Part Eighty Seven ♡

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Brooks POV

I woke up before Sophie and carefully got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom, having a quick shower and getting dressed for another day of travelling.
I went back into the room to see Sophie sat in bed on her phone and Jack sat in his bed on his phone.
"very sociable you two are" I laughed, throwing the last few things into my bag and zipping it up.
Jack got up and finished packing his things and Sophie's was already packed and ready.
"I'm going to have to leave before you lot," Sophie said to me as i sat on the bed.
"why?" I asked.
"my plane back to england is two hours before yours," She told me. I nodded and laid down next to Sophie, not wanting her to leave, not again.

Mikeys POV

I was woken up to Katie sitting across my waist and tickling my sides.
"get upp!" She sang as she saw my eyes open. I looked at her for a few seconds. Smiling, i wrapped both my arms around her waist, rolling us over so she was laid underneath me, her legs wrapped around my waist.
"don't wake me up by tickling me again," i smirked, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Her arms snaked around my neck as i pulled away and she pulled me back in for a kiss.
"what if i do?" She giggled, playing with the ends of my hair.
"i've not decided what i'll do but i'll think of something," I smiled. I sat up and got out of bed.
"did you mean what you said last night?" Katie asked as she sat up, crossing her legs on the bed.
"which part?" I asked, grabbing a towel and turning to face her.
"the part where you blurted out 'can we have a baby'?" Katie giggled slightly.
"yeah, i can't wait for the day we start a family. Not to even mention how cute our kids would be," I smiled at her, kissing her forehead as i walked into the bathroom to have a shower.

After having a shower, i walked back into the room and got changed while Katie went to shower. I laid on the bed on my phone, scrolling through instagram and liking the posts from our recent tour dates. Katie walked out of the bathroom wearing some grey leggings, a black vest and her hair was left naturally wavy.
"is your bag packed?" I asked her. She nodded, zipping her suitcase up and sitting on the end of the bed.
"what time are we leaving?" Katie asked me.
"1pm, the planes at 2:30pm," I told Katie. She nodded and laid next to me.
"what time is it now?" She asked.
"11:45am" I told her.
We laid in silence for a while, checking socials and messages, making sure family was okay and just checking in with friends.
"you're 21 this December," I smiled at Katie.
"don't remind me, i still feel and look 12," Katie laughed. "and anyway you're 23, mr old man," She giggled.
"call me an old man again," I scowled at her. She held her arms up in surrender, giggled to herself.
"still act 12 too," I rolled my eyes.
She gasped and sat on the bed, legs crossed and arms crossed.
"wow i'm calling childline," She whined, reaching for her phone.
"you're not funny," I smiled at her.
"you know i am though,"
"I AMMM!" Katie whined, winning the argument. I laughed at her, shaking my head slightly.
"have you got anymore hate?" I asked her, hoping it'd died down after our argument.
"only a little, you lot seem to be getting more than me now," She chuckled.
"what?" I asked.
"you haven't seen??" She questioned. I shook my head and she turned her phone to show me the comments under our recent post.
Roadietilidie You know there's more to europe than spain, germany and amsterdam??
Forevermikey as if european roadies have waited years for a europe tour and you go to four countries lol
Justgibson still waiting for this after the show mv, taking the piss now ngl
glowingrye COME. BACK. TO. AMERICA.
dreamyseavy never seen an uglier bunch of lads in my life.
pleasingduff jack better stay single and not do a mikey on us and ditch us for his bird 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

"why are why don't we fans commenting?" I laughed.
"i've not got a clue," Katie said.
"and how are we going to 'four countries' were going to WAY more than that," I said.
"it's 10 isn't it?" She asked. I pulled up the tour schedule on my phone, scanning over it.
UK-8 dates
BELGIUM- 1 date
SPAIN- 2 dates CZECH- 1 date
ITALY- 2 dates SWISS- 1 date
!!home for a week!!
FRANCE- 1 date AUSTRIA- 1 date
GERMANY- 2 dates HUNGARY- 1 date
POLAND- 1 date IRELAND- 1 date

"no, it's 12," I said.
"might reply to that comment and correct her," Katie smiled at me.
"do it," I laughed.

*knock knock*
I stood up to open the room door.
"we gotta go, plane times been changed," Andy said to me as soon as i opened the door.
"okay, one second. Come in," I said, stepping to the side and letting him walk into our room.
"hey andy!" Katie said as she turned to look at him.
"hey," Andy smiled back.
"right we gotta go now Kates," I smiled at her, zipping my bag up and pulling my hoodie on. Katie nodded, grabbing one of my hoodies and pulling it over her head. She put her shoes on and grabbed her bag. We made one last check to make sure we had everything and then made way to the lobby to meet everyone.

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