Part Twenty Eight ♡

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Katie's POV
We were sat on my bed. Andy at one side of me, Mikey at the other. Brook, Rye and Jack were sat on the floor looking at me.
"Katie, tell us what's going on," Rye said.
"Yourfanshateme," i said really fast.
"Say it slower so we can understand you," Rye said. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears again.
"Your fans hate me," I said, causing a tear to fall down my face, Mikey wiped it away gently with his sleeve of his jumper and put his arm round me again. I placed my head on his shoulder and Rye kept asking questions.
"What do you mean?" Rye asked. Brook and Jack were now both looking at me with worry shown across both their faces.
"Look at some of the stuff they've been saying to me," I said and handed my phone on Rye. The other boys all looked over Ryes shoulder. I could see their eyes scanning through the comments.
After a few minutes he turned my phone off and handed me it back. Everyone went back to where they were sitting. Rye looked at Mikey, then Andy, then Jack and Brook.
The next thing I knew I'd been engulfed in a huge group hug.
"I'm not having that," Rye said as we all pulled away.
"What do you mean Rye?" Brook said.
"I'm not having people say that to Katie. It's disgusting," Rye said.
"I agree," Mikey said and put his arm round me after the hug.
"It really is, we should say something. We could post something on the Instagram story? Or make a longer video and post it to Instagram itself." Andy suggested.
"Yeah, we can do either," Brook agreed. I shook my head.
"No I don't want you to," I said.
"What? Why?" Rye asked.
"She's said to me she doesn't want people to say she cried for attention," Mikey said.
"Right well you don't have to be in it then, but we are definitely going to say something about it," Rye said.
"Okay," I agreed.
"We'll do it now," Rye said and stood up. Everyone followed him downstairs and sat on the sofa. I left them to film the video and went to get myself a drink.
Jacks POV
We all sat down on the sofa and Rye pulled his phone out of his pocket. I still can't believe what people were saying about Katie, I mean she's gorgeous, far from ugly! Rye posted something on the Instagram story that said 'Important video coming tomorrow'
We began filming the video and I was sat just thinking about how it must feel to get so much hate... and how much Katie meant to me.
I was soon pulled out of my thoughts by Andy clicking his fingers at me.
"Jack? Hello?" Andy said while clicking his fingers.
"What? Sorry I was thinking about something," I said.
"What do you think about what people are saying about Katie?" Andy asked me.
"I think it's disgusting and messed up. No one deserves to be called ugly or to be told that whoever they're with doesn't deserve to be with them. Katie makes Mikey happy as you've all seen. They both make each other happy and realistically everyone hating on Katie brings the rest of us down too. It's horrible having someone cry over something our fans have said about them. Katie is a kind, caring person and doesn't deserve this. Yes, we have seen people being nice to her and supporting her but theres also more than half of roadies hating on her. Enough is enough, stop it. It's a horrible thing to do," I said. All the boys were looking at me and smiling.
"What?" I asked.
"That was amazing," Andy said and the other boys nodded in agreement. I smiled at them and then they stopped recording.
"I'll go edit that and whatnot," Mikey said and stood up the find his laptop. The rest of us just sat on the sofa and turned the TV on. Mikey walked back into the room with his laptop and sat down, resting against the sofa.
Katie's POV
I sat on the kitchen worktop and waited for the boys to be finished filming this video that's going to do absolutely nothing. I was drinking a bottle of water while scrolling through my feed.
I heard someone go upstairs, probably Mikey trying to find his laptop. Then I heard the tv turn on and Mikey coming back downstairs. I put my phone on the worktop and headed into the living room where all the boys were.
I walked into the living room and all the boys looked up at me and smiled.
"We're posting the video later," Andy said, smiling.
"Okay," I replied and sat next to Mikey on the floor.
"You okay?" Mikey asked as I sat down.
"Yeah," I replied and his put his arm round me. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched whatever shit Brook chose to watch, while mikey edited the video. i kept glancing down and heard part of what Jack said. He really is an amazing person. I carried on watching the shit tv show but i eventually found myself to begin to drift to sleep, this tv show was shit. Soon enough my eyes were closed and i was resting my head on mikeys shoulder.

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