Part Sixty Eight ♡

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Katies POV
"oooh, don't you look good," They said as i spun around to be facing a shirtless Ryan Beaumont.
"Rye!" I exclaimed, grabbing my jumper and putting it on quickly.
"what?" He asked, holding his hands in the air innocently, looking me up and down.
"get out!" I said, literally pushing him out of the bathroom.
"i need the toilet though," He whined.
"urgh fine!" I groaned and walked back into my room with my things, slamming the door behind me.
"what's up with you?" Mikey asked, sitting down on my bed after changing into some joggers and a tshirt.
"Rye just walked into the bathroom while i was getting changed and washing my face!" I exclaimed and laid on my bed, after putting my things on my desk.
"and?" Mikey asked.
"i was stood in my underwear," I whined and rested my head on Mikey's chest. Mikey wrapped his arms round me.
"well, you stood in underwear is a sight a lot of people would want to see," Mikey said, causing me to laugh.
"yeah, sure," I chuckled. He just nodded and rested his head against mine.
"Where's Alfie?" I asked, realising he wasn't sat on my bed.
"Cassidy came to take him for his food," Mikey told me. I nodded and cuddled into Mikey, his arm around me, holding me close to him.

Mikeys POV
I sat, smiling at this beautiful girl cuddled up to me. She deserved the absolute world and i really wish i could give it to her. I couldn't wait to move into the new house with the boys, literally five minutes away from Katies flat. I was unbelievably happy at this point in my life, a beautiful, caring girlfriend, living with my four best friends, 2 million fans and counting, moving into a new house, touring Europe. I couldn't wish for anything better. That's when i realised Katie had fallen asleep on me. I turned the tv off and covered us both with the covers.
Just as i was dropping off to sleep, Katies phone started vibrating like mad. I know i shouldn't of looked, but i did.
(katiebarnsleyy); Ew what the fuck? Mikeys dating this? Didn't think he'd go for a girl that smoked?? 🤢
(Katiebarnsleyy); As if man, how the hell? fucking kill yourself 🔪
(katiebarnsleyy); roadiesforever mentioned you in a comment- YES GUYS THIS IS THE SCRUB MIKEY IS DATING HOW DISGUSTING WhEEzE🤢
(katiebarnsleyy); Added into a group chat named 'GET THE NEW GF OUT'
(katiebarnsleyy); I'm a new fan, and i see one of the boys are dating this? jesus christ. hope she goes to hell 😶
(katiebarnsleyy); Message from roadietilidie; mate get your shit and leave. Mikey can do so much better than you. Get a life or end yours xo
I sat, stunned at what i was reading. More and more comments and messaged piling in. Fans were saying these things. I guessed that the fandom was brutal but not this brutal, not 'kill yourself' brutal anyway. I didn't know what to do. I turned her phone off and put it in one of her drawers.
I wrapped my arms tightly around Katie once more and began to fall asleep. I was woken up by the door being flung open. Me and Katie sitting up instantly.
"MIKEY! KATIE!" Cassidy shouted.
"what?" we both mumbled.
"you'll never guess who won the xfactor," I groaned and fell back down onto Katies bed.
"go on? who?" Katie asked.
"oh dear oh dear," Katie said, shaking her head.
"I KNOW!" Cassidy shouted, laughing as she walked out of the door, shutting it behind her.
"What time is it?" Katie asked as she laid back down next to me. I looked at my phone and then turned to Katie.
"11pm," I told her.
"okay," she smiled and shut her eyes again. I had to find a way to stop her from looking at her phone. Then i had an idea. i picked my phone up and quickly texted my mum.
Me- are you home tomorrow?x
Mum❤️- Yeah, your grandad is coming round for a few. Why?x
Me- Do you wanna meet Katie?x
Mum❤️- Yes yes yes! oh mikey that sounds wonderful!x
Me- we'll be there for 11?x
Mum❤️- Okay sweetie, see you then x
I smiled and put my phone down. Me and Katie had been together for a year and five months and my mum still hadn't met her, i thought it'd be nice.
"who were you texting?" Katie asked me when i rolled back over to face her.
"My mum," I smiled and brushed a bit of hair out of her face so i could see her properly.
"when are we meeting her?" Katie asked.
"tomorrow," I smiled.
"that's amazing! What time are we leaving?" She asked.
"about half 9," I said.
"okay," she smiled and shut her eyes, falling back asleep. I picked my
phone back up and messaged the group chat.
The lads💗
Me- Oi you lot, i'm taking Katie to meet my mum tomorrow.
Rye- But we have tour preparation
Andy- yeah we do
Jack- you cant skip that
Me- if it stops katie from looking at her phone, i can and i will.
Brook- why what's happened?
Andy- Yeah what's happened?
Me- She's getting loads of hate again and i don't know why? We've been together for over a year now.
Jack- It could've been because of this?
Rye- cos of what?
Andy- what?
Me- yeah what?
Brook- What?
Jack- This was on her snapchat a few days ago while we all went for a meal and she stayed with some friends down birmingham

Me- people are mad because she went to a party wHERE THERE WAS ALCOHOL Brook- OH DEAR NORye- NOT ALCHOL!!!Andy- OH DEAR🤠Me- i hate us we're so funny😂Jack- ofc we areAndy- forever and always Rye- I feel like it could be more the cigsMe- mate they...

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Me- people are mad because she went to a party wHERE THERE WAS ALCOHOL
Andy- OH DEAR🤠
Me- i hate us we're so funny😂
Jack- ofc we are
Andy- forever and always
Rye- I feel like it could be more the cigs
Me- mate they're not hers..
Rye- I know but people could be getting arsey over it
Jack- that's what i thought
Andy- And cos we say we don't drink i dunno, people are just getting butthurt.
Me- god sake, whatever i'm off to bed. Just tell Blair it was an emergency.
Jack- of course mate
Andy- yeah ofc
Rye- got it
Brook- have a good day x
Me- thank you guys x
i put my phone down and held Katie close to me again and i fell asleep soon after.

I woke up to Katie playing music through the tv and her sat at her desk doing her makeup. She spun round to look at me and smiled.
"morning," She said.
"morning," I replied and smiled.
"have you seen my phone?" She asked.
"No," I lied. "why?" I asked.
"just wondered, i wanted to check instagram." She smiled and turned back around. God if only she knew.

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