Part Forty Six ♡

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Katies POV

Sophie and Brook ran off to Sophie's room after my dad shouted.
"ah, so who are you three then?" My mum asked Jack, Amber and Andy.
"hey, I'm Andy," Andy said and smiled, that usual smile that he manages to charm everyone with.
"hello, it's lovely to meet you," My mum replied. SEE WHAT I MEAN? the andy smile.
"i'm Jack," Jack said.
"nice to meet you, I'm lisa." My mum said and smiled.
"I'm amber," Amber said and smiled.
"it's lovely to meet you, you're so pretty!" My mum said.
"right boys, get yourself off to bed. It's 3am," My dad said.
"sure," Jack, Andy and Rye said.
"Mikey, you staying with me tonight?" i asked, hoping and praying my dad would let him.
"i mean, sure. If that's okay with you?" Mikey said.
"it's fine wit-" my dad cut me off.
"It's fine Mikey, don't worry about it," He said. Me and mikey smiled at my dad and followed Jack, Amber Andy and Rye upstairs.
Me and Mikey went into my room and Jack and Amber in one spare room and Andy and Rye went into the other spare room. Guessing Brook and Sophie were in sophie's room.
Me and Mikey got changed, me in some tight black shorts and a white tshirt and Mikey in a tshirt and some joggers.
As me and mikey we're getting into bed, my dad stuck his head round my door.
"goodnight you two," My dad said.
"night," Me and Mikey said to my dad and he walked out.
"i'm so confused," Mikey said.
"why??" i asked and laid down.
"because i don't know if your dad likes me or not," he said and put his arm round me.
"my dads really indecisive, he could like you one day, not like you the next, he's confusing," I told Mikey.
"ah, great," he said and laughed.
Then we both cuddled up and went to sleep.

~the next morning~

*Mikeys POV*

I woke up to an empty bed. I couldn't hear the shower so i picked my phone up and looked at the time. It was 11:07am. I got up and went downstairs to see the police here. They were taking statements from what happened at the hotel last night.
"Morning Mikey," Lisa and Darren said to me. Sophie looked traumatised, Brook was holding her hand. Katie was no where to be seen.
"She's outside Mikey," Lisa said as she noticed me looking for Katie.
"thank you," I said and smiled. Apparently the boys and Amber had gone back to the flat, excluding me and Brook.
i opened the door to go outside and Katie looked at me. She was sat outside, wrapped in a blanket.
"hey," she said.
"hey, you okay?" I asked and sat down next to her. She turned to sit facing me and put the blanket over us both.
"last night was so scary," She said.
"i know it was," i replied and put my hand on her thigh, her placing her hand on top of mine.
"i'm just glad that everyone's okay," Katie said.
"me too Katie," I replied. She put her head on my shoulder and sipped at her tea.
"i don't know what i'd of done if i lost my mum, dad or sophie," Katie said. I could hear the sadness in her voice.
"let's not think about that, they're all okay. That's what matters," I said. We sat in silence for a few seconds until my phone started ringing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the contact name: Blair. Great.
"Hey," i answered the phone.
"Get yourself back to this flat instantly, and bring Brook," He said, he sounded angry.
"Blair wait stop. We're kind of dealing with something at the minute," I said.
"Mikey, no ones dead. It's fine. Come back to the flat," Blair demanded.
"what for?" i asked. I didn't want to leave Katie and i can sure as hell say Brook didn't want to leave Sophie.
"because, you're all slacking. These two girls have changed you and Brook. You're not putting effort in anymore. You and Brook are both getting distracted," He said.
"WOAH. i haven't seen Katie for a whole six months yet i'm getting distracted?? i don't text her while we're in the studio, filming or singing." i said, a tone of angriness in my voice.
"Mikey, i don't care. Get home now," Blair said. "And bring Brook," he said and ended the call.

I put my phone back in my pocket and sighed.
"what's up?" Katie asked and moved her head so she was looking at me.
"Blair," i said.
"what's happened?" She asked.
"he's blaming you and Sophie for making me and Brook get distracted." i said.
"but you never text me unless you're not doing anything?" Katie said, she looked confused.
"he wants me and Brook home as soon as we can," I told Katie.
"I don't want to go back but we have to," I said.
"yeah i get that," She replied.
"i'll be back to take you to see George Ezra, don't you worry," I said and smiled.
"good, you bought the tickets," She said and smiled.
"well, if i don't see you before then, i'll see you in three months," i said.
"god i'm already excited to see you again," Katie said, causing us both to laugh. Then the door opened and Darren was stood there.
"You two gonna come in? it's freezing," He said.
"yeah we'll be two seconds," Katie said. Darren nodded and went back inside.
"i love you," i said and kissed Katie.
"i love you too," She replied. We both stood up and went inside. We walked into the kitchen just as the police were leaving. Me and Katie sat opposite Brook and Sophie.
"Brook, pack your bags. We've got to go," I said, Katie holding my hand.
"Blair?" he asked.
"yeah," i replied.
"what about Blair?" Sophie asked.
"he wants us both back home, says we're getting distracted," i told her.
"oh," Sophie said.
"i'll come help you sort your bags out," Katie said to me.
"okay," i said. We both went upstairs to Katies room and began sorting my things out.

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