Part three ♡

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Mikey turned the camera so Katie could see what was happening. Brook was stood, surrounded by biscuit crumbs and broken biscuits and a smashed bowl. Rye and Andy came into the kitchen.
"Brook! What have you done?" Andy said, Rye laughed.
"Well, I was uhm getting some biscuits and I knocked that bowl of the top by accident.." Brook said.
"What an idiot, you better clean it up," Mikey said. Katie was trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, you better clean it up," Andy said.
"Yeah I will." Brook replied.
"Good," Mikey said and went and sat back on his bed.
"So that was eventful," Mikey said and laughed.
"Yeah, must be great to be you," Katie said and laughed. Sophie cane upstairs and opened Katies bedroom door.
"Katie, I'm going to bed.... who you talking to?" Sophie asked.
"I'm just on the phone with someone, night," Katie replied.
"Oooh who is it?" Sophie said and sat next to Katie on her bed. Sophie looked at Katie's phone and her head was just in the camera so Mikey could see her.
"Hey!" Mikey said.
"Oh my god! It's Mikey!" Sophie said, excitedly.
"Yeah.." Katie said.
"Hey," Mikey said again.
"Hey!" Sophie said. Darren came upstairs and stood in the doorway of Katies room.
"What is it in here? A mothers meeting?" Katie said. Mikey laughed and Darren rolled his eyes.
"No, Sophie it's time for bed. It's 11pm! Katie, keep it down and happy birthday. Me and your mum hope you've had a good day," Darren said. Sophie stood up and walked out of the room.
"Night Katie!" Sophie said.
"Night!" Katie said back. "Night dad," Katie added.
"Night, sweetheart," Darren said and shut Katies bedroom door behind him.
"Well, I'll let you get off then." Mikey said.
"Yeah I better get going. I'll talk to you tomorrow some time?" Katie said.
"Yeah, I'll text you," Mikey said.
"Text who?" Rye said as he walked over to Mikey and looked at Mikey's phone.
"Oh hey!" Rye said.
"Hey," Katie said back.
"Wait, weren't you the one we sang happy birthday to today...?" Rye asked Katie
"Ah Yeah," Katie said.
"Ahh, hope you had an amazing day!" Rye said, happily.
"Thank you," Katie replied.
"Right... you should get going before you get shouted at for being loud," Mikey said.
"Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow some time?" Katie said.
"Yes, of course! I'll text you!" Mikey replied.
"Bye!" Katie said.
"See you," Mikey said.
"Oooh so Mikeys got a cru-" Rye began to say and the call ended. Katie put her phone on charge and put it on her side table. She then turned her light out and got into bed. She rolled over and fell asleep.
*two weeks later*
It was the morning of the Manchester show! Katie woke up and got out of bed. She walked into her En-suite and got into the shower.
Once she had showered, she got out, blow dried her hair and straightened it. She put her black ripped jeans on, a white tube top and headed downstairs. Sophie was sat at the table eating cornflakes and Katie sat opposite her.
"Katie!! I'm so excited for today!" Sophie said.
"Me too!" Katie said and smiled.
"Are you excited to see Mikey again? Even though you've talked everyday on the phone?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah, he's honestly so nice and not to mention, absolutely hilarious," Katie said.
"Awe, love struck aren't you?" Sophie asked.
"What? No!" Katie said and laughed. Katie stood up and grabbed an Apple. Sophie finished her cornflakes and stood up to put the bowl in the sink.
"Morning sweethearts!" Lisa said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Morning mum!" They both replied.
"Have you already eaten?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah, we have," Katie said.
"I'm going to go finished getting ready, see you later!" Sophie said as she headed back upstairs to curl her hair and do her makeup. Katie went and sat in the lounge. Gizmo came and sat next to her. Katie sat with Gizmo and stroked him.
"Darling, it's 9:30am, what time do you have to leave?" Lisa asked.
"We have to leave at 12," Katie replied.
"Okay, aren't you gonna go do your makeup and whatever?" Lisa said and sat on the sofa with a cup of tea.
"Yeah, I will!" Katie said and stood up. She went upstairs with Gizmo following her. She walked into her room and picked up her phone to see she had a text from Mikey.
Mikey to Katie:
Hey, I'm so excited to see you again today!xx
Katie to Mikey:
Awe! I'm excited to see you too!Xx
Mikey to Katie:
Be at the venue early, I'm gonna come out and see you!xxx
Katie to Mikey:
Are you sure?xxx
Mikey to Katie:
Yes! Hurry and get here, I'm so excited!!xxx
Katie to Mikey:
I'm going to leave in an hour, I'll be there for 12!xxx
Mikey to Katie:
Okay! I'm so excited. See you later xxx
Katie to Mikey:
See you later Xxx
Katie put some music on and put her phone back on charge. Katie went into Sophie's room.
"Oi, be ready for 11. We're leaving early," Katie said to Sophie.
"Okay?" Sophie replied. Katie went back into her room and gizmo jumped onto her bed. Katie sat down at her dressing table and started to do her makeup.
After around an hour and a half Katie finished her makeup and brushed her hair.
"Sophie we have to go!" Katie said as she grabbed her denim jacket and went downstairs.
"Coming!" Sophie said as she ran downstairs and put her trainers on. Katie put her vans on and grabbed her car keys.
"Mum! We're going!" Katie said and shouted into the living room.
"Okay, enjoy yourselves!" Lisa shouted back. Katie opened the door and Sophie ran and got into Katies car. Katie got into her car and Sophie plugged her phone in and played her music. Katie started the car and drove to Manchester.
After an hour Katie pulled up at the venue and stood in the queue with Sophie.
Mikey to Katie:
Are you outside?xxx
Katie to Mikey:
Yeah just got here. Xxx
Mikey to Katie:
Wait there!xxx
Katie to Mikey:
Katie heard a door open and then a few girls screaming.
"Guys, please be quiet," Mikey said and laughed. Everyone quietened down.
"Is there anyone here called Katie?" He asked.
"Yeah! Here!" Sophie shouted. Mikey looked at Sophie and then Katie, who was stood next to her.
"Hey! Katie!" Mikey said and walked towards her.
"Oh hey!" Katie said and smiled.
"Hey," Mikey said and walked over to her. All the girls stood outside the venue we're looking at them. Mikey walked over to Katie and hugged her.
"Nice to see you again," Mikey said as Katie hugged him back.
"You too," Katie said and blushed.
"Are you two dating?!" A girl shouted.
"No! We're not!" Katie shouted back. Mikey laughed.
"Right, you two come in before everyone because you've now got vip tickets!" Mikey said and laughed.
"Wait for real?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah for real!" Mikey said and grabbed Katies hand. Sophie following behind. Mikey walked back inside the venue with Katie and Sophie.
"Guysss!" Mikey shouted as the door shut behind them.

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