Part Forty Nine ♡

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Mikeys POV
-2 hours later-

Me and Brook got off the train and waited for Rye and Andy to collect us from the station.
"MIKEY! BROOK!" i heard a familiar voice shout. We spun to see Andy walking towards us, Rye trailing behind.
"Where's amber?" i asked Andy, i thought she'd of come with the boys.
"At the flat," Rye told me.
"ah okay," I replied.
"come on," Rye said and pulled me and Brook to the car.


We arrived at the flat and walked in. There stood Blair, arms crossed, legs about shoulder width apart and a unhappy look plastered across his face.
"Finally," Blair said as he looked at me and Brook.
"Right, where's Amber?" i asked and put my bag on my bed.
"Jacks room," Blair said. I walked towards Jacks room and knocked on the door.
"yeah?" Jack shouted. I opened the door to see Amber sat across Jack and her without a tshirt on.
"Oh sorry," i said and turned round.
"what's up?" Jack asked.
"i need to speak to Amber," My back still turned towards them.
"oh okay," Amber said. She grabbed a shirt and walked over to me.
"what's up?" she asked and stood in front of me.
"here, katie told me to give you this," Even mentioning her name made me miss her. I handed Amber the return ticket.
"what's this?" she asked.
"train ticket back to Wakefield," I told her.
"ah right," She replied and put the ticket in her bag.
I walked back into the living room to see Andy and Rye stood in the kitchen and Brook sat on my bed, Blair stood in front of him.
"Mikey, sit down," Blair said. I sat down next to Brook and Blair looked like he was about to explode.
"you two, god i don't even know where to start," Blair said.
"just have a go at us or something," Brook said.
"No, that won't get us anywhere," Blair said.
"Right just tell us what we've done wrong because we genuinely don't understand at all," I said.
"You're both getting very distracted," Blair said. "Them two girls you're with, they're distracting you,"
"how?" Me and Brook asked at the same time.
"you're never off your phone Brook, while we're at the studio, while we're filming!" Blair said. "and Mikey, she's all you talk about. OOH KATIE THIS, KATIE THAT! NO! i'm fed up" he shouted.
"so what you're trying to say is that they can't be happy?" Amber said as she walked into the kitchen.
"no, not at al-" she cut him off.
"no that's exactly what you're saying. Katie and Sophie make Mikey and Brook happy! You can't tell them they can't speak to them, be with them or whatever because that'd be wrong," Amber said.
"woah okay calm down Miss America," Blair said and spun round to look at Amber properly.
"woah calm down baldy," Amber said, laughed and walked back to Jacks room.
"god i'm leaving," Blair said and grabbed his coat and left. Then my phone started to beep. I got a text from Katie.
Katie❤️- Hey, did you get back okay??xxx
Me- yeah, we got shouted at though xxx
Katie❤️- Why??xxx
Me- Apparently me and Brook are getting too distracted🙄xxx
Katie❤️- What? By me and Soph??xxx
Me- Yeah xxx
Katie❤️- wow, i'll leave you alone then haha xxx
Me- Nooooo!! :((xxx
Katie❤️- I'll see you in 3 months :)xxx
Me- Can't wait!! I better go, i've got a cover to upload xxxx
Katie❤️- I'll speak to you tomorrow then xxxx
Me- Goodnight, i love you xxxx
Katie❤️- I love you too xxxx
I put my phone down and Brook went into his and Jacks room. I sat on my bed and Andy and Rye were watching a movie in Ryes room. Harvey had gone back to LA and Jack and Amber had gone to the shop.
"COVERS GOING UP!" i shouted.
I got replies screamed at me.
"Okay, jesus," I said and uploaded the cover.

~10minutes later~

I looked up from my computer to see Brook and Andy arguing over the last tea bag.
"god sake," i said under my breath and then i got a call from Katie.
"Hey," i said after i answered.
"hey," she said.
"god i miss you," I said.
"I miss you too, and that covers fucking amazing!" she said.
"why thank you," I said and laughed.
"its only three months till i see you again," she said.
"yeah and you get to meet Georgeeee!" i said.
"i cant believe you got me those tickets," I said.
"you deserved them," I told her.
"i don't know why," she replied.
"because you're the best girlfriend i could ever wish for," i replied.
"stop being cute, i love you," Katie said and laughed.
"i love you too," i replied. Then Blair burst through the front door.
"i gotta go," i said to Katie.
"Bye!" she said and i ended the call.
"seriously?" Me and Andy asked. Rye and Brook also coming into the room.
"yep," Blair said. "We're going to Spain, then France, then Germany, then the Netherlands, Belgium, then Czech republic, Then Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Poland and finishing in Romania!" Blair said.
"that's amazing!" We all said. We nearly had fans from everywhere in the world now, small amounts from international countries but we still had some. Our band account was nearing 2 million followers, our youtube nearly at 3 million. We'd grown a lot, and i was proud of us. This was for our new EP, the Take This Home EP, seen as though me never released one. We were doing London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Plymouth in the UK then going to Europe.
"Blair that's fucking amazing," Rye said.
"wish i'd of been able to tell the whole band at the same time though," Blair said just as Jack and Amber walked through the door.
"what'd we miss?" Jack asked as he put the carrier bag on the table.

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