Part Thirty Eight ♡

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Mikeys POV

as amber and katie went upstairs so amber could see Katies room. I went to sit on the sofa and wait for them to stop screaming. I cant actually believe they're 19, nearly 20, they don't act like it. All i could hear was laughing, amber talking about how she loves england and Katie just well, being katie. After a few minutes of giggling and laughing they went quiet. I was hoping it was going to stay like that to be honest. Then my phone started to beep, it was the boys.
The boys
Jack🍀- how did it go then Mikey??
Andy🌵- Yeah who cried first??
Me- Well, i was nearly the one to cry first.
Jack🍀- AWE WHYYY??
Andy🌵- Why?
Rye🐝- Tell us what happened.
Me- right the first time i'd seen Katie in 6 months, you're gonna get a little emotional right?
Andy🌵- Tbh i'm probably gonna cry when i see Katie.
Rye🐝- Awe blesss😂
Me- there was just a lot of screaming and hugging. No one cried 😂
Rye🐝- Ah fun fun fun
Andy🌵- Well it's lovely that you did that for her Mikey.
Jack🍀- it is
Rye🐝- Yeah it is
Me- Thank you guys.
Then i heard more screaming and laughing and giggling.

Katies POV

After me and Amber had been laughing and talking for a few minutes we both went really quiet and sat on my bed.
"so, what's mikey like in bed?" Amber asked me. I laughed.
"that's a secret," i told her.
"oh come ooonnnn," amber whined.
"no," i replied.
"wait..." she said and looked at the bed. "EW WAIT YOU DID IT ON HERE!" she screamed and jumped up.
"jesus, someone would think you've just seen me kill someone," i said and laughed. "i've washed the sheets, it's been 6 months," i said and laughed again.
"how big is his co-"
"NO!" i screamed.
Amber laughed and then we both went back downstairs. I went over to sit with Mikey and Amber went to ring her mum. As i sat down next to mikey, he moved closer to me and put one of his arms round my shoulders. I cuddled into him and placed my head on his shoulder.
"where's amber gone?" he asked me.
"she's on the phone with someone," i told him.
"do you know how long she'll be?" he asked.
"honestly, no," i replied.
"go find out," he said. I agreed and went to ask Amber how long she was going to be. I walked outside onto the decking where she was sat.
"hey, amber?" i said. She muted her phone and looked at me.
"what's up?"
"how long you going to be?" i asked.
"probably like 25minutes," she told me.
"okay," i said and left her to her phone call. I walked back into the living room and sat back with mikey.
"how long?" he asked.
"she said about 25 minutes," i told him.
"okay, enough time for me to do this," he said and looked at me.
"do wha-?" i began to say but i was cut off by him kissing me. i obviously didn't complain but we carried on kissing.
As the kisses began to get more intense mikey laid me down on the sofa and hovered above me, him looking into my eyes.
"you're gorgeous," he said and reached to move a piece of hair off of my face. I blushed and he kissed me again, this time the kisses being a lot more aggressive. The next thing i knew he'd managed to slide his tongue into my mouth. Oh my god, this boy. He then moved so i was on top of him; our lips still connected. He had both his hands on my bum and continued to deepen the kiss. He began to kiss my neck, leaving hickeys. Everyone so often i would lightly pull his hair, causing him to moan. Just as he was about to take my top off, we both then heard the door open from outside and Amber coming back in. He pulled away and looked at me.
"i've missed you," he said, gave me another quick kiss and we both hurried to sit back up.
"i'm back," Amber chirped as she came into the living room, i was straightening my top back out so it wasn't as noticeable that mikey had just tried to take it off.
"right, do you wanna watch a movie or-?" mikey began to say before amber interrupted.
"what were you two doing?" she asked as she sat down while looking over at the cushions where we were just laid, looking at mikeys ahjr and then glancing at my neck.
"we were doing nothing," i said.
"i find THAT hard to believe," she replied.
"why?" mikey asked.
"for started Katies neck, the cushions," She started "And your hair," she added while looking at mikey.
"uh," we were both stumped for ideas on what to say.
"we've not seen each other for 6 months, cut us some slack," Mikey said and laughed.
"okay haha," amber said.
"right, do you wanna watch a movie?" Mikey asked.
"sure, can we watch a horror??" amber asked.
"i hate you both," i said and crossed my arms.
"good job we love you then," Mikey said and laughed.
"right, i wanna watch chainsaw massacre," Amber said.
"i'm down," mikey said.
"i'm not but i don't have a choice," i said as Amber put the movie on. Me and mikey cuddled up on the sofa and amber was hooked on this movie. It wasn't actually too bad, i didn't hate it at least.

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