⭐ Agony | Loki

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"Y/N, please don't cry."

Loki whispered softly. He held you close to him but he knew it wasn't still enough for you. Your lips quivered as tears couldn't stop falling on your face.

"You've promised me that you won't leave. You'll be here for me, for our child-"

He kissed you deeply, shutting your mouth from saying things that will only break his heart even more. When he pulled away, he sighed and put a hand on your swollen belly.

"I have to go, my love."

Loki could hear Thor was calling for him. He turned around and gave his brother a look, and Thor understood. He waited for the God of Mischief to say goodbye to his wife.

"Loki, don't go-"

He squeezed your shoulders and looked into your eyes. Tears pooled in his eyes but he won't let your see him cry.

"Y/N, please don't make this any harder for both of us. Asgard needs me."

He said sternly. You bit your lips to contain yourself from screaming in agony. You needed to be strong.

"Please come back, Loki. Our child needs you. I need you."

You kissed his cheek and left him longing for more. He swore to himself that he would come back to you and to his child.

"I'll come back before our child will be born. I promise you, darling."

He said, kissing your forehead lovingly. He let go of your hands and you whimpered when he turned away from you.

He was leaving.


He didn't stop walking, neither did he turn around to look at you. He just walked away with Thor. Perhaps he was too sad to watch you, but it still hurt you.


You opened the door to find Thor on your doorstep. He was smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes like always. There was something in his eyes that wasn't there before.

"Thor? Come in, please."

You offered him a smile and invited him in. You were expecting to see Loki with him, but you didn't want to be rude with him.

He sat on the chair and he declined your offer to give him a drink. There must be something wrong. You felt uneasy already.

"Thor, what's wrong?"

He took a deep breathe and walked towards you. He stopped when he saw tears brimmed in your eyes.

"Where is Loki?"

He froze when he heard your question. You were getting mad at his silence.

"Where is my husband?"

You were getting impatient. Bad thoughts clouded your mind when Thor was hesitated.

"Where is he, Thor?!"

You put a hand on your swollen belly and told yourself to calm down. It wasn't good for the baby.

"He's gone."

His words were burning your soul and tears rolled down your cheek freely. Thor was crying, too, but he knew that you were worse than him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Loki is dead while protecting us. He died as a saviour."

You didn't need to hear all of that. The pain was unbearable. Your husband was dead..

Your head was throbbing as your heart was breaking in two. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain and you clutched your belly and fell on the floor.

"Y/N, what's wrong?!"

Thor was panicked. You shook your head and cried when you saw blood pooled on the floor. It was your blood.

You screamed in pain and Thor didn't know what to do. You felt dizzy and you could pass out anytime now.

"Thor, help.."

"Y/N! Do not close your eyes."

Thor carried you in his arms and knew exactly where to go.

"Thor, the baby.."

You said, before you let the darkness consumed you. You didn't know what happen. But your child was the only thing on your mind.


You stood in the balcony and looked at the view in front of you. It was breathtaking, but it wasn't enough to make you smile.

Asgard was beautiful, but you lost your husband while he died protecting it.

Frigga was watching you from behind, Thor was by her side. Concern and worry filled their eyes as they watched you.

"This is not Y/N. She's changed."

Thor said to his mother. Frigga sighed heavily and nodded. She missed the girl that her son, Loki once brought to see her for the first time. You were happy, friendly and sensitive.

But now you were nothing more than just sensitive.

"I'm sorry, Loki.. I love you."

You whispered under your breathe, hoping that your husband would hear you somehow. A tear rolled down your face and fell to the floor.

"She lost her husband then her child. I cannot imagine the agony that she is going through."

Thor looked down and sighed. He hoped he could do something to make you smile again, but he realized only Loki could do that.

"She loves him too much to let go."

Frigga pointed out, a small smile was on her face. She was touched by the love that you had for her son. But it was killing you, slowly.

"She needs to let him go."

"She can't, mother."

"I know. I can't too."

Frigga looked up at Thor before walking out of the room. Thor looked at you for the last time before leaving. He couldn't help you if you didn't want to be help.

"Loki, where are you?"

You asked the wind, hoping for an answer but there was none. Finally, you broke down and fell on your knees. You clutched your chest and cried your eyes out.

The pain of losing him was an agony.

Not too far from you, Loki was watching. His heart sank to see you cried because of him. But he couldn't wipe your tears away.

Not now.

"I'm sorry, my love."


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