Part Seven ♡

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"Yes there is, what's funny?" Katie asked.
"Your neck," Mikey said and chuckled.
"Oh get lost," Katie said and picked her phone up to have a look at her neck. She saw the mark on her neck.
"Oh right thanks," Katie said and laughed. Mikey sat up and picked his phone up. Katie looked over at Mikey, giggled and looked down.
"Right if we're laughing at my neck now, it's your fault," Mikey said.
"Well, it's your fault about mine aswell," Katie said.
"Okay, evens," Mikey replied.
"Yep," Katie said.
Andy walked back into the room and glanced over to Mikey and Katie.
"What's that on your neck Mikey?" Andy asked. Katie laughed.
"Oh.. well.." Mikey said and punched Katies arm lightly.
"Yeah, I already guessed," Andy said and laughed.
"Well why ask them?" Mikey said.
"Because I felt like it," Andy said and laughed.
"Right I'm gonna go shower, I'll be ten minutes," Mikey said.
"Okay," Katie replied. Mikey stood up and went into the bathroom and took a shower. Andy got dressed and then went into the kitchen.
While Mikey was in the shower, Katie quickly grabbed her clothes and got dressed. She put on some denim jeans and a white top and she sat back down on the bed and tied her hair up.
Mikey came out of the bathroom wearing some black jeans and a white t-shirt. He walked back into the room.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Mikey asked Katie.
"Well, what do you have?" Katie replied.
"I dunno, maybe if you had a look you'd find out," Mikey said and laughed.
"Shut up," Katie replied. Mikey walked to the kitchen with Katie.
"Morning!" Rye, Brook and Jack said.
"Morning," Katie and Mikey replied.
"Right, do you want a cup of tea?" Rye asked everyone.
"Please," Katie, Andy and Mikey replied.
"I'll pass, I'm gonna have some orange juice," Jack said.
"I'm gonna get water," Brook told them.
"Right so four cups of tea it is," Rye said and turned the kettle on. Brook sat on the counter, drinking his water.
"So, what do you think of the 'Roadtrip' household so far, Katie?" Brook asked.
"I've learnt one thing," Katie replied.
"Oh what's that?" Brook asked.
"It's that you shout extremely loud," Katie said and everyone laughed.
"She has a point," Andy said.
"Agreed," Rye said.
"Well sorry," Brook said and laughed. Rye turned round and gave Katie, Mikey and Andy their cups of tea.
"Thanks," they all said to Rye.
"Are we going anywhere today?" Jack asked.
"We need to go buy food. The cupboards are full of nothing," Andy said. Mikey and Rye looked at each other.
"Where are we going to buy food then?" Rye asked.
"Asda," Andy said.
"The Big A!" Mikey and Rye shouted. Everyone laughed.
"Let's go then," Jack said and walked towards the door. Everyone walked out of the flat after putting on their shoes. Rye locked the door behind them all and headed to the car. Everyone got in and went to Asda.
Once they all got to Asda, they all got out of the car.
"We've been kicked out so many times" Rye said to Mikey.
"Yeah I know, this is gonna be funny. We have a girl to push around in a trolley aswell," Mikey said and winked at Katie.
"Get gone," Katie replied.
"Nah Katie actually do it, it'll be so funny," Jack said.
"Nope," Katie said.
"Please!" Andy said. "It'll be so funny," Andy added.
"Fine!" Katie said, defeated.
"YAY!" All the boys said. They all walked over to get a trolley and walked into Asda.
"Right don't forget we actually have to buy food..." Andy said.
"Yeah, we know," Mikey replied. They all walked down the frozen foods isle.
"Katie, get in the trolley," Mikey said to Katie. Katie rolled her eyes and said
She got in the trolley, Rye pushing her and then Mikey jumping on top of her.
"Mikey!" Katie said, loudly.
"What?" Mikey replied.
"Nothing." Katie said and laughed. She moved to the side so they could both kind of fit in the trolley. Brooklyn pulled his phone out and recorded it, no one knowing. Katie put her head on Mikeys shoulder, Brooklyn catching this on record.
Brooklyn posted the video, not realising that Katie and Mikey looked as if they were dating.
Suddenly, Twitter and instagram started blowing up. Assumptions about Katie and Mikey dating, Mikey having a girlfriend started circling the internet. People finding Katies instagram, mainly saying she was pretty or just asking if Katie and Mikey were dating.
After getting kicked out of Asda everyone went back to the boys flat.
"You're going back home tonight?" Brooklyn asked Katie.
"Yeah, my friend Sophie is coming to pick me up. It's been amazing staying with you all!" Katie said.
"You've been an amazing person to of stayed here!" Andy said.
"You better come back soon," Jack said.
"You've been good company for Mikey, as we all figured out this morning," Rye said and tapped Mikeys neck where there was marks from their kissing session the night before.
"Well..." Katie said blushing. Mikey was laughing along with everyone else.
"You better ring me as soon as you get back home," Mikey said to Katie.
"I will, don't worry," Katie told Mikey.
"Right, you better go get your things together. Sophie won't be long until she's here." Brooklyn said.
"Yeah, I will," Katie said and went into Mikey and Andy's room. She got her things together and put them in her bag. Cassidy then texted Katie.
Cassidy to Katie:
Hey, I'm outside. Hurry up!x
Katie to Cassidy:
I'm coming now, let me just say bye to everyone!x
Cassidy to Katie:
Katie to Cassidy:
Yeah okay, sorry mum :/x
Katie put her phone in her back pocket and went into the lounge where all the boys were.
"I'm going," Katie said as she walked into the room. All the boys jumped up and hugged her.
"You better ring me," Mikey said and hugged Katie tightly.
"Yes, I will!" Katie said.
Then there was a knock at the door.

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