⭐ Infinity | Stephen Strange

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Tony Stark looked at you with tears in his eyes, but he won't cry. He was too tired to cry or try to comfort you. The only thing he knew now that he needed the comfort for himself too.

"I just.. I'm sorry, Y/N."

That was all he managed to get out of his mouth. You looked at him with teary eyes and you could felt your heart was breaking at his words.

"He promised me.. He promised me, Tony."

You cried, unable to hold back your tears. Tony shook his head but he didn't know what to say anymore. He was in disbelief with what happened as well, but he knew you were too shocked to accept that your husband was gone.

"Stephen promised me that he'll come back. He promised me.."

You almost whimpered as you fell on your knees and sobbed. Tony walked towards you and kneeled down to squeeze your shoulders. He looked you in the eyes and you saw regret in your friend's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I lost everyone too, everyone. I couldn't do anything to change this."

His voice cracked, unable to contain the sadness that was haunting him. You let him left a kiss on your head before he walked out the door, leaving you alone to cry your eyes out.

You felt your chest tighten and it was hard to breathe, the world was spinning around you and you were alone. All alone— without him.

"You promised me.."

Stephen kissed your forehead softly before looking into your eyes. You shook your head slightly, silently telling him not to go but a sad smile that was on his face told you that he won't listen.

"I have to go."

"Stephen, please don't.."

"Hush, darling. I really have to go."

He took you in his arms and let you cried into his chest. You knew who he was, it was his responsibility to save the world but with this dangerous threat named Thanos; you were scared. You were scared that your husband won't come home to you.

He caressed your face with his hands and cracked a small smile. A smile that always made your heart beat a little bit faster. Your eyes found his and it made you felt even sad to let him go.

"I'm scared, Stephen."

You sounded so vulnerable and it made the Sorcerer Supreme's heart clenched. He kissed your knuckles softly and shook his head.

"Don't be scared, Y/N. I'll fix everything then I'll come back. I promise you that I'll be home."

He smiled at you before claiming your lips with his, for the last time, before he left.

"I love you, Y/N. Don't you ever forget that."

Of course you believed him. Your husband promised you that he would come back. He promised you that he would be safe and sound everytime he left for missions— but this time it was different.

He didn't survive.

Your husband; your Stephen Strange has left. Forever.

When Tony came with a heavy heart and told you about this bad news, your heart wrapped in sorrow. You were expecting your husband to come along with Tony, you didn't expect that the billionaire came with a painful news.

"Lady Y/N, it has been a year."

Someone touched your shoulder, shaking you off your daydream. The memories left your mind for a while, when you looked at Thor who was looking at you with sympathy.

"Thor, you don't understand."

"I lost everyone too—"

"Stop saying that!"

You screamed at the God of Thunder, tears gathered in your eyes. You were breathing hard, unable to contain your emotion. Everyone in the room looked at you with disbelief. You had never show this side of you before.

"Since the first time Stark came and told me that my husband was gone, he said that he has lost everyone too. Since that day whenever I felt down and missed my husband it felt like everyone has lost everyone! I know all of you has faced harder challenges in life, lost so many people that you loved so many times but please do not compare your pain with mine!"

By now, tears streamed down your face like waterfall. Natasha came to calm you down but you just kept crying. It was too much for you to bear.

"I love Stephen so much! I love him until infinity and it is my problem if I want to mourn over him forever!"

You screamed. It felt so good to let it out of your chest. When you were done, you felt all eyes were on you. You sobbed and shook your head.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry I snapped at you. I didn't mean it, I just so—"

You didn't manage to finish your sentence when Natasha came and hugged you. All of  them who survived the snap looked at you with tears in their eyes.

"We all here for you, Y/N."

Bruce said, and put a hand on your shoulder. You wiped your tears away and nodded weakly.

"I'm sorry, guys... It's just— he promised me that he will come back."

You said, a sad smile was painted on your face. It might have been a year, but your hope was still alive that Stephen will come back to you.

He will.

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