⭐ Stay | Loki

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You were watching him as he moved in Stark's private library, looking for a book that caught his eyes. He finally found one and sat on the couch.

"Y/N, you're staring."

He pointed out, a smirk was dancing on his lips. You rolled your eyes and sat beside him on the couch.

"Loki, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

He put his book aside and looked at you. You smiled at him.

"Will you go back to Asgard?"

You asked. He was quite surprised with your question because you had never ask him that before. He licked his lips and thought for awhile before answering you.

"Yes, dear. Maybe in a few days."

He gave you a small smile. The smile that he gave only for you. Only you got to see him smiling like that. That was why you thought that you were special in his eyes. But now you were doubting it.

"Why do you always leave, Loki?"

You didn't mean to be harsh but you were hurt. You've always loved him, and by the way he treated you--- he made you believed that he loved you too.

He always came to you, but then he left. Like you were nothing for him.

"What do you mean, Y/N?"

He frowned.

"Why do you always leave? Why can't you stay?"

You were desperate for an answer. An answer that could shut you up for good. The answer that could let you know whether you were a meaning for him or not.

"Because there is no reason for me to stay."

Loki said without thinking. But he realized that your face dropped as soon as the words rolled out of his tongue.

"No reason for you to stay?"

You repeated what he said with a clear disgust in your voice. You thought that he loved you too but you were wrong. You've never meant anything for him.

"Y/N, you are---"

"No, it's my fault. I should've listen to my brother."

You said before leaving the room and looked for your brother. Loki sat there, still surprised with what happened. But deep down he knew that he had a reason to stay. But he was just too afraid to admit it.

It was you.


Tony was aware with your feelings for the God of Mischief. To be honest, he wasn't comfortable to know that his little sister was harboring love for the trickster. But he wanted you to be happy, that was all mattered.

But when you came to him crying, he knew that Loki had broke your heart.

"I should've listen to you, Tony. I was such a fool!"

You scolded yourself. Tears streamed down your face and Tony winced at the sight of you. He pulled you into his arms and let you cried.

"You're not a fool, Y/N. Loki is blind if he doesn't see you as a perfect lover."

Tony tried to calm you down but you were hurt. How could you ever think that Loki would love you as much as you loved him?

"I- I love Loki. I can't get him out of my mind but he doesn't love me back. Tony, it hurts."

You cried. Tony looked over your shoulder and realized that Loki was standing there. He cleared his throat, making you turned around and froze when you saw him.

"Tony, can you please let me talk to your sister, alone?"

Loki asked for your brother's permission as he noticed that Tony was putting an arm around you protectively. Tony looked at you, and you nodded weakly.

Soon or later, you needed to talk to him so why didn't you do it now.

Tony kissed your forehead softly before leaving you in the room with Loki. You looked down on the floor when Loki walked closer towards you.

"Y/N, please look at me."

His voice was soft, he had never being harsh with you before. But you didn't listen, you were too embarrased to look at him.

"Please, Y/N. Look at me."

He pleaded. You finally looked up at him with watery eyes. His heart clenched at the thought of him making you cry. It was all because of him.

"I'm sorry, Loki."

A tear rolled down your face but he quickly wiped it away. He caressed your face and smiled at you.

"I am sorry, Y/N. I should've tell you this but I didn't because I was a coward. But I know that the feeling is real, and I want you to know it too."

He leaned in and you didn't move an inch. You didn't know what to do. You were so afraid of being broken again.

"I love you, Y/N."

With that, he closed the gap between you by crushing his lips with yours. He kissed you and for a moment you couldn't process what was happening. When you didn't kiss him back, he pulled away with worries filled his eyes.


"No, no--- you're going to leave me again and I can't do this. I need you here with me but I know it won't happen."

Loki hushed you and chuckled at your rambling. He pecked your forehead and sighed.

"I love you, and I'm sorry for leaving you. Starts from now, I'm gonna stay here with you. But only if you want me to?"

He smiled. You gasped as a grin appeared on your face. You pulled him for a kiss and he quickly kissed you back with the same hunger and passion. When you pulled away, you both were grinning.

"I love you, darling."

You blushed as you looked away from him.

"I love you too, Loki."

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat from behind you. You turned around and saw your brother, smirking at you and Loki. Tony moved his gaze at the God of Mischief.

"Loki, you better love her and not hurt her."

He warned. Loki nodded and for the first time, he smiled genuinely at Tony.

"I promise you, Stark that I'm going to love this Stark as much as I could."

Loki kissed your head, making you chuckled at his words. Tony shrugged and left the room.

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