Part Seventy Three ♡

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Katies POV
"Hey!" I smiled happily, pulling him into a hug.
"wow you look amazing Katie," Regan said, hugging me back.
"thank you," I smiled and moved to the side to then him into the flat.
"Hey hey no don't come in, we're leaving now!" Cassidy said, flapping her arms around and walking out of the door. Regan followed her out and i locked the door behind us.
We all got into a taxi after waiting for it for a few minutes. When we arrived at the club, Ally, Georgie, James, Reece, Cara and Bailey were all outside. Me, Regan and Cassidy all got out of the taxi and walked over to them.
"Katie! Cassidy!" Ally squealed, running over to us and pulling us both into a hug.
"Hi!" Me and Cassidy replied. Then everyone else came over, hugging us all and turning it into a massive group hug.
"you looks amazing, Kates," James whispered into my ear as we walked into the club. I smiled but before i had chance to reply Cassidy and Ally pulled me over to the bar. We ordered drinks for everyone and then walked over to a table they were sat at. We put their drinks on the table and all began talking and laughing.

Mikeys POV

10pm and im sat in bed, watching Peaky Blinders and scrolling through instagram. My eyes stopped on a photo, a photo of Katie. She looked gorgeous. She had a red dress on, her hair was really nicely curled, her makeup looked amazing- she looked amazing. I sighed, turning my phone off and turning my attention to the screen.
"Mike, get ready we're off out," Andy said, sitting up.
"no," I said, wrapping my covers around me more.
"yes, you can't just sit here and sulk," Andy said.
"i can," i sighed "and anyway Katies out, i don't want to see her," I said.
"well, we'll go somewhere else then," Andy said.
"like where?" I asked.
"Graces, doubt she'd be there," Andy said.
"fine," i said, turning my laptop off.
"i've already showered, hurry up," Andy said, pushing me towards the bathroom.
I grabbed a towel and went to shower.

Katies POV
"my round, shots?" James said, standing up.
"yes!" Everyone cheered.
"Katie, come to the bar with me?" He asked. I nodded and stood up, following James to the bar.
"are you still with that boyband member??" James asked as he handed the bartender the money for drinks.
"no, i finished with him two days ago," I said, looking down.
"Well, at least you've come out with us all." James smiled, pulling me into a hug.
"yeah, it's gonna be a good night," I smiled, stepping back.
We ordered shots and carried them back over to the table.
"3...2...1..." Regan began.
"DOWN IT," James shouted and necked his shot, followed by the rest of us.
"feels just like the last night of school and Regan's," Ally laughed.
"god that was a good night," Cassidy said.
Then a song called 'shut up and dance' started playing.
"OOOH ITS OUR SONG!" Cassidy squealed, grabbing me and Ally and pulling us over to the dance floor, followed by everyone else.
We all danced through the whole song and the to get more drinks.
I began to feel a bit dizzy so i went to stand outside for fresh air. That's when i saw someone very familiar walking towards me. Their eyes landed on me and they turned right around and began walking to other day.
"come on, stop it," I heard a familiar voice say- ANDY!
"i hate you," Another familiar voice mumbled- MIKEY!
I looked down at my feet, hoping they wouldn't say anything.
"katie?" Andy asked, i looked up.
"Hey," I said, looking at Mikey to have him look away from me.
"What're you doing here?" Andy asked me.
"I'm here with some old school friends," I replied.
"sounds cool! Are they all inside?" Andy asked.
"Yeah," I replied. Andy nodded and began walking into the club, Mikey stayed looking at me but then began walking away. I grabbed him arm.
"i'm so sorry," I said. I could tell he wasn't happy, i could tell he wasn't okay.

Mikeys POV

She wasn't okay, i could see it in her eyes she wasn't okay. I looked at her for a few seconds and then stepped towards her, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around me, her head resting on my chest. We stood for a few minutes.
"do you wanna talk?" I asked. She nodded.
"let me go grab my bag and jacket," She said.
"i'll come with you, don't fancy standing out here by myself," I laughed. She grabbed my hand and lead me into the club and towards her friends. She let go of my hand just before we reached the table.
"sweetcheeks," A tall, blonde boy said to Katie, slapping her bum.
"stop it James," Katie said, grabbing her bag and jacket.
"sorry princess," He laughed.
"don't call me that," Katie said.
"where are you going sexy?" He asked Katie.
"To talk to someone," She said and began walking towards me.
"thought you weren't with him anymore?" James said, walking over to me and Katie.
"why i said we're going to talk," Katie said, intertwining her fingers with mine.
"He's not even that good looking Katie, can't you do better?" He said to Katie.
"Oh shut the fuck up," I said, squeezing Katies hand.

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