⭐ I Love You.. Wait, I Do? | Clint Barton

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Requested by @happyfase
Thank you for requesting!

Based on a prompt:
51. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to trip over you!"


You huffed angrily and rushed into your room, slamming the door on Clint's face. He cursed under his breathe and held his hands up. The Avengers was watching him from behind. They didn't even bother to help him.

"Y/N, please open the door!"

Clint begged, only for you not answering him. Natasha snickered, making the Hawkeye glared at her.

"Oh, come on!"

He started to knock your door, perhaps if he did that, you would open the door and talk to him. But still, you didn't open it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to trip over you!"

He apologised sincerely, even if deep down in his heart, he thought that it was funny. Tony couldn't help but laughed at him.

"Seriously, we were on a mission and you tripped over her? Oh god, you're unbelievable."

Tony laughed. Clint sent him a killing glare but the billionaire didn't care at all. You and Clint had always been not in a good term with each other. You both always fought and the situation got worse when you went into a mission today.

During the mission, Clint tripped over you. Yes, you were shorter than him. But that didn't mean he could trip over you! It was humiliating.

"I don't want to see you, Clint. You humiliated me."

You groaned. Clint nodded when he got your response. He sighed and went back into his room.

It wasn't his intention to embarrass you. He didn't mean to trip over you. He was ashamed too by the incident, not just you. He was in a freaking mission and he tripped over his friend.

That wasn't what he wanted it to be.


Clint decided not to disturb you. It was just a small matter and he thought you would cool off in a day or two.

But he was wrong.

You avoided him for almost a week now. You didn't talk to him, you didn't smile at him, you didn't even glance at him. He tried to say hi or maybe start an argument, but you just shrugged it off and walked away from him.

He realised something now;

He missed those moments when you and him fought. He remembered how you used to pull a prank on him, and he would be furious at you, chasing you around the tower.

You always ticked him off and that annoyed him. But now, he realised that he loved all of those things. He felt empty, without talking to you.

He had to stop this.


You stopped walking when you heard your name, but when you realised Clint was calling out for you, you quickly walked away.

"Y/N, please wait!"

He hurried to walk next to you, a grin was plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips into a thin line. You were obviously annoyed with his presence, but he didn't care.

"Y/N, can you please listen to me?"


"Please, Y/N."


"Y/N, please I need to talk to you."

"I said no, Clint!"

By that, Clint cupped your face in his hands and crushed his lips with yours, taking you by surprise. Your eyes widen and in took you a moment to realise that he was kissing you.

You pulled away, breatheless, and looked at him with wide eyes. The urge to kiss him was high but you pulled yourself together and smirked.

"What was that, Barton?"

He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer towards him. Surprisingly, you didn't push him away.

"Can't you see what you do to me, Y/N?"

He questioned, his grip tightened on your waist. You raised your eyebrows and a smirk was dancing on your lips.

"No, I can't."

You said, crossing your arms against your chest. Clint groaned and he knew you were doing this on purpose.

"I... I need you, Y/N. You've been ignoring me and my life is incomplete without you."

He said genuinely. You dropped your hands and a small smile creeped on your beautiful face.

"I know we've been fighting almost everyday. But it was all because I.. I love you. I was afraid to admit it so I tried to push it away but now I know that I really love you, Y/N."

He confessed, taking your hands in his. You tried to hide your smile but failed miserably. You harboured the same feeling for Clint, but because of those constant fightings you both were having you decided to forget it.

"Do you really love me? Are you sure about that?"

You teased him. Before he got to answer your question, you pulled him in for a longing and passionate kiss. He kissed you back, smiling in the kiss. He knew he had your heart now.

"I really love you, never doubt that."

He said, chuckling afterwards. You giggled and put your hands on his broad chest.

"I love you too, Clint. But please, do not trip over me ever again."

You warned him. He nodded violently and you both laughed. He was going to kiss you again when someone screamed.

"Oh my god, what is going on here?!"

Bruce was freaking out, seeing you and Clint--- kissing and not fighting? That was new and unusual, it was frightening.

"Guys, come here and see! Y/N and Clint are---"

You didn't hear the rest of what Bruce was saying when Clint pulled you to out of the room, laughing and leaving Bruce before he got to call the others.

Thank you for reading!
I hope you like it :)

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