Part Fifty One ♡

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Mikeys POV
3 months later

I'd woken up early to get to the train station on time. Today was the day I was going to see Katie, and tomorrow we were going to see George Ezra; Katies favourite singer. I grabbed my bag, laptop and charger and put my shoes on. All the boys were still asleep so I just left a note on the table so they all knew i'd gone. Katie had told me about a new dog they'd gotten, he was called Alfie. He was a golden retriever puppy, they got him a few weeks ago. She'd been sending me photos of him and he was making my heart melt.
I walked to the train station, it was 6am. I wanted to be there early so i could see Katie for longer. My train left at 6:47am so just as i got there, the train pulled up. I got on, sat down and pulled my earphones and phone out of my pocket. I plugged my ear phones in and the train began to move. I pulled my laptop out and began editing the next vlog.

~2 and a half hours later~

The train pulled up at the train station and i grabbed my things and got off. As i was walking out of the station, i called for a taxi.
After wait for a few minutes, the taxi came and drove me to Katie's house.
When i got to Katies and knocked on the door, i waited for it to open.
After a few minutes the door opened and there stood Marcus.
"Ah Mikey!" He said politely and smiled at me. I smiled back, sarcastically. What was HE doing here.
"come in," He said and stepped to the side for me to come in. I walked in and shut the door behind me. Before i had chance to turn around i felt two hands cover my eyes.
"Hey," They said.
"Katie," I replied. She removed her hands from my eyes and i spun round so i was facing her. God she was beautiful.
"how did you know it was me?" She whined.
"oh i do wonder," I said and laughed.
"me too," she replied and smiled at me.
"oh come here, i've missed you," I said. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist, my arms holding her close to me.
"ive missed you too," She replied and kissed me.
"Ah, it's lovely to have you back Mikey!"Lisa said as i put Katie down.
"it's lovely to see you too," I replied and Lisa pulled me into a hug.
"Is that Mikey??" Darren said as he walked into the kitchen and Lisa pulled away from me.
"Yes dad, it is," Katie said and laughed.
"Nice to see you," Darren said and shook my hand. So formal. Then Gizmo bounded in and ran towards me, jumping up. Darren and Lisa walked out of the kitchen and went to sit in the living room. He was fully grown now and on his hind legs he was taller that Katie, but katie is only 5'5 so it's not really surprising. He's a big dog, bigger than most alsatians. After Gizmo had gotten down off of me, a little puppy walked into the kitchen. Katie scooped him up in her arms and handed me him.
"This is Alfie i've been telling you about," Katie told me. I could've cried over that dog. He was the cutest. Alfie burrowed his head into my jacket, sniffing me.
"god why do all my dogs like you more than they like me?" Katie asked and stroked Alfie.
"i'm a dog whisperer," i said and laughed, Katie laughing with me. I bent down and put Alfie back on the floor and he ran off into the living room.
"come on," Katie said and grabbed my hand, pulling me upstairs to her room and shutting the door behind us.
"Right!" she exclaimed and grabbed something out of her bag. "Here!" she said and threw something at me.
"what's this?" i asked, unfolding it.
"this.. is what i'm wearing to a party tonight thats you're coming with me to," Katie said and smiled. I unfolded it to see a grey, sparkly mini dress.
"this is so nice, Katie," I told her.
"thank you," She replied and smiled.
"but i have nothing to wear," I said.
"it's a formal party, seen as though Marcus' parents are loaded. We're gonna have to go get you a suit or something," She suggested.
"Do we have to go?" i asked. "I'd rather stay here with you all night," I told her
"and so would I, but it's for Marcus' birthday," she said.
"even more of a reason for me not to go," I replied and sat on her bed.
"babeeee, please," She whined and looked at me.
"dear god, fine let's go," i said and stood up.
"go where?"
"to get me something to wear," I said. She squealed with excitement and grabbed a jacket to put on. We both went downstairs, told everyone where we were going and walked out.

-5Hours later-

Biggest. Mistake. Ever.
Do never ever go shopping with your girlfriend that loves shopping, ever. We managed to find a decent suit but then she wanted to go into every single other shop. We walked through the front door, more bags than a little.
"jesus christ! where the hell have you two been?" Darren asked and Katie put all the bags on the stairs.
"i went shopping with Katie, for one thing. This is what we came back with," I told Darren as i took my shoes off.
"god i feel sorry for you Mike," He said and patted my back. I chuckled.
"i feel sorry for myself,"

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