⭐ Young Love | Peter Parker / Father! Tony Stark

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You were standing in the balcony, eyes gazing at the stars on the night skies. A soft smile creeped on your face when you saw Peter came and stood next to you. He wrapped an arm around your waist, his warmth radiating through your body.

"What are you thinking, Y/N?"

Peter asked, even if it was obvious about what you were thinking that night. You let out a sigh and smiled at him.

"I'm going to miss this place, you know."

You said, reminding yourself that tomorrow you would be in another country, for the sake of your study. You knew how important it was to you. But now you felt like crying.

"Y/N, you're—"

"I'm going to miss my father, the Avengers, and you."

You started to tear up. Peter wrapped his arms around you and held back his tears. He didn't want you to leave, but he knew it was best for you. You loved what you do, and he wasn't going to stand in your way.

"It's going to be alright, Y/N. Trust me."

"I know."

Peter wiped your tears and gave you a comforting smile. He loved you, but he knew it just won't work out. At least, not now.

"I love you, Peter."

You said, kissing his cheek softly. A rosy blush creeped on his face, making you giggled. He planted a kiss on your head and sighed in content.

"I love you too."

He said almost in a whisper. You both really loved each other. But you and him also knew that you both were still so young, and wasn't ready for anything serious.

It wasn't time for love, it was time for adventures. You chose your path and you were going to make it happen.


You heard your father called out for you. You looked at Peter and gave him a last smile before disappearing into the tower, meeting Tony Stark, your beloved father.

The next morning, it was the hardest goodbye that you had ever given anyone. You saw tears pooled in Peter's eyes, you wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and stay but you couldn't.

When you saw a watery smile on your father's face, you knew you were going to make him proud— as if you haven't done that for your whole life.

"I'll see you again, Peter."


Peter was in a coffee shop. He sat by himself, looking out of the window. He looked around and noticed a couple not too far from him. A small smile creeped on his face.

They reminded him of you.

Ten years had passed and you never came back to him. After finishing your studies, you didn't take any second to rest. However, you got a job that was your dream since you were a little girl.

You never came back to the tower. Tony was the only who had seen you. That was when he visited you at least once a month in your new home. Peter never asked to come with Tony, because his mentor never knew about his love for you.

He didn't know if you forgot him, or you didn't. But never once did he forget you. He had never loved anyone else as much as he loved you.

He was going to wait for you.


You attacked your father with hugs and kisses, as he laughed. He had never felt this happy while you weren't here. It felt good to know that his daughter was finally in his arms, you were home.

"I miss our home!"

You said, a big smile was spreaded on your face. Tony chuckled softly and planted a kiss on your forehead. Many things changed in these ten years. But you hoped someone never changed.

"Mr Stark, I—"

You froze when you heard that voice. You turned around and a gasp escaped your lips when you saw Peter. He stopped talking when he noticed you in the tower. He wasn't sure what to do. You looked as beautiful as ever, and what he could manage was just a smile.

"My daughter is home."

Tony said to Peter, as if he realised that the young man was speechless to see you. Tears of joy welled in your eyes and you ran into Peter's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Oh, I've missed you so much!"

You said, chuckling as he put you down. He grinned and kisses your nose. Peter felt like it was a dream, he held you in his arms after years being apart.

"I--- I thought you forget about me."

His voice cracked. You frowned and shook your head. You could never forget him. Peter was a big part of your life.

"No, I would never! I love you, remember?"

You smiled at him. He nodded and pulled you in for a kiss, not caring about your father who was flabbergasted. Tony's eyes widen and he gasped dramatically.

"How long has this been going on?"

He asked. You and Peter laughed, only making the billionaire even more confused now. He rubbed the back of his head and decided to shrug it off.

"Take a good care of my daughter."

He smirked before leaving you with Peter. You looked up at your young love, he was looking into your eyes with so much adoration that he held for so long.

"I'm home."

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