Part Eighty Three ♡

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Katies POV

After i performed i ran off stage and into the back room.
"you get better every time," Mikey grinned, hugging me tightly.
"thank you," I replied, smiling from ear to ear. I'm so glad i met Mikey and the boys, they've really made me more confident in my singing.
"2 MINUTES BOYS!" Blair shouted.
"YES!" Everyone shouted back. Then Blair walked into the back room. He looked at me.
"Are you going to photograph again?" Blair asked me, holding a camera.
"sure," I smiled. He handed me the camera.
"don't be afraid to get on stage and get better photos than you already do, we need angles," Blair told me, I nodded in response and then the boys headed onto stage. Blair took me round to the side and let me in front of the barriers to get photos.
Halfway through the show, Mikey fell over. He went down like a sack of bricks. He stood back up and announced he was fine but i wasn't convinced.
After the show, we all headed back stage and Mikey looked genuinely hurt. I sat down next to him.
"are you okay?" I asked, resting my chin on his shoulder that he wasn't holding.
"i think i've done my shoulder in again," He complained, holding his shoulder with his hand.
"you sure you're okay Mike?" Andy asked Mikey. He shook his head.
"My shoulder, again," He said.
"do you wanna go get it checked?" Rye asked him.
"it might be a good idea," He chuckled.
"BLAIR!!" Brook shouted. Blair rushed into the back room.
"what?" He asked.
"Mikeys hurt his shoulder again," Brook said.
"right, come on. Everyone in the car!" Blair exclaimed. We all stood up, grabbing our things and heading to get into the car.

When we got into the car, Mikey put his not hurt arm around me and rested his head against mine.
"you were really good you know," He whispered.
"thank you," I giggled, turning to face him. He kissed me and held me tighter to him.

The car drive wasn't long until we pulled up to a Spanish hospital. We all got out and walked into the A&E section. The receptionist got Mikeys name and got him to sit in the waiting room.

We sat for about an hour when i felt Mikeys head rest against my shoulder. He'd fallen asleep. I saw Brook pick his phone up and take a photo of us, me soon getting a notification that 'Roadtriptv have added to their story' I clicked on it to see a photo of Mikey with his head on my shoulder, his hand holding mine and me resting my head against his. Brook of course had to write a caption.
First time today i've seen them not flirting🤣😂-Brook
I rolled my eyes at him and he giggled, putting his phone back into his pocket.
We sat for another half an hour until a nurse walked through.
"Mikey Cobban?" She said, her Spanish accent strong.
"Mikey," I nudged him. Still asleep.
"Mike," I said, louder this time. He woke up, rubbing his eyes.
"what?" He asked.
"you need to go for your check thing," I said. He stood up and walked over to the nurse, she began to walk towards a door into A&E. Mikey turned round and looked at me.
"One of you has to come with me!" He exclaimed. All the boys and Blair looked at me.
"fine!" I whined and stood up, walking towards Mikey. He grabbed my hand and followed the nurse, me following close behind Mikey, him holding my hand.
The nurse had him sit down on a bed and i stood next to him, him still holding my hand tightly.

After the check over, we found out he'd done his shoulder in again. They didn't give him a sling, just told him to be careful with it. We both walked back into where all the boys were sat to find them throwing paper at each other and Blair asleep.
"AYYYY!" The shouted when we walked back into the room.
"can we go for something to eat?" Mikey asked.
"YES!" Blair clapped his hands.
We all got back into the car and Blair drove us  to the closest restaurant we could find. We all piled in and found somewhere to sit.
After we ordered, ate and finished our drinks. Blair drove us all back to the hotel.

Me and Mikey walked into our room and both sat on the bed.
"I'm so annoyed about my shoulder," He complained and flopped down onto the bed. I smiled at him and laid down next to him, resting my head on his chest.
"well, at least it isn't anything serious," I smiled. He groaned once more and then picked his phone up.
"at least we're not performing for another day," I said.
"Yeah but we've gotta go to Barcelona, do a show, and then back to here to then go somewhere else," He complained. "i wish we had more time to do stuff together," He added.
"You doing what makes you happy is more important Mikey, ill wait for you," I smiled.
"you shouldn't have to wait. You should be able to go and do what you enjoy instead of just waiting for me to of done this and that." he said, i could hear the frustration in his voice.
"after tour, we can go somewhere, just the two of us," i smiled.
"like where," he asked.
"i'm not sure, get me when you're free and i'll figure something out." i told him.
He nodded and smiled at me, texting Blair to see when he was free.

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