Part Eighty Two ♡

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Mikeys POV

We both got into the shower after making sure it wouldn't set us on fire. Katie was just so perfect, from her head to her toes. I smiled at her as she turned around to face me.
"you're so gorgeous," I smiled, leaning down to kiss her softly, then harder and harder. Her hand instantly moved to my hair, tangled in it, tugging every so often. I wrapped my arms around her, holding our bodies closer together. I moved my lips from hers and down to her neck, leaving hickeys here and there. She let out small moans, trying to hide the fact i had this kind of effect on her.
"we can finish this later," i whispered into her ear as i pulled back. She looked at me disappointed but agreed none the less. I placed a soft kiss on her lips.

After we showered, we both had to get ready. It took me 15 minutes but took Katie nearly two hours.
"We don't have all day!" I exclaimed.
"i'm nearly ready, shut up," Katie said, pulling a pair of shorts on.
She was wearing a pair of black shorts, a white vest top tucked in. Her hair was straightened and her makeup looked really good. 
"we're 100% going to get shouted at for that," I chuckled, rubbing my thumb over the few hickeys i left. She groaned and reached for her concealer. Like a magician she covered them up, it almost as if nothing ever happened.
"want yours doing too?" She giggled.
"nah, i'll try hide them with my tshirt and anyone says anything," I smiled, kissing her forehead.
Then there was a knock on the door. I rushed to open it to see Blair and the boys stood there.
"are you ready?" They asked us.
"yep!" We both said. We left the room, leaving our clothes in there as we were coming back later tonight.
We all got into the hire car and Blair drove us to the venue. When we all got out of the van, there were already people there even though the show didn't start for three hours.

We all rushed inside quickly. We had soundcheck and then had around an hour to kill before everyone came in.
Katie sat down in a chair and picked her phone up, i walked over to her and sat down.
"do you want to go get food?" I asked her.
"McDonalds?" She asked, looking up from her phone.
"of course," I smiled, standing up and holding my hand out to her to grab. She took my hand and i pulled her onto her feet.
"is it cold?" She asked as she walked past her jacket.
"we're in Spain in May, it's not cold," I chuckled.
"i'll take my jacket just in case," She smiled, grabbing her denim jacket and putting it on.
We both walked out of the back doors of the venue to avoid the fans so we could get food in peace. We walked to the closest Mcdonald's and ordered food. We got 6 bottles of water aswell for the boys on stage and Me and Katie.
After we got our food, we headed back to the venue. Entering through the back door once again.
We handed the bottles of water to the other boys and then me and Katie went to sit down and eat. Blair and Darren burst through the door, shouting ordered very which way.
"Are you two eating?" Blair asked me and Katie. We both nodded, our mouths full of food.
"don't make a mess," Blair laughed.
"We won't," I said.
After we'd eaten, i put our rubbish in the bin and we both headed backstage.
"is Katie doing VIP with us?" Rye asked Blair as we all sat in the back room.
"Yeah, she has done for all the other shows," Blair said.
I wrapped my arm around Katies shoulder, she rested her head on my shoulder.
"okay, when's my relationship gonna come into the picture?" Jack exclaimed, looking at me and Katie.
We all laughed but Jack stopped us.
"No seriously, i'm lonely," He laughed.
"You've got me," Brook chuckled wrapping his arms around Jack and smushing their checks up to each other's.
"ew no," Jack joked. Brook pulled his arms back and sat crossed armed trying to look pissed off.
"you love me really," Brook smiled.
"Fair do's," Jack smiled.
"And that's when Jacklyn was officially confirmed," Andy clapped his hands.
We all laughed and then Blair came to get us to meet the VIP ticket holders. Me and Katie walked out, hand in hand behind all the other boys. Girls mainly headed to Rye, Brook and Andy first as they were the closest to the door. Me and Katie stood nearer the stage when a group of girls walked up to us.
"hi!" I exclaimed, hugging them all.
"Can we take a photo with you," They all asked. Katie offered to take the photo but they wanted her in the photo too.
After that, more and more people came over, watching photos with the both of us.

After an hour, we all headed backstage and sat in the back room while everyone else came into the venue. We all sat down, going through our phones. Checking texts from family members and Friends back home, them mainly just asking if we got there okay.
Then it was time for Katie to perform.

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