Part Sixty Five ♡

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Katies POV
Me, Andy, Rye and Alex all walked slowly back to the hotel. When we walked through the hotels lobby, i got a text from Brook.
Brook🙉- Give mikey some space, stay with Jack tonight and i'll stay with Mikey. Okay?x
Me- Can i not talk to him or does he currently hate me? x
Brook🙉- Hates a strong word, id just say he doesn't feel like speaking to you. x
Me- okay, you'll have to bring my bag to Jacks room them x
Brook🙉- It's already there, don't worry about it x
Me- thank you x
We got into the lift and walked towards the rooms. I walked past mine and Mikey and towards Jacks when Rye stopped me.
"you've gone past your room," Rye said.
"i'm staying with Jack and Brooks gonna stay with Mikey tonight," I told him.
"are you sure?" Andy asked me, Rye asking the same thing.
"it's fine, Jacks funny i'm sure he'll cheer me up," I smiled.
"Okay, we'll see you in the morning," Rye, Andy and Alex said as they went into their room and i walked into Jacks.
"there she isss," Jack jumped out from behind the wall, trying to scare me. I laughed slightly and sat down on the bed, a double bed, fuck.
"don't worry about the bed situation, already thought about it," Jack said as he sat next to me.
"what do you mean?" I asked.
"there's spare duvets so i'll sleep on the floor," Jack said.
"are you sure?" I asked.
"yeah, it's fine don't worry," He smiled.
"what happened back there?" I asked.
"well, because Rye kissed you, Mikey lost it and stormed off. He's not angry, he's really upset. He told me about the whole 'katie might be pregnant' thing with your mum and then how he felt kind of sad when you weren't. He's so madly in love with you, just give him some space," Jack said. I looked down at my lap and then Jack wrapped his arms round me.
"you're both going to be fine," He said to me as i hugged him back, his hands rubbing up on down on my back comfortingly. We stayed hugging for a while until we heard a knock on the door. Jack stood up, going to the door.
"yeah come in," I heard jack say. I was expecting Mikey, but it was Andy and Rye.
"Are you okay?" They both asked and sat either side of me.
"i guess so," I replied as they both wrapped their arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I lost it there and then, crying onto Andy's shoulder.
I wasn't okay, i wasn't okay at all. I loved Mikey with my whole heart and the fact he didn't want to talk to me was breaking me. Why i let Rye kiss me, i'll never know. It was stupid and i hate myself for it. I cried and cried, Andy, Jack and Rye comforting me.
When i finally sat up, i wiped my eyes and they all looked at me, sympathy in their eyes.
"It'll all blow over," Andy said.
"i'm sorry though," Rye said to me.
"it's okay, i mean you shouldn't of done it but it's what you had to do and i get that, but can we act like that never happened," I turned to face Rye.
"of course, but i'm so sorry," Rye hugged me. They both left then, going to see Mikey. Me and Jack both then laid down, Jack on the floor, me in the bed.
"thank you for being here for me," I said to Jack.
"That's what friends are for," He replied.
The next thing i knew, i'd fallen off to sleep.

Tour Day Four; Manchester
Mikeys POV
I woke up with a headache worse than i'd ever had before, i put it down to me crying for three hours straight last night. I got up and had a shower, got dressed and sorted my hair out. Brook then got in the shower while i sat, scrolling through instagram and looking at all these edits people make for me and Katie. I felt my eyes beginning to tear up again and i quickly turned my phone off.
I cant believe she or Rye would ever do that to me. That's when i realised i'd be thinking about it for too long. Brook quickly pulling me out of the room to meet Blair and everyone in the lobby.
And there she was, fucking gorgeous as always. She looked at me, half smiled and then a sorry look in her eyes. I looked away quickly, i couldn't look at her or i'd end up
crying again. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and i pulled it out quickly.
Katie😍- Pls talk to me after the show :(x
I didn't answer.
Katie😍- I'm sorry okay. I'm really fucking sorry
I turned my phone off and put it in my bag, burying it underneath everything.
We then all walked out of the venue and got into the van. I sat as far away from Katie as i could, i just couldn't face her.
The entire show was horrible, all i could think about was Katie. All i saw at the meet and greet, was Katie. All i wanted, was Katie. After the show, we all headed back to the van and further down south for our next show. When we arrived at the hotel, me and Katie both went into our room, as we usually would however, this time we were in complete silence.

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