⭐ Do You Love Me? | Steve Rogers

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Requested by @Jessica-Ritter
Thank you for requesting!

Based on a prompt:
54. "Are you blushing? Yeah, you're blushing."


It had been going on for months now. Since you became the new addition in the Avengers, you were attracted to the one and only Captain America. His smile, his laughs, his eyes... Oh, you could've drown in them!

The best part was you weren't shy to admit it. You made it perfectly clear to everyone in the tower that you fell head over heels for Steve Rogers. Everyone knew about your huge crush on him.

On the other hand, Steve was used to women who swooned over him. But you were a different case, really different.

You always managed to make him smile and blush at your flirty remarks. Perhaps it was because you were attractive to him. Sometimes he found himself smiling when he saw you training. He would stare into distance and thought about you.

Slowly, you were making your way into his old heart and he didn't even realise that he was letting you in.

During missions, he was becoming protective of you. The others noticed this too. He made sure you always stayed close with him and not getting hurt.

There was one time when you were careless enough to let a bullet hurt you, but not to kill you. Steve was panicked, you weren't hurt that bad but he was so scared of losing you.

At the hospital, he stayed by your side and you didn't take the chance for granted. You nudged him with your elbow and smiled.

"You care about me, don't you?"

You asked, smiling sweetly at the Super Soldier. He blushed crimson and looked away from you but failed to hide his smile.

"I know you do! I care about you, too."

You said happily. A chuckle escaped his lips and he shook his head at you. You were a strong woman, and he adored you because of that. Not to mention, you were cheerful and it brighten his days and nights talking to you.

Days gone by and Steve realised that he was looking forward to see you everyday. Usually you would take breakfast earlier than him, so he decided to be in the kitchen as early as you, just to talk to you.

"You're early today."

You pointed out, sipping the coffee from your mug. Steve rubbed the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly.

"Steve, what's wrong with you?"

You smirked, knowing that something was weird about him. He just shook his head and you dropped the topic right away.

Steve loved it when you waved at him and giggled whenever you walked pass the training room and he was there. He loved to see you smiling because of him.

While Steve was trying to see you more often, you were planning to stop your crush on him. You knew you were falling in love with him, and you knew that he could never return the same feeling. So you were thinking about forgetting the feeling. You never thought that Steve was in love with you.

You avoided yourself from throwing flirty comments at Steve, more to being professional with him and he noticed it. He missed you being all flirty with him.

That day, you were supposed to train with Natasha but it seemed like Steve had changed it. When you walked into the training room, you met with the Super Soldier.

"Hey, Steve. Where's Nat?"

You asked, still standing at the doorstep. Steve smiled but he was a little bit hurt when you didn't walk over to him like you used to.

"She's.. She's not feeling well."


You bit your lip after you responded to him. You wanted to scream in joy because you finally got to train with him, but why now when you were trying to get him out of your mind.

"You have to train with me today."

He said, bringing you back into the reality. You nodded and walked towards him. You fiddled with your fingers and he knew you were nervous.

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

"Nothing, Steve."

You gave him a short answer, and that wasn't what he wanted. Usually, you would smirk at him and give him an answer like 'I can't focus because you're too handsome' or 'I'm just nervous around you' with that adorable giggles of yours but there was none that day.

"I know something is wrong with you."

He said, taking a few steps closer to you. Unconsciously, you backed away from him. You only realised it when you saw hurt in his eyes.

"You're trying to avoid me, aren't you?"

He asked, a pained look was clear on his face. You took a sharp breathe and finally nodded at his words. He frowned and shook his head, he didn't understand why would you do that.

"I think.. I think I'm falling in love with you."

You breathed out. There, you said it. You looked down and bit your lip. You didn't see as a smile spreaded on the Super Soldier's face.

"I can't let it happen, Steve. So I'm trying to forget it. I know you can never love me back. I'm just a young girl who doesn't know much about life and of course, you wouldn't want me."

Steve chuckled at your rambling. You looked up and raised your eyebrows. He was laughing and not mad at you?

"You have no idea how bad I want you."

He said, taking you by surprise. That was unusual for him to say something like that towards you. A rosy blush creeped on your face.

"Are you blushing? Yeah, you're blushing."

He said playfully. Your eyes grew wide when he smashed his lips against yours, showing you that he was falling in love with you as well. His hands went to your waist and he lifted you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist.

"Don't ever distance yourself from me."

He panted. You giggled and nodded violently. He kissed your nose and looked you in the eyes.

"So.. Do you love me?"

You asked and arched your eyebrow at him. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, I do. I love you."

"Okay... So, can I have another kiss?"

Steve couldn't help but smiled at your words. You were too precious for him. He nodded before pulling you in for another loving kiss.

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