⭐ Just A Bet | Stephen Strange

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before anything else..
i didn't update for sooo long it kind of shocked me to know that this book already gets that many of reads!

you guys are amazing! love youuu!

"I love you, Stephen!"

You shouted from the rooftop, laughing afterwards. Stephen laughed along with you before pressing a soft kiss on your lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist and his eyes wandered into yours.

"You're insane sometimes, you know?"

"I know."

You chuckled. Stephen felt his heart fluttered at the sound of your laughs. He pulled you closer to him and rested his chin on your head.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

He whispered sweetly into your ears, making your lips curled into a broad smile. You sighed happily and nodded.

"I have a meeting with the team tomorrow."

Stephen told you. You looked up at him and grinned. Stephen knew that idea would make you so happy.

"Really? Can I come with you?"

Stephen smirked.

"Of course, you can. You're my honeybunch. The Avengers would be more than delightful to see you."

He kissed the top of your head and you giggled. You loved your Sorcerer Supreme so much, but you also loved to meet the Avengers. They were so nice towards you, especially Steve and Natasha.

"I can't wait!"


The meeting was over and you were eager to see the Avengers out of the meeting room. As soon as they walked out with your beloved boyfriend, you squealed.


Natasha came and wrapped you in a hug. The others just waved and grinned at you. They once said that you were a zestful person, that was why they were attached to you easily.

"I miss you, Nat!"

Stephen just watched as you looked so happy with his friends. Clint nudged him, making he looked at him. Sam glared at Stephen, making he rolled his eyes.

"You know what, Y/N? Me and Tony have something to show you."

Steve offered, a warm smile was painted on his face. Your eyes grew wide as you grinned at the Super Soldier. Tony had promised you that he would build you a suit so you were hopeful.

"Is it a.."

"Suit? Yes, you're not wrong."

Steve finished your sentence and smiled. You screamed in excitement and looked at Stephen. Your boyfriend nodded, giving you a signal to follow Steve.

"Come with me."

You followed Steve to the lab, excitement bursting through your veins. When you left, Clint cleared his throat.

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