Part Twenty ♡

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After Katie had showered, got dressed, straightened her hair and done her makeup she went back into the kitchen.
"Thought you wouldn't take long?" Mikey said and chuckled.
"Whoops, lost track of time," Katie said and rolled her eyes.
"Woooaaah, less of the arguing," Rye said. Mikey and Katie looked at Rye and both laughed.
"That wasn't arguing Rye," Mikey said and laughed.
"Yeah, it wasn't' Katie replied.
"You two have a weird relationship," Rye said.
Katie and Mikey looked at each other and laughed.
They were all just talking for a few hours before Cassidy said "hey, we should get going Katie. I've got to be home by 6pm,"
"I can get the train back, you go! Don't worry about me," Katie said to Cassidy
"Are you sure?" Cassidy asked.
"Yeah, it's fine!" Katie said. Cassidy agreed and went to grab her bag. After Cassidy saying goodbye to everyone she left and drove back home.
"What time are you going Katie?" Jack asked.
"I can probably go at 6:30pm ish and get back for 8" Katie said.
"Okay, we can all walk you there if you want?" Rye said.
"No no, it's fine! I can get there by myself," Katie said.
"No, I want to go with you," Mikey said.
"Okay, if you really want to?" Katie replied.
"Yeah, of course I want to! You are my girlfriend after all?" Mikey said to Katie
"You have a point," Katie said. "I'll get my stuff ready." Katie added and headed over to put her things back in her bag. The rest of the boys were still talking. Katie couldn't hear them.
"So mate, you gonna miss her?" Brooklyn asked Mikey.
"Of course I am, it's gonna be mad not being able to see her," Mikey replied.
"You've really fallen for her Mike," Andy said.
"I know mate, I know," Mikey said.
"So, what days are we going up to hers did you say?" Rye asked.
"She said the second week of her parents being gone," Mikey told Rye.
"Why don't you go up with her today?" Jack said and Katie walked back over to them all.
"Yeah, why don't you?" Katie asked and smiled.
"Wait, I can't leave you guys! What about the covers and stuff?" Mikey asked.
"It's fine, we'll just tell the roadies that, right now, yours and Katies happiness is more important," Andy said.
"You're such a good friend Andy! Guys are you sure it's okay?" Mikey asked again.
"Yes! Go go!" Brook, Rye and Jack said. Andy was nodding his head.
"Okay, if you're completely sure?" Mikey said, once again.
"We said it's fine Mikey!! Go get your stuff ready!" Andy said.
"I'm going!" Mikey said as he hurried off to get his things ready. Katie sat down at the table with the rest of the boys.
"Wow, never seen the boy get anything ready as quick," Rye said and everyone else laughed.
"When do we get to come to yours Katie?" Jack asked.
"I'll let Mikey text you my address and you can come anytime after Friday!" Katie said, happily.
"Oh wow, that was sorted quickly," Rye said and laughed.
"Surely you don't have enough room for us ALL to stay in," said Brook, exaggerating the all in his sentence.
"No, I do. There's room in the room Cassidy is staying in for one of you. There's Sophie's room, and then a spare room. There's enough room," Katie said.
"What about Mikey?" Jack asked. Everyone just looked at him, so confused.
"Mikey's staying in my room with me, Jack," Katie said.
"Oh so you two are actually like together then?" Jack asked.
"Yes we are, where have you been?" Katie said and laughed.
"I don't pay attention to these things, Kates," Jack said. (Kates being his new name for Katie)
"Kates?" Rye said, while looking really confused.
"Yeah, Kates. It's my new name for Katie," Jack said and laughed. As everyone was laughing, Mikey walked back into the room with a bag full of his things for the next two weeks.
It was just about 4pm, they didn't have to leave until 5:30. So to waste some time, the boys tried teaching Katie how to play fornite.
"No! Katie you press this button," Andy exclaimed and pressed one of the buttons to show Katie what she had to do.
Eventually Katie got the hang of it, and got a kill.
"WAYYYY!!" All the boys shouted and clapped.
"It wasn't that good," Katie said while laughing.
"It was your first kill, that calls for celebration," Rye said and laughed.
While everyone was teaching Katie how to play fortnite, Brook had posted a picture on their Instagram story. The picture was showing all the boys (apart from brook) and Katie squashed onto their two seater sofa.
Mikeys phone alarm started going off, startlingly most of the boys.
"Right, it's time to go," Mikey said as he turned his alarm off. Katie stood up and grabbed her bag. All the boys stood up and walked over to Katie.
"I'll see you next week," Andy said and hugged Katie.
"See you soon, it was amazing you staying here!" Rye said and hugged Katie.
"I'll see you next week Kates, it's been amazing seeing you again!" Jack said and hugged Katie.
"It's been so amazing seeing you Katie, see you next week," Brook said and hugged Katie. Katie hugged all the boys back. The boys then said bye to Mikey and told him to "stay protected."
Katie and Mikey said their last goodbyes, until next week and headed to the train station.

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