Part Nineteen ♡

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It was the 23rd of March and today was the day Katie has to go home. She woke up and just layed in Mikeys arms, waiting for him to wake up.
As soon as Mikey woke up he sat up and looked at Katie, neither of them being the happiest of people.
"It's gonna break my heart not being able to see you," Mikey said to Katie.
"Mine too," Katie said.
"Are we taking you to the train station or are you going back with Cas?" Mikey asked.
"I actually don't know, we haven't talked about it ahha," Katie said.
"Well, if you're getting the train I'll walk you to the station?" Mikey suggested.
"Yeah okay," Katie agreed.
"Here, no one else is awake. I'll take you for a maccies breakfast," Mikey said and stood up.
"Ooh yes!" Katie said and stood up. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a white cropped tshirt. Mikey got changed into some black jeans and a tshirt.
After they were both changed, they both put their shoes on and grabbed a jacket each.
"Shall we walk there?" Mikey asked.
"Sure!" Katie said as they both left the house and shut the door behind them.
They both began walking to McDonald's until they got stopped by two fans.
"MIKEY!! OH MY GOD!" One of the shouted and ran across the road towards Katie and Mikey.
"Mikey!!" Another shouted and followed the other fan across the road.
"Hey!" Mikey said.
"Hey, oh my god we love you so much!" One of the fans said. Mikey smiled.
"Can we get a photo?" The other asked.
"Of course!" Mikey said.
"I'll take the photo?" Katie suggested.
"Yes please!" One of the fans said and handed Katie her phone. Katie took the photo of Mikey and the two fans and handed her the phone back.
"Are you two dating?" One of the fans asked.
"Yeah, we announced it on a live. Did you not see it?" Mikey said.
"Oh no, we haven't! We've only just got back from a holiday and we had no WiFi," the fan told Mikey.
"She's gorgeous though Mikey, good choice," the other fan said. Katie smiled and Mikey put his arm around Katies waist.
"Thank you so much," Katie said and smiled.
"Well, I think she's the one," Mikey said. Katie blushed and giggled.
"Oh my god please get married," One fan said.
"He's only 22, calm down Chlo!" The other fan said.
"We never asked your names!" Katie said.
"I'm Chloe," Chloe said.
"I'm Poppy," Poppy said.
"Well, Poppy, Chloe, it was lovely meeting you!" Mikey said.
"You too Mikey!" They both said. Chloe and Poppy both hugged Katie and Mikey and walked away.
"They were so sweet!" Katie said.
"Yeah, I love meeting them ahah," Mikey said, smiling from ear to ear.
"Can tell, you're smiling like a Cheshire Cat" Katie said and laughed.
"Oh shut up," Mikey said sarcastically and carried on walking to McDonald's.
Once they arrived at McDonald's they ordered their food, waited for it and once it was ready, they collected it and left.
"I bet we'll get back and they'll all get annoyed at us because we got food without them," Mikey said.
"Honestly, couldn't care less. Food is love, food it life," Katie said and laughed.
"I agree," Mikey said and laughed along with Katie.
They both got back to the flat and walked in with their McDonalds in their hands.
"Woah woah woah, you got maccies without us?!" Andy said and sat up swiftly.
"Yeah, none of yous we're awake," Mikey said and sat down at the table.
"I'd eat that before the rest of the boys wake up," Andy said.
"Yeah, we will," Mikey said and began eating. Katie sat with him and the both ate their McDonald's Breakfast.
After 15 minutes they both had finished and put the rubbish in the bin.
Soon after Cassidy, Rye, Brook and jack walked into the kitchen/living room/Mikey and andys room.
"Morning!" Rye said.
"Morning," everyone replied to Rye.
"I think I'm gonna go get in the shower, I'll be back soon," Katie said and headed off to the bathroom.
"It smells like McDonald's in here.." Jack said. Andy glanced at Mikey and then looked away.
"Who had McDonald's without me?" Jack said.
"IT WAS MIKEY," Andy said.
"AND KATIE," Mikey said. Jack looked offended but then laughed.
"How ru-" Jack began before getting cut off by Katie screaming.
"ARRRGGHHHHH!" Katie screamed, followed by a loud bang on the wall. Mikey shot up and ran to the bathroom, he stood outside and knocked on the door.
"Katie? Are you okay?" Mikey asked Katie, frantically knocking on the door lightly.
"No! I'm not okay!" Katie said.
"Why? What's happened?" Mikey asked, getting worried.
"THERES A SPIDER!" Katie screamed. The rest of the boys were now all stood round the door.
"Let me in, I'll get it," Mikey said.
"I'm naked." Katie said bluntly.
"Right well just cover yourself up and let me in." Mikey said, all the boys were winking at Mikey and grinning. Katie grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. She reached for the door handle and opened it, letting Mikey in.
"Where is the spider?" Mikey asked. Katie pointed to the drain in the bottom of the shower. Mikey grabbed the shower and turned it on so the spider went down the drain.
"It wasn't even that big," Mikey said and laughed.
"I'm sorry I'm shit scared of spiders," Katie said.
"It's fine, I'll see you once you've finished in the shower," Mikey said. He pulled Katie into a hug and held her tightly. Katie giggled.
"Hey, Im still naked under this towel here," Katie said.
"Yeah sorry ah, I'll see you in a bit," Mikey said and pulled away.
"Yeah, I won't be long," Katie said and smiled. Mikey left the bathroom and Katie got in the shower.

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