⭐ Good Night | Loki

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Hi! I've read comments about some of you requesting a Part 2 for Stephen Strange imagine. I'm considering to write it soon but please be patient with me! Thank you :)

For now, enjoy this imagine for our Loki


You were tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep. You were exhausted, today's mission was not easy and you wanted nothing more than to rest. Unfortunately, your mind did not want to.

You groaned in frustration and jumped out of your bed. You decided to find some snacks to eat in the kitchen. You walked pass the rooms in the tower and noticed that everybody slept already.

Well, except for one particular person.

You saw the lights were still on in Loki's bedroom, telling you that he was awake. A broad smile creeped on your face, happy to know that someone was not asleep, just like you.

Loki was new in the team, and while the others were skeptical about him, you became his friend since the first day he came. He thought you were annoying at first, but then he eventually warmed up to your presence. 

With a big grin on your face, you knocked his door. You could not see him, but you knew he was rolling his eyes as he said:

"Whoever you are, I do not wish to be disturb right now."

His voice was strained and surely, he was annoyed. You contained your laughter and knocked his door again.

"Loki, it's Y/N."

You thought he was going to ignore you but surprisingly, he opened the door with a small smile on his lovely face.

"Why are you awake?"

He asked, a frown appeared on his face.

"Well, why are you awake?"

You gave him a smirk, and he chuckled under his breath. You knew he was not going to answer you.

"I can't sleep. Believe me, I really want to but I just can't."

You muttered, making him grin at you.

"I was reading. I'm fine if you want to join me."

Loki offered, a friendly smile was plastered on his face. You nodded violently and went into his room. He shut the door with an inaudible click, and he sat in the couch whilst you sat in his bed.

You smiled softly as you watched him read his book. He was sitting comfortably in the couch, and his eyes were glued on the book. You were going through his collection of books when you wondered if he really attacked New York.

He was very nice, and you believed that he had changed for the better. Feeling your gaze on him, Loki looked at you with a smirk on his lips.

"I know how good I look, but please, do not stare at me for too long. I'm afraid you'll fall for me."

He said, chuckling softly at you. You rolled your eyes and groaned at his words.

"It's not my fault. You have to stop being so attractive!"

You said, smiling from ear to ear. Loki laughed and somehow, you knew there was something disturbing him.

"Loki, why are you awake? Don't tell me that you're awake because you want to read. I know reading is not the reason but it is just a distraction from whatever is bothering you."

You guessed, smiling at the God of Mischief. Loki was flabbergasted at your words. It seemed like you were reading his mind. His eyes grew wide and you knew you were right.

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