⭐ Unknown Feeling | Vision

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Requested by @fangirl22Olivia


Vision stole a glance at you who just walked into the dining room, joining the others who were already there. As usual, a radiant smile was plastered on your face and Vision felt a weird feeling erupted in his chest. It became unbearable when you took a seat next to him.

"Morning, Vision!"

You beamed at him, without knowing that your voice was melting his heart.

"Morning, Y/N."

You grinned at him and he was going to start a conversation with you but Steve took that chance away from him. Vision noticed that the Super Soldier was fond with you more than the others.

Vision could feel something inside of him stirred when you kept talking to Steve, your smile reached your eyes everytime. Vision sighed, he wished he could be the one who makes you smiled like that.

There was something bothering him everytime he saw you with Steve. He liked you very much, but he still didn't know why would he felt that way towards you. He was confused on why he was being bitter when you spend your time with Steve.

It didn't help when after breakfast, Vision was in a meeting with Bruce. When he was done, he walked pass through the training room and he heard cheering and screaming.

A faint smile ghosted his face when he saw Natasha, Thor and Tony were like cheerleaders in the training room. But his smile dropped when he saw Steve was sparring with you. A hint of jealousy crawled over his chest, he sighed heavily and stood next to Thor who was focused at you and Steve.

Vision frowned slightly when Steve almost punched you on the face. You raised your eyebrows and smirked at the Super Soldier.

"Close enough."

He muttered, before throwing another punch at you, but you quickly dodged. Tony and Thor cheered for you while Natasha laughed.

"Kick his ass, Y/N!"

Natasha screamed, earning laughter from Steve. You were sweating and were tired but you couldn't give up. You winked at Steve and kicked his knee, and the Super Soldier fell on his knees.

"That was easy?"

Thor arched an eyebrow, when he saw Steve on his knees. You nodded and laughed before helping him up. Steve couldn't help but laughed along with you.

"I've told you I'm gonna kick your ass!"

You said smugly and blew a kiss at Steve. His face flushed and he rubbed the back of his head. Tony whistled and patted your back once you were close enough to him.

"That's a nice ass, though."

Tony commented, making you giggled like a school girl. Your gaze moved from Tony to Vision, who was looking stoic as usual. You noticed that something was wrong with him.

"Vision, are you alright?"

You put a hand on his arm softly. He quickly nodded before leaving the training room. You raised your eyebrows at his sudden change. He always smiled when he was with you.

Once again, Vision found himself being sad because of you being way too close to Steve. He thought that the next day would be happier, perhaps he would be able to spend time with you but he was wrong.

His day started horribly and everything went wrong. He couldn't focus on anything he did because you kept lingering on his mind. He recalled the way your smile reached your eyes and the sound of your laughs that was music to his ears.

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