⭐ Nutella to My Bread | Stephen Strange

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You were bouncing on your feet and a smile spreaded on your face. Your husband chuckled softly at you and pulled you in for a short kiss. When he pulled away, he let his eyes wandered into yours.

"I love you, Y/N, more that you could ever know."

Stephen whispered sweetly into your ears. He cracked a genuine smile, just for you.

"I love you too, doctor."

You stood on your tiptoes and pecked his lips. Stephen couldn't help but grinned at your cuteness. He always thought that you were the most adorable person he had ever seen. And that was a good thing.

"You know what, Y/N?"

You both sat on the couch and he pulled you into his lap. You tilted your head a bit and raised your eyebrows.


Stephen licked his lips and shook his head. You frowned and hit his chest playfully. You wanted to know what was going on in his mind. Stephen laughed and pinched your cheek.

"It's just.. I can't believe I married you."

He breathed out, a smile was on his face. You cleared your throat and glared daggers at him.

"What does that even mean?"

You asked while glaring at him. Stephen's eyes grew wide and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"It's a good thing I married you. I mean.. Sometimes I thought what did I do to deserve you."

He was looking into your eyes and you saw pure love in them. He gave you a loving look that only you could see. You were so special to him.


"You're so kind, and loving and--- not to mention, you're just too adorable."

Stephen's words made you laughed. He nodded violently, showing you that he was being true.

"Absolutely beautiful. My gorgeous wife."

He whispered softly. Your face flushed and you buried your face into his chest. He kissed your head and sighed happily.

"You're so adorable that I could just eat that cute face of yours."

He joked. You laughed and he tightened his arms around you, holding you with a proud smile on his face.

"I'm glad you said yes when I proposed to you."

"How could I say no, Stephen?"

You laughed. Stephen laughed along with you and shut his eyes. For a moment, he felt comfortable there. He was sitting on the couch, with his wife in his lap, everythi g was fine.

He didn't have to go away, or save the world. It was just him and you against everything else.

"I love you so damn much, Y/N."

You looked up at him and smiled. You admired your husband, how he worked so hard for everyone, for you.

You knew he had been through a lot. But you were happy that he found you through the journey. You were glad he didn't let you go and you didn't let him go.

"I've never wanted a marriage, Stephen. But when I met you, I know you are the one. And I don't mind sacrificing my rule just to be with you."

You told him. Stephen kissed your forehead and shrugged.

"Our marriage turns out to be so much fun, isn't it?"

He pointed out, a smirk was dancing on his lips. You laughed and nodded.

"I can't imagine myself laughing with someone else instead of being with you. You're the nutella to my bread."

You grinned. Stephen rolled his eyes and pretended to be annoyed.

"Nutella to my bread? Seriously?"

He smirked. You glared at him but he just kept smirking at you.

"Stephen, I'm not as good as you."

"Glad you know."

"Oh, shut up!"

Stephen laughed at your remark before he added:

"If I shut my mouth, you'll be missing my voice then. You once said that my voice soothed you, it makes you feel safe."

You bit your lips and crushed your lips with his. Stephen smirked, knowing that only him could make you weak on the knees.

"I'm so in love with you, Y/N."

You smiled at his words.

"And when we're old and gray, I'm still gonna say those words to you. I love you."

You rested your head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

"I know, Nutella."

finally! a fluff for doctor strange! ❤
oh gosh i'm in loooove with this man.

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