Part Forty ♡

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A/N right woah woah
i wasn't even gonna write to part twenty and i'm in part forty?? WHATTT??? Thank you to everyone that's read this Xx

*Katies POV*
I was just minding my own business, scrolling though instagram and twitter until i got a message from Marcus.
Me- thank youu Xx
Marcus❣️- it's okay. What you doing for you birthday? anything nice??Xx
Me- Mikey came to see me and paid for amber to come too. Andy and the rest of the boys are coming up today Xx
Marcus❣️- oh so you're still with him? x
Me- yeah, why wouldn't i be?X
Marcus❣️- I had a feeling he was just a bit of a knob tbh x
Me- no no he's so lovely x
Marcus❣️- He must be for you to be with him for so long Ahaha x
Me- we've known each other a year exactly today. Dunno how he's put up with me ahahha X
Marcus❣️- Neither ahahha X
Me- i'm gonna get going, ttyl x
Marcus❣️- Ttyl x
i turned my phone off to see mikey not looking the happiest.
"what's up?" i asked him.
"as if that marcus thought i was gonna be a knob to you," he said and looked away.
"he's the knob realistically," i said.
"i literally told him i wouldn't dream of ever upsetting you. That's annoyed me has that," he said.
"hey, don't worry about it. He's just silly," i told him.
"yeah i guess," he replied and we cuddled up together again.
*4hours later*
Me and Mikey had been cuddled up watching films all day. We were both startled when the doorbell rang.
"i'll get it!" Amber said and ran to the door.
"hey there!" i heard the boys say.
"hey, come in!" amber said and stepped to the side to let the boys in.
They walked in and cane into the living room.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY'" they all shouted.
"thank youu!" i said as i stood up. They all came and hugged me and wished me happy birthday individually.
"right, we're going to nando's for your birthday," Rye stated.
"when?" i asked.
"i know you need a while to get ready so you've got three hours," Rye said. i laughed and me and amber went upstairs to get ready. Mikey stayed downstairs with the guys and they were all just speaking and catching up. They were discussing a tour in January, they were planning to go to Europe.
i got into the shower as amber dug through her bag to find something to wear. Once i'd got out of the shower, i dried and straightened my hair. I then went into my room and amber went to shower.

*Jacks POV*
i couldn't get this girl out of my head. I didn't even know her name, all i knew is that she was absolutely stunning. Her and Katie disappeared upstairs to get ready for a meal at nando's. I couldnt stop thinking about her.
"JACK!" Rye screamed at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"what?" i asked, acting like i wasn't dreaming.
"any specific places you want to go on tour to?" he asked.
"DUBL-" i was cut off.
"and DO NOT say Dublin," Andy said.
"uhhhh.... Poland?" i said.
"we've already put that down," mikey said, holding a piece of paper and a pen.
"dunno then," i replied.
"right then," andy said and looked back at his phone.
"Who's that girl, Mikey?" i asked curiously.
"She's called Amber, one of Katies friends. She's from America," Mikey told me.
"oh right," i said.

Katies POV

I'd just got my white ripped jeans on and was stood in my jeans and bra trying to find a top when Rye walked in.
"oh shit sorry," he said and began to walk out.
"it's fine, what's up?" i asked. He spun back around and looked at me, i was trying to find a top.
"i came to ask how long you and amber were gonna be," He asked.
"probably like an hour," I told him.
"okay," he said and went back downstairs.
I continued digging for something to wear and then amber came in. She's curled her hair and had already done her makeup. I found a blue spaghetti strap crop top on put it on. Amber wore black jeans and a white cropped tshirt.

Once we were dressed we grabbed a jacket each and headed downstairs.
"LETS GO!" we said as we got to the bottom of thee stairs. Everyone put their shoes on and we all got in cars and drove to nando's.

Ambers POV
woah okay Jack is adorable, even more in person. I wanted to get to know him better, he was one of the sweetest but he was actually very very hot.
We arrived at Nando's and we all went in. I sat down and jack nearly pushed someone over to sit next to me. We ordered out food and drinks and were all sat talking. Me and Jack kept sharing smiles and glances. Then i felt him slip his hand into mine under the table, and i was not complaining.

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