Part Thirty Two ♡

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Ryes POV
Oh my god. I walked back downstairs to where everyone else was and i sat down. sophie was leaving to go to her friends just as i went into the living room.
"they'll be a few minutes," i told everyone. Harvey laughed at me.
"Were they sleeping?" he asked.
"no," i mumbled.
"what were they doing rye?" He asked. I shook
my head, not wanting to repeat what i saw.
"go on Rye," Harvey said again.
"that's why you told me not to go innn," i whined. He laughed again.
"yeah that's why i told you not to go in," He said.
"Right, are we going?" Andy asked.
"wait for Katie and Mikey," Harvey said. I sat on the sofa, still embarrassed from what i saw and scrolled through instagram.

Mikeys POV
I looked at Katie, kissed her again and then
got out of her bed. I grabbed some clean boxers and a pair of black jeans and put them on. Katie then got out of bed as well and went over to her wardrobe. She grabbed a blue top and some white skinny jeans and got dressed.
"Katieee," i whined.
"whattt?" she mimicked me.
"what shirt do i wear?" i asked her while holding two shirts in my hand. A blue one and a red one. She pointed at the blue one while opening the blinds and i put the shirt on. We both grabbed our phones and a pair of shoes. Katie grabbed her denim jacket too.
"I cant believe Rye walked in still," Katie said and laughed as she was putting the jacket on.
"and Harvey definitely heard us," I said.
"you pushed me against the wall of his room," Katie said and laughed.
"WHOOPS," i said and laughed.
we both walked downstairs to see everyone waiting for us.
"sorry we took so long," I said. Rye and Harvey looked at each other and then stood up.
"well, you're here now. let's go," Harvey said. We all put our shoes on and separated into two cars. Me, Katie, Brook and Jack got into Katies car and Rye, Andy and harvey got into Ryes car.

After arriving at Nando's we all got out of the cars and headed inside. Harvey and Rye went to get a table and we all headed over to sit down. Me, Katie, Andy and Rye sat on one side of the table and Harvey, Brook and Jack sat on the other.
Harvey and Rye kept glancing at each other, it was weird but i didn't question it. We all looked at the menu and ordered our food.
"it's Sophie's birthday tomorrow," Brook said.
"yeah, what have you got her?" Katie asked.
"some shoes from me individually and all together we got her a new laptop," Brook said.
"oh wow, you've all got her better presents than me," Katie said and laughed. Her laugh was so cute, she's so cute when she's happy. It makes me even more happy seeing her happy.
"why what have you got her?" Brook asked katie.
"i just ordered her a load of clothes," Katie said.
"well you could've just gotten her nothing, she should be grateful,"  Andy said.
"yeah Andys right," Rye said and flung his arm
around Andys shoulder.
"yeah i guess," Katie said.
We all then began talking while waiting for our food. Harvey and Rye kept exchanging funny glances, it was beginning to actually be weird.
our food came and we all began eating it. God nando's is amazing.

~30 minutes later~

after we'd all finished eating we paid and left. Katie had got a text asking if we could pick Sophie up from her friends so jack had to go back to Katies in Ryes car. We all got back into the car, but only Brook, Katie and me were in katies car. Everyone else was in ryes. Katie drove to Sophie's friends and waited for her to come out of her friends house. We were sat a few minutes before she came out of the house while screaming bye at her friend. We all laughed at her and then she got in the car.
"what's so funny?" Sophie asked.
"nothing," Katie said and began driving back to her house.
When we got there we all got out of the car and me and Katie headed back to Katies room. Brook and Sophie went into Sophie's room and Rye, Jack, Andy and Harvey were watching tv.

Katies POV

me and mikey walked into my room.
"right," I said and flopped onto my bed.
"what?" Mikey said and sat on my desk chair.
"dunno," i said and laughed.
"wanna watch another movie?" He asked.
"NOT BABADOOK!" i shouted.
"yes i know, i know," Mikey said and laughed at me.
"im down for a disney movie," i said and smiled.
"if it's lion king, that's fine,"
"OOOH YAY," i celebrated and dug out the movie from a box full of different movies. While i was finding the movie Mikey was getting changed into some joggers and literally nothing else. He got into bed and put the movie on, he waited for me to get changed. I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a black vest top
I got changed while mikey was messing with the tv, trying to get the remote to work.
"it must need new batteries," i said, after getting changed and took the remote. "i'll be back in five," i said and went downstairs. Completely forgetting about the fact i had hickeys all over my neck.
i walked into the kitchen to see harvey sat at the table.
"hey," he said as i walked over to grab some batteries from a draw.
"Hey," i replied, while pulling the batteries out of the draw.
"so, you and mikey earlier. huh?" He said. "hickeys look good on you by the way." he added. i rolled my eyes and spun round to look at him. "they'd look even better if they were from me,"
"look, i'm aware you heard but don't be childish about it, and shut up about the hickeys," I said.
"OH SORRY," he said and laughed.
"shut up," i said as harvey walked towards me.

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