Part thirty five ♡

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Brooks POV

I was woken up by Sophie flinging her room
door open and knocking it into her dressing table.
"Broook?" she slurred her words as she nearly fell forwards. I got out of bed and went over to her.
"i'm here," i said and helped her stand straight.
"i love you so much, you know," she said, her words still being quite hard to make out, while looking into my eyes.
"come on, you're drunk. let's get you into bed," i said and helped her sit down on her bed.
"i cant reach my zip on my dress," she said to me. "can you do it for me?" she asked me.
"uh.. sure," i said hesitantly. Sophie stood up so i could reach her zip on her dress. after i'd unzipped her dress i handed her one of her tshirts and a pair of shorts and let her get changed. I got back into bed and waited for her to wipe her makeup off.
After she'd got changed and cleaned her face she came and got into bed. For the first time, she cuddled into me properly; it wasn't like a half hug it was a full on cuddle.
"night Brook," she said to me and fell asleep. I fell asleep soon after her.


Sophie's POV
I woke up with a banging headache and being cuddled by Brook. My head was resting on his chest and one of his arms were round me. I rolled over and saw my dress from last night on the floor, crumpled up. I cant remember anything. what the fuck happened?
"Brook!" i said and started to shake him.
"BROOK?!" i shouted. His eyes opened wide and he looked at me.
"what?" he asked, propped himself up on one of his arms and rubbed his eyes.
"what happened last night?" i asked, scared that something might've happened.
"uh, you came in absolutely smashed and then you told me you loved me," he began to say.
"i do love you, did you say it back?" i said.
"no, i just thought you'd said it because you were drunk?" he replied.
"oh," i was quite disappointed he thought i only said it because i was drunk..
"and then you couldn't get your dress off so you asked me to help you," he told me.
"wait did you see me naked??" i asked.
"no! no no, i let you get changed while i got back into bed," he said.
"oh thank god," i was relived. I laid back down next to brook. He put his arms round me and we stayed like that for a few minutes, in silence.
"i do love you," i said and looked up at him.
"i love you too, Soph," he replied. my heart nearly popped. he leant in and he kissed me. A smile formed on my lips causing brook to pull away.
"told you i loved you," he said and smiled.
"you're so cringey," i said and laughed.
"leave me alone!" Brook whined. I laughed again and cuddled back into him.

Katies POV
I woke up to mikey doing something in the bathroom, i heard a huge bang.
"Shit.." i heard him say. He walked out of the bathroom, in only his boxers, and looked at me.
"uhhh, i broke your hair dryer thing," he said while holding up two parts of a hair dryer.
"what do you mean?" i asked.
"the end thingy came off," He told me. i shook my head and laughed.
"that's meant to come off," i said.
"OH! never mind then," he said and laughed.
"what were you doing anyway?" i asked.
"i was about to get in the shower," he told me.
"oh right, okay. You go have your shower," i said to him. He nodded and went back into the bathroom. I laid back down and fell back asleep.


I felt one side of my bed dip and then someone lay on top of me.
"hey gorgeous," mikey whispered into my ear.
"get off you're heavy," i whispered back.
"WOW. so i'm fat now?" he said and sat up, one of his legs either side of me.
"no, i didn't say that."
"yes you did,"
"no i said you were heavy, my little body can't handle it," i said to him. He laughed and looked at my legs.
"little?!" he said. "you have the longest legs," he stated.
"that's mean," i said and laughed.
"oh well,"
"get. off. of. me." i said.
"fiiinnee," he said and sat next me to. i let out an over exaggerated breath out as he got off of me. he laughed at me and then he picked his phone up.
"oh god, have you seen Sophie's snapchat?" he asked me.
"no," i said and picked my phone up. I looked at Sophie's snapchat and she was hammered, like i'm surprised if she remembers anything from last night.
"bet she feels rough this morning," Mikey said.
"wouldn't surprise me, she looks smashed," i said.
"lets go see," Mikey said. I agreed and we both went to sophie's room. i knocked.
"come in," we heard brook say. we both opened the door to see Sophie still asleep, cuddled into brook and Brook on his phone.
"oh so now she's 18 you two are a thing now?" mikey said and laughed.
"oh mate, leave it out," Brook said and laughed. 
"well from what i can see you look like a thing," i said.
"leave us alone, she's asleep," Brook said.
"has she already been awake?" i asked.
"yeah, she's just fallen back asleep," he told me.
"ah okay," i said. We then heard the front door fling open.
"KATIE?!" someone shouted from downstairs.

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