Part thirty three ♡

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Harvey's POV
I stood up and walked towards Katie. i didn't know what i was doing, well i did but i didn't.
i walked towards her and she began to step away until she backed into the counter and couldn't go any farther. I put my hands on her waist and just kissed her. I KISSED MY BEST FRIENDS GIRLFRIEND, fuck. Just as Katie pulled away and pushed me away, Mikey, FUCKING MIKEY, walked in. Katie got out of my grip and grabbed the batteries and remote and ran over to Mikey. Mikey stood in the doorway, silent.
"What the fuck harvey!?" He shouted after a few seconds.
"look mate i'm sor-" i began, he cut me off.
"oh don't go there! i know that you think
you're better for her and shit but there's no need for you to kiss her when she's with me," he said, still clearly very annoyed. I glanced over to Katie and i could see her eyes beginning to fill up with tears. I looked down, there was nothing i could say or do that would make this situation any better. Soon enough Andy, Rye and Jack walked into the kitchen. Andy walked over to Katie and put his arm round her and comforted her. I walked past them all, grabbed my coat and left the house. I went to go for a walk to clear my head.

Mikeys POV
So much just happened, i walk downstairs to see my best friend kissing my girlfriend? No, i wasn't going to let THAT slide. I walked over to Katie after Harvey left and Andy took his arm from round her and moved away. Rye, Andy and Jack went back into the living room. Katie looked down.
"i'm so sorry, i only wanted to get the batteries," Katie said.
"can you tell me what happened?" i asked.
"basically, i came into the kitchen and Harvey was sat at the table. we were talking like normal and then he brought earlier up. I told him to stop being childish and then he started walking towards me and he like pushed me against the counter and kissed me," She explained to me.
"wow," i said, i was shocked.
"i'm so sorry, you know i didn't mean fo-" she started but i cut her off.
"shut up," i said and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back.
"right, what about that movie then?" i suggested.
"yeah, let me sort these batteries out," Katie said. She sorted the remote out and we both headed back to her room.
We sat back on her bed and Katie started the movie. Katie got under the covers next to me but she wasn't acting like herself.
"hey, you okay?" i asked Katie.
"no, i'm not to be honest," She said and turned to look at me.
"why? is it because of harvey?" i asked after what had just happened. She nodded.
"i feel so bad," She told me. "i feel like it's my fault.."
"why would it be?" i asked her.
"i just feel like i could've stopped that from happening," Katie said as her eyes began to fill up.
"he kissed you, he's the one in the wrong," i told her.
"yeah i know but i could've like moved away when he was walking towards me." katie said.
"look i'd probably of done the same as you," i said.
"i just walked back, i didn't think about moving to the side or something," she said.
"it's fine, he was the one that kissed you. HE put you in that position,"
"i guess you're right," Katie told me.
"let's forget about it, yeah?" i suggested.
"yeah.. okay," she agreed.
We both carried on watching the movie, occasionally we'd miss a part because we were making out or laughing.
after the movie finished we both sat together just talking and laughing. It fell silent after us talking for a while, we both looked at each other. Wow, she has the nicest eyes. I stared into them and i could see her blushing. She laughed and looked down, her hair falling over one of her eyes. I reached over and tucked it behind her ear. She looked back up at me, straight into my eyes. I smiled and put one of my hands on her jaw. We kissed. It wasn't just a normal kiss, it was a kiss that made me realise i was completely head over heels for this
girl. I wanted to stay like this forever.
a minute or two went by and Katie pulled away, she smiled at me and then stood up. She wandered off to her bathroom and i could hear the water running.
She came back out with her hair tied up, her makeup off and one of my tshirts on.

Katies POV
So much happened today. I sat down on the toilet seat, head in my hands. I cant believe Harvey did that. i'm so shocked still. i washed my face and tied my hair up. I grabbed one of mikeys tshirts he'd left in the bathroom and put it on. I walked back out of the bathroom and went to sit with mikey. We both fell asleep cuddling each other.
someone began shaking my arm gently, trying to wake me up.
"katie?" they whispered, i couldn't make out who it was.

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