Part Forty One ♡

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Jacks POV

we were all sat in Nando's and i'd decided that i was gonna at least try it with Amber. As we had finished eating, i slid my hand into hers under that table. She didn't pull her hand away so to me, that's a good sign. We all ordered some more drinks and continued talking between ourselves.
At one point Andy decided to do 'what's the odds' with rye.
"what's the odd that you go over to the bar, ask for some ice and shove it all down your pants," Andy said to rye.
"go on then," Rye said.
"3...2...1.." andy started.
"6!" they both shouted together. We got some funny looks but it's nothing we aren't used to.
"shit," rye said under his breath. We all laughed and Rye stood up.

Ryes POV
I stood up and walked towards the bar.
"excuse me?" i said as the woman had her back to me. She spun around and... shit.
"never mind," i said quickly and walked away.
"wait no! Rye!" she shouted after me. no no no no
i got back to the table and hurried everyone to stand up.
"come on, we're going," i said as grabbed my jacket.
"what why?" Andy asked.
"because we need to go," i said sternly and i turned to walk out.
"rye!" she shouted as she was walking towards me.
"who's that?" Katie asked.
"it's a long story, let's go!" i said as i walked towards the door. I felt someone grab my arm. Fuck.
"Rye, please listen to me," she said.
"No, i tried that the first time and you lied through your teeth to me. Get off me Maisie," i said angrily and pulled my arm away from her.

Katies POV

"i'm off to save rye, don't get mad at me for this," i said to Mikey and walked over to rye. Mikey nodded at me and i went to stand next to rye.
"And you are?" i asked this girl, her name was apparently maisie.
"i'm maisie, Ryes gir-" she was cut off.
"EX- girlfriend," rye said.
"should be hopes she's your ex, right babe," i said to rye. I could see Mikey trying not to laugh and i shot him a glare. He stopped laughing and turned around with a sorry look on his face.
"yeah," he said as i slipped my hand into his and squeezed it.
"WHO are you?" maisie asked me.
"i'm ryes girlfriend," i said. Rye was catching on to what i was doing and he nodded his head.
"yeah, obviously my standards have raised," he said.
"prove it," maisie said.
"excuse me?" we said in sync.
"prove that you're together," She said to us.
"how?" rye asked.
"kiss," she said. FUCK MY LIIIFE. I looked at Rye and then at mikey. he was shaking his head at me. I think Rye could see the worry in my face as i looked back at him.
"sorry, we can't do that," He said.
"why not? are you faking it?" Maisie said.
"no, we're not," he said.
"why can't you kiss then," she asked.
"uh, becau-"
"because her dad says we're not aloud to," Rye said, cutting me off.
"WHAT A JOKE," maisie said and walked off.
"Right, lets go guys," Rye said, still holding my hand and practically pulling me out of Nando's, the rest of them following behind us.
"Thank you so so much," Rye said to me and hugged me.
"it's okay," i said while hugging him back.
"What the fuck was that all about?!" Brook and Mikey said together. Amber and Jack were talking about something and Andy was just looking very very confused.
"i'll tell you when we get home," Rye said and pulled out of the hug. "it's a long fucking story," he said. We all got into two cars and drove back to my house.

**20minutes later**

Once we arrived at home we all went inside and sat in the living room.
"are you gonna tell us Rye?" Brook asked.

Ryes POV

I sat down and brook asked me to explain. no one knew about me and maisie, it was a huge mistake.
"Rye? you okay?" Katie asked me.
"yeah," i said.
"please explain Rye, my heads hurting," Andy said to me. How i wanted to give him the biggest hug. He's been through everything with me but he didn't know about me and Maisie. hardly anyone did.
"me and maisie dated, for 8 months. She was a drug dealer and i got dragged into it. I didn't want to but she wouldn't let me go." i said as all the bad memories began flooding back. i am not going to cry. "Then when the police found out about her boss we had to do a runner. That's how i ended up bumping into blair. I was still with maisie 4 months after being in the band." i looked at Andy and he looked so disappointed in me.
"why didn't you tell me?" andy asked.
"i was scared to, i was scared you'd hate me." i told him.
"i could never hate you!" he replied.
"right just carry on," brook said.
"when i tried to split up with her she told me that if i did she'd go to the police about what we did. I didn't even do anything, i followed her around like a lost sheep. Then when i finally had enough courage to break it off, i did. i blocked her number and everything so she couldn't contact me. Then it came out she'd been cheating on me the whole time and only wanted me to do her dirty work." i said but i could feel tears present in my eyes. Everyone looked at me, shocked. Next thing i knew i'd been pulled into a group hug.
"it's fine Rye, we love you," Katie said to me. Everyone agreed.

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