wrapped his arms around my waist that i wasn't too fat, too skinny, that i was just right for him and that made me smile. But one day, he could get fed up with me, i always try to keep my relationships together but they never work out.
"hey hey, why are you crying?" Mikey asked, knocking me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realised.
"oh what? no reason, it's nothing," I said, quickly wiping my eyes and moving back to my desk, making sure i hadn't messed up my makeup. Mikey moved off my bed and came over to me. Wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"why were you crying" He asked.
"it's nothing, can we talk about this later?" I asked, not wanting to ruin the day.
"fine, just tell me if you want to leave later. I want to make sure you're okay," He said, kissing my temple and standing back up. I nodded and walked over to my side draw, opening it to grab my purse. Then seeing my phone.
"i found my phone," I smiled and waved it around. Dreading to see what people had to say today.
"ignore your phone, we gotta go." Mikey said to me. I put my phone in my bag and quickly got dressed. I put on my black jeans, a white Levi's tshirt tucked into my jeans. I grabbed one of Mikeys hoodies, pulling that on and then putting my denim jacket on.
"come onnn," Mikey whined, stood at the door.
"i'm coming!" i replied and grabbed my bag. I headed to the front door, us both putting our shoes on and then heading out to the car.
"wow, we're on time," Mikey laughed, looking at the time, 9:29. I laughed and mikey showed me the directions to his mums. I started the car and began driving to his mums house.

After driving for around an hour, we were both hungry. We pulled into a service station and headed for something to eat. We both sat down and tried to decide what we were going to eat.
"There's a Burger King," Mikey suggested.
"yeah, sounds good," I smiled.
"what do you want?" He asked.
"Uh can i have a chicken burger with a diet coke please," I asked.
"yep, i'll be as quick as i can," He smiled, headed over to order our food. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began looking at instagram. It was a bad idea, i knew it was. I looked at my comments.
"you don't deserve Mikey"
"since when did Mikey date a smoker?"
"bet you do weed too ahahha dirty girl"
"honestly just kill yourself"
"can't wait for Mikey to see what a huge mistake he's made dating you"
I turned my phone off as i felt tears present in my eyes. I glanced up, seeing Mikey walking back to the table with the food. I blinked a few times, pushing back tears.
"you okay?" Mikey asked, placing the tray in the table and sitting opposite me.
"yeah, just got something in my eye," I lied. He nodded. i knew he didn't believe me but it's not something i want to talk about. Mikey handed me my food and we both ate. I hardly ate anything due to me feeling like shit.
"are you sure you're okay?" Mikey asked me.
"yeah," I smiled. He nodded me took our rubbish to the bin.
We both then headed back to the car. I began driving towards Mikeys mums once again.

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