Part Thirty Four ♡

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Katies POV
"what?" i said and rubbed my eyes.
"come out here, i want to speak to you," they said, i think it was harvey but i couldn't be too sure.
"fine," i said and got out of bed. The person walked over to my door and opened it, i followed him out of my room. As i shut the door behind me, i looked up and it was Harvey that woke me up.
"uh, what's up?" i asked.
"i want to apologise for earlier. i'm really sorry, i shouldn't of done it," he said.
"look, it was a bit messed up what you did but, it's fine," i told him.
"are you sure it's fine? Mikey probably hates me," he said.
"i don't know, he didn't say anything about hating you," i said.
"i'll speak to him in the morning i guess then," he said. i nodded.
"where did you go earlier anyway?" i asked.
"i just went and walked, i ended up in a really nice park," he told me.
"oh right. Do you know what time it is?" i said.
"uhh," he looked at his phone. "it's 3:07am," he told me.
"way to be specific," i said and laughed.
"we okay then?" he asked me.
"look, i don't know." i said.
"have a think about it yeah?"
i nodded and we both said goodnight and i went back into my room and got into bed. As i laid down, Mikey rolled over and put his arm around me. i fell back asleep wondering what to do about Harvey. Should i forgive him?

"KATIE!" i woke up to see brook poking my arm and i instantly sat up.
"What brook?!" i said.
"it's sophie's birthday! get up!" he said.
"uurgh fine," i said and sat on the edge of my bed.
"where are you going?" I heard mikey say as i stood up.
"Brook woke me up, it's Sophie's birthday," i said to him.
"let me grab a shirt, i'll come with you," he said.
"okay," i said.

Mikeys POV
i got out of bed and grabbed a shirt. Katie was stood at the door waiting for me. Her bun in her hair from the night before had dropped out slightly and was resting to the right of her head, she still looked adorable.
"Come onnn!" she said and laughed, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"i'm coming, go!" i said and walked towards her. She spun around and walked out of her room. i followed her out and then saw Andy and jack coming out of their room, Rye and Harvey coming out of their room and Brook stood infront of us all. I caught a quick glance at Harvey looking at Katie and smiling, maybe it was a smirk. i don't know, i've just woken up.
"right we're all gonna go into her room and start singing happy birthday because we're the best," Brook said. we all agreed.
Brook counted down from 1 to 3 and we all went into Sophie's room on the count of 3.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Sophie! Happy birthday to you!" we all sang together.

Sophie's POV
I woke up to everyone singing happy birthday to me. i sat up and rubbed my eyes. After they finished singing, i smiled at them all.
"even on my birthday i can't have a lie in?" i said sarcastically.
"Shut up, get up we have presents!" Katie said. I really wanted a car for my birthday, it was my 18th and i was about to get my licence so it would be nice. I got out of bed and grabbed one of Brooks hoodies and put it on. We all went downstairs and i was told to go sit on the sofa. Brook and Katie disappeared for a few minutes but came back with presents and cards in their hands. They both put the presents down next to me and went to sit down. Brook sat next to me and Katie sat next to Mikey.
"Open the cards first," Andy said.
"okay," i said and opened the cards. There were ones from my whole family and then a huge one from the boys and one from Katie. Katie had put £100 in the card and the boys had given me £50.
i then began opening the presents, i left Katies til last. The boys all together had got me a new laptop. I thanked them all and gave each of them a hug. I then opened the one from Brook and he'd got me a new pair of trainers that i'd wanted for like ever. I smiled and turned to looked at him.
"thank you so much," i said and hugged him.
"it's okay, you deserve it," He said and kissed my cheek. We both pulled away and then i opened Katies. She'd ordered me at least £400 worth of clothes. i loved them all.
"thank you!" i said and hugged katie, really tightly. She's honestly the best big sister anyone could ask for. After we'd all cleaned up, i got a facetime call from my mum.
"Happy birthday sweetheart!" my mum said to me.
"happy birthday you clown," my dad said to me, i'm sure he loved me really.
"we got you a present," My mum told me.
"what do you mean?"
"go look in the garage," i stood up and walked over to the side door of the garage that connects into the house. Katie followed me, she was filming me. I opened the door and my jaw nearly hit the floor.
"OH MY GOD!" i screamed. My mum and Dad had bought me a freaking car. A CAR!!
"thank you so so much," i said to them on the phone.
"it's fine! we love you, have a good day!" they said to me.
"i love you too," i replied.
"now, be careful in this car, it's not cheap." my dad said.
"i know, i'll be careful. where are the keys?" i asked.
"Katie has them," And sure enough, she did. she threw them at me, i caught them and climbed into the car. it was amazing. I couldn't wait to facetime Jess later on. She's my internet friend me, she's from America. We've been wanting to meet for two years now but we've never been able to. I was planning on buying myself plane tickets and surprising her but my parents were against the idea of me going to America alone.

i'd tried facetiming Jess a few times but i didn't get an answer so i gave up. i'd just finished getting ready for me and a few friends to go up town and soon enough they started turning up. Katie had gone out and given us all some money for drinks, i was warned that if i get smashed then it's my fault.
"be careful," Katie said to me as i left.
"BE CAREFUL," Brook shouted, just to make sure i got the message.
"YES I WILL," i shouted back as me and my friend got into a taxi and went into town.

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