Part seventeen ♡

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The car stopped and they all got out of the car. They were stood facing Wembley stadium.
"Why are we here?" Mikey asked.
Blair's car pulled up before anyone could answer. He got out of his car and walked over to them all.
"Happy birthday Mikey!" Blair said.
"Thanks Blair! Now can someone answer my question," Mikey said.
"Oh were totally not performing here tonight alongside Anne Marie, Justin Beibe, Shawn Mendes, The Weekend, Cardi B and a few others," Rye said. Mikey was shocked, so was Katie as she didn't know anything about this.
"AND... Katie and Cassidy are part of the dancers!" Andy said before anyone could say anything.
"AND, Katie is singing 'this is me' with you again!" Blair said.
"You're joking?" Mikey asked, excitedly.
"Nope were not joking," Andy and Rye said.
Katie and Cassidy looked at each other and squealed.
"Oh my God this is so exciting!!" Katie and Cassidy said.
"Come on, everyone in! It's gonna be so good tonight, you're gonna smash it!" Blair said and hurried everyone inside.
"What time are we performing?" Mikey asked as they walked Into their dressing room.
"7pm, straight after Beiber!" Blair said.
"Woah, straight after Justin?" Everyone asked Blair.
"Yeah," Blair said. Everyone sat down on the chairs and just talked as it was only 5:30 pm.
"Right, you all need to get ready. Katie, Cassidy, the other dancers are in the room down the hall," Blair said. Katie and Cassidy stood up. Mikey stood up and went over to Katie, he put his hands on her waist and kissed her forehead.
"I'll see you later," Mikey said. Rye smiled at Cassidy.
"See you!" Katie said and walked out of the room, pulling Cassidy along with her. Rye and Mikey waved at the girls as they left and as the door shut they sat back down.
Katie and Cassidy walked into the dancers dressing room.
"Hey!" Katie said as she walked into the dressing room, followed by Cassidy.
"Oh my god! Hey!" One of the dancers said.
"You're Katie and Cassidy right?" Another dancer asked.
"Yeah, that's us!" Cassidy said.
"I'm Amber," said the tall brunette.
"I'm Georgia," said the blonde one.
"I'm Harley," said the tall one with purple hair.
"And I'm Melissa," said the short one with red hair.
"Hey, I'm Katie," Katie said.
"And I'm Cassidy," Cassidy added.
"You're both so gorgeous!" Amber said and walked over to Katie and Cassidy, giving each of them hugs.
"Where did you get your hair dye from?" Melissa asked Katie.
"I don't uhm dye my hair, this is my natural colour," Katie said.
"Well, it's gorgeous. There's so many different tones and colours." Melissa added.
"Thank you, I guess," Katie said.
"Well! Let's get changed into our clothes!" Amber said as she pulled a clothes rack into the middle of the room.
They all got changed into some black shorts, a white vest top and a flannel shirt tied around their waist.
"You all look amazing!" Harley said to everyone.
"We actually do!" Melissa agreed. Everyone nodded and smiled.
"How long until we go on?" Katie asked.
"Two minutes," Georgia said.
"Okay," Katie said and grabbed her bag. She got her purse out and walked to the vending machine and got a bottle of water. She walked back to the dressing room and then Amber grabbed her hand.
"COME ON GIRLS! WE GOT THIS!" Amber, Georgia, Harley and Melissa shouted. Cassidy grabbed hold of Katies hand and got pulled to backstage. The boys were already stood there and Mikey instantly saw Katie. He walked over to her.
"You're gonna smash it!" Katie said to Mikey excitedly.
"So are you, I'm so excited. This has been the best birthday," Mikey said.
"Awe, I love you," Katie said and smiled.
"I love you too," Mikey said and wrapped his arms round her before getting pulled onto the stage by Andy. The girls followed the boys out and got into their positions. Katie and Cassidy were the front line.
The music started and the boys started signing, the girls started dancing, getting everyone move and step correct.
After the boys sang three of their original songs, the dancers ran off.
"Katie, quick. You're singing with them next. Go get changed into the jeans you came in, QUICK!" Blair said to Katie. The boys were just talking to the crowd and having a laugh.
Katie rushed back to the dressing room and changed into her jeans. She let her long hair down and brushed it quickly. She had a quick drink of water and then rushed back to backstage.
"I'm here! I'm ready!" Katie said.
"BOYS! She's ready!" Blair shouted to the boys in the stage.
"Okay, So we're going to sing out version of 'this is me' with a special guest. She performed at one of our shows while we were on tour," Andy started.
"She's amazing and you will actually love this," Mikey continued.
"This is KATIE!" Rye shouted. Blair pointed Katie to go into the stage. Katie walked into stage and the crowd clapped and cheered.
"WHOS READY?" Mikey said.
The crowd clapped and cheered again. The music began and the boys sang their parts. Everyone was smiling and Katie and Mikey were holding hands and singing together. It got to Katies solo and she began singing. The crowd went quiet but she carried on. After she had finished the entire crowd clapped and cheered and screamed, loud enough for you not to be able to hear Andy sing again.
The music finished and the crowd clapped and screamed. They all ran off stage.
"Told you that you'd smash it," Blair said and smiled at them all. Cassidy ran down the hall and into the backstage area.
"You were amazing!" Cassidy said to them all.
"Thank you!" The boys and Katie replied. Katie sat down on one of the chairs and had a drink of water.
"Right we better get going," Blair said.
"Yeah, it's late and I'm tired," Andy agreed. Everyone stood up and walked out of the venue and got into the car.
"Bye Blair!" Everyone said and the car door shut and they started their journey back to the boys flat.

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