⭐ Tag Along | Steve Rogers

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Requested by @happyfase
Thank you for requesting!

Based on a prompt:
55. "The advantage of dating me is you can use me as your arm rest and not even once I'm complaining."


You and Steve were at the supermarket, like usual buying groceries for the Avengers. You always questioned why wouldn't the others got assigned to this job, and Tony's answer would be:

"You and Steve are dating, and that makes you both our parents."

But it was true though, you and Steve always played the parents role in the team. They loved that you were dating the Super Soldier. You had a big heart, and your kindness was captivating.

So yes, grocery shopping was easy to do with Steve but today was different. It was different when the God of Thunder decided to tag along.

"Steve, where is Thor?"

You started to panic, as you lost him. Steve looked behind him and his eyes widen in shock. He swore Thor was walking behind them a few moments ago.

"Oh god, where is he?"

He mumbled, his eyes wandering to find Thor. You and him started to move and find Thor in the big supermarket. You hoped you would find him soon. The God of Thunder wasn't familiar in here and last time you lost him while going out, he almost get kicked out of a store.


You and Steve said in unison when you found Thor at the poptarts section. A gigantic grin was plastered on his face when he saw you and Steve.

"I'm just.. Looking for poptarts."

Thor said innocently. You sighed but a smile creeped on your face afterwards.

"Yes, and we were looking for you."

Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. You looked at your boyfriend and chuckled softly. He frowned when he heard your chuckles.

Steve and you waited for Thor to choose the poptarts patiently. You scrunched your nose when you felt Steve rested his arm on your head. He snickered when you glared at him.


"Yes, Y/N?"

He smiled broadly, and you were lying if you say that his smile wasn't attractive. God, the first time you saw his smile you almost pass out.

"Do you want to know something?"

You asked, a small smile was painted on your face. Steve chuckled under his breathe and nodded. Your radiant smile always managed to make his stomach flips.

"The advantage of dating me is you can use me as your arm rest and not even once I'm complaining."

You said casually, still smiling at him. Steve laughed and he wrapped his strong arms around your small frame. He planted a kiss on your forehead, making you grin.

"This is why I love you so much, Y/N."

He whispered into your ears. You bit your lip and punched his arm playfully. Your face was as red as a tomato and you wondered how Steve got to make you blush everytime.

Thor cleared his throat and frowned at both of you and Steve. You raised your eyebrows and mentally facepalmed when you almost forgot that Thor was there, with his poptarts.

"Can you please not rub in my face about how cute you both are? I'm single, please have some respect."

Thor said sternly. You and Steve looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry, Thor."

You said between laughters. Thor shrugged and took the poptarts in his arms. Steve arched an eyebrow and shook his head.

"So many poptarts."

"I'm in love with poptarts, what can I do?"

Thor grinned. You chuckled and nodded at the God of Thunder. Thor was so funny, unlike his brother. You still adored the brothers though. They had different personalities, but both were good in their own way.

At the tower, Thor kept whining at Tony on how you and Steve were obviously ignoring him while you were shopping. Tony just laughed at the God of Thunder.

"We didn't ignore you, Thor!"

You said, a smirk was dancing on your lips. Steve just chuckled and as usual, he rested his arm on your head. Thor pouted like a child, only for Tony to laugh even harder.

"I don't want to tag along with you anymore."

He said, then he left with a pout of his face. Tony looked at you and Steve with a smirk.

"Poor Thor. You shouldn't do that to him."

Tony said. You put your hands up in defense and chuckled.

"We didn't do anything!"

You chuckled. Tony just shook his head and with a smile, he left you and Steve. You looked up at your smiling boyfriend and wiggled your eyebrows.

"What is it, darling?"

He asked. You sighed in contentment when he called you that and you wrapped your arms around his torso.

"Call me that again."

You demanded, smirking at the Super Soldier. Steve chuckled softly and kissed your forehead.

"I love you darling."

He said, making you weak on the knees. You stood on your tiptoes and put a hand on the back of his head, pulling him down for a kiss. He kissed you back almost immediately.

"I love you so much."

You said against his kissable lips. He smiled and wrapped you in a hug. You buried your face into his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I really love you."

You whispered, bringing a smile on your boyfriend's handsome face. A rosy blush creeped on his face and he kissed the top of your head.

"I love you more."

So what do you think? I hope you like it.
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