Part Eighty ♡

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Katies POV

"You know exactly what's happened," Brook said.
"I really don't," I said.
"Who've you just been talking to?" He asked.
"Sophie, why?" I asked.
"is it true? has she really cheated on me?" He asked, lifting his head up to see tears fall from his eyes.
"oh my god," I said under my breath.
"Is it?" He asked again.
"I.. Well uh-" I stuttered.
"she did, didn't she," Brook said. I nodded, not being able to bring myself to tell him, with words anyway.
"how do you know?" I asked, sitting down opposite him.
"windows open," He mumbled.
fuck sake man
"i'm so sorry," I said. "she was drunk, she regrets it so much," I told him.
"who was it with?" He asked. By now, Mikey, Rye, Andy and Jack had left me and Brook in the kitchen.
"..Joe," I said.
"isn't he that lad that really upset her?" He asked.
"yeah.." I replied.
"fuck sake," Brook muttered.
"i'm so sorry," I said to him, standing up and hugging him from behind. He stood up, turning to face me. I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back, crying onto my shoulder.
We stood for a few seconds before all the other boys come in, joining the hug.
"text her," I whispered into his ear. I felt him nod against my shoulder and we all broke away from the hug.
Brook and Jack went into their room, Rye and Andy went to walk Alfie and Me and Mikey went to sit on his bed.
"I hate that I had to be the one he found out from," I sighed and laid back on Mikey's bed.
"it's not your fault," He replied, holding my hand and laying down next to me.
"Genuinely thought she was gonna tell me she was pregnant or something. I wanted good news," I laughed.
"it wasn't good news when you thought you were pregnant," Mikey said.
"honestly, i'm not ready for a family Mike," I said. "i'm not even 20 yet," I sighed.
"One day," Mikey smiled, kissing my cheek softly.
"I love you," I smiled, trying to lie on my side, resting my head on his chest.
"i love you too," He replied, resting his chin on my head.
For the rest of the day, we stayed in bed, watching netflix. Rye and Andy decided to go for a day out in London with Alfie and Jack and Brook were probably playing fifa together.
Days like this made me realise how sometimes you just want moments to never ever end.
It reached around 9pm when Andy burst through the door, followed by Rye and Alfie.
"WE GOT FOOOOD!" Andy shouted. Brook and Jack raced into the kitchen and me and Mikey slowly made our way to the table.
After eating, we all packed our things for Europe.
"Mikeee," I whined.
"what?" He turned to answer me.
"i need to go back to my flat," I sighed, realising i didn't have half of the stuff i needed.
"why?" He asked.
"I don't have half of the clothes i need," I said.
"Okay, we can go now?" He said. I nodded and pulled a hoodie over my head and put my shoes on. I waited for Mikey to put a coat on and his shoes and i grabbed my keys and phone.
We drove to my flat. When we got there, the lights were off which meant Cassidy wasn't home.
"hurry up, I'll wait here," Mikey said. I nodded and rushed to open the door. I walked through the hallway, into the kitchen. It was a mess. I walked toward my room, looking at the mess, i was disgusted. I rushed to my room, quickly grabbing a bag and throwing a lot of clothes and shoes in it. I grabbed my coat and my denim jacket and rushed back out before Cassidy got back. I locked the door and climbed back into the car, quickly making our way back to the boys flat.

After me and Mikey got back, and being questioned about where we'd been, we all piled into Ryes room to watch a movie together. We decided to watch a Horror even though me and Andy were very against the idea.

After the movie, me and Andy leaving half way through because we both hated it and went to sit with Alfie, Mikey walked into the front room where me and Andy had been sat.
"Everyone else is heading off to bed," Mikey said and laid on his bed next to me.
"I'll head off aswell then," Andy smiled, standing up off the sofa and heading into Ryes room. I changed into some shorts and a tshirt and got into bed next to a shirtless Mikey.
"I cant wait for tomorrow," Mikey smiled, placing a kiss on my lips.
"me neither, you're all going to do so great," I replied, wrapping my arms around him. His arms held me closer to him and we both drifted off to sleep.

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