⭐ Handmade Heaven | Tony Stark

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Tony was working in his lab alone when you came to him, a big smile was plastered on your face. He did not notice you, so you took that chance to surprise him. You screamed his name and he jumped a bit, startled.


He scolded, trying to hide his smile but failed miserably when you sat in his lap. Tony sighed happily, letting you run your fingers through his hair. He took your other hand in his bigger one, tracing your wedding ring with adoration.

You and him only had been married for nearly six months, but he still could not believe it. His world was brighter with you, and he was always grateful to have you loving him, just as much as he loved you.

He looked at you, smiling genuinely as he placed a kiss on your knuckles. Your heart swelled in joy at the fact that only you could make him smile like that. Only you.

"Please keep smiling at me like that."

You said, which made a chuckle escaped his lips. He looked so happy. He was happy with you, surely, and you were glad that you could see this side of him. He might be sarcastic to others but not you. He was always sincere and honest, not even once did he try to hurt your feelings.

"You make me so unbelievably happy, Y/N."

You blushed crimson at his words and hid your face in the crook of his neck. He grinned and kissed your head lovingly.

"You're so cute, Y/N. Why?"

He mumbled, which only made your face flush even more even that was possible. You hit his chest playfully and laughed.

"Stop it, Tony. I hate you."

"No, you love me."

You rolled your eyes dramatically and pecked his lips. You were his love, the only person he needed right now. A few years ago, when he told his friends that he was in love with you, they did not believe him.

After all, who would believe that he would finally settle down with a woman that he loved? But he did it, and they were more than happy to know that Tony had finally found the one, and he was helplessly in love with you.

"I'm pretty certain that you are the only thing that fills my head these days."

He said, kissing your lips softly. You hummed against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I'm so in love with you, Tony. I can't help it!"

You laughed, pulling away from him. Your voice was music to his ears, and he wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his life. A sound which telling him that he was making you happy. The way your lips curled into a spellbounding smile, and slowly it turned into an adorable grin. He could watch you forever.

He took your hands in his, a content sigh escaped his lips, proud to call you his wife. The love of his life, his best friend, his soulmate and the only person that he would never hold back to show his true self.

"Your hands are so soft and tiny compared to mine."

He pointed out, comparing his hands with yours. You giggled and nodded, agreeing with him. Sometimes you wondered how did you even live before you met him. It felt as if you needed your husband to breath, and he was your air. Whatever it was, you were ecstatic to know that you were spending your life with Tony.

Tony would make sure that this marriage would be a handmade heaven for both of you, delicately created with your purest love and his undying affection, it would stay for a thousand years to come.


"Oh god, they're so cute!"

Thor almost squealed, but Natasha was fast enough to nudge him with her elbow, silencing the God of Thunder. They were watching you and Tony from outside the lab, hoping that neither you nor Tony would notice their presence.

"They're sickeningly sweet. Urgh!"

Clint muttered, a foolish grin decorated his face. Steve nodded, he was smiling broadly like a Cheshire cat.

"They're perfect but I really need to go in right now. I have work to do."

Bruce mumbled, he wanted nothing more but to finish his work. However, he could not, when you and Tony were being all lovey dovey there.

"No, Bruce. You're going to ruin the moment!"

Steve hissed, putting a hand on the scientist's shoulder to make sure that he was not going in. Bruce huffed in annoyance and gave in. Their attentions were back on the couple when Thor said:

"Aww, Tony really loves her! I want that kind of love."

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