Part Sixty Three ♡

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Katies POV
Tour; day three- Leeds.
I woke up and got in the shower, washed and dried my hair, then straightened it. I sat and did my makeup and then woke Mikey up.
"babeee," I sang, laying next to him and playing with his hair. His eyes opened and then his rubbed his eyes.
"what time is it?" He asked as i moved my hand away from him. I looked at the clock and then turned back at Mikey.
"8:30am," I said. He sat up and pulled a hoodie on.
"we don't have to go until 9:30 what're you waking me up at this time for?" He whined and sat up, resting against the headboard and pulling me into a hug.
"Stop trying to make me feel guilty by being cute," I huffed.
"is it not working this time?" He asked as i sat up and faced him, crossed legs.
"no," I said and crossed my arms. He pulled a sad face at me. "NO," i said and looked away, causing us both to laugh.
"come here," He laughed and pulled me into a tight squeeze. "you're so gorgeous," He said and kissed my forehead.
We sat like that for 10 minutes just, in silence. Then sophie burst through the door.
"YOU HAVE TO LEAVE IN 20 MINUTES!" Sophie screamed, Brook stood behind her.
"WE KNO- when the fuck did brook get here?" I asked.
"last night," Sophie said.
"well aren't i glad we went to sleep early," Mikey said and nudged me while laughing.
"GET READY!" Brook shouted, shutting my room door.
"you need to shower," I said to Mikey.
"don't you need to aswell?" He asked.
"No, already done," I smiled.
"oh yeah, you've done your makeup too," He said and sat up. I nodded and got off my bed and headed to my wardrobe.
"i'll be like ten minutes," Mikey said and headed to the bathroom.
I tried to find something to wear and eventually settled on black denim shorts, a white levi's tshirt tucked in, my hair tied into a high pony tail, it was june after all.
Before i got dressed, i sat and scrolled through instagram for about 5 minutes. When i put my phone down, i put matching underwear on and then got distracted by Sophie texting me.
Sophie- Blair's ringing Brook, you two need to hurry X
Me- you said 20 minutes! X
Sophie- yeah 15 minutes ago x
Me- Okay, we'll be quick x
As i put my phone down, i felt two arms snake around my waist and someone pick me up.
"Mikeyyyy," I whined. He put me down and spun me around so i was facing him.
"these look good on you," He smirked and looked me up and down. I completely forgot i was still stood in underwear.
"oh stop it, we've got to be ready in literally 5 minutes," I told him.
"i'd rather be late," Mikey laughed and kissed me. I shouldn't of kissed him back, but i did. Mikey moved back so he was sat on the edge of my bed and me sat above him, straddling him. That's when my mum walked in, not knocking or anything.
"Oh shit me- i'm so sorry," My mum said embarrassed as me and Mikey pulled away. We both quickly got dressed and got our stuff together. When we walked out of my room, my mum was stood just outside the door.
"I'm so sorry, if i'd of know i-" My mum began rambling on.
"It's fine, Lisa. Don't worry," Mikey laughed slightly.
"If id of known i'd of just shouted but i thought you were dressed," My mum said, apologising repeatedly.
"Mum, it's fine," I smiled and hugged her.
"text me after the show," She called after me as me and Mikey headed downstairs with our bags.
"Of course i will!" i replied and we all got our shoes and coats on and headed out of the door. Sophie shut the door behind us and we all climbed into her car. Me and Mikey in the back, Brook and Sophie in the front.
When we got to the venue, all the boys had already gone in and Darren was waiting for us all.
"HURRY UP!" Darren literally screamed at us.
"SORRY!" We all said back as we all piled into the venue.
We went through, the VIP was the same. Girls, meeting them, photos, video messages for friends who couldn't make it, so on so on.
The show was pretty much the same until someone decided to start fighting in the middle of the show. Darren and Blair jumped in, the security guards too. To be completely honest, i was glad Alex, their photographer and videographer, was there because i got a lot of photos of the fight and i was extremely proud of my self, some good action shots. The security threw the fighters out and the show continued.
After the show, we had meet and greet. More and more people began wanting photos with me which was obviously very exciting. I took photos with over half the people that had gone to the show, some extremely cool photos were taken that day.
After they show, we all collected our stuff, Sophie said bye to everyone and her and Brook turned into the most soppy couple i've ever seen in my whole life. Sophie went home, we all headed off to the next city, the next hotel.

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