⭐ Like A Dream | Loki

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there's a little bit of tony stark and bruce banner as your fluffy best friends in this one. enjoy :)

"Bruce, can you knock some sense into Y/N's pretty head about Loki? She doesn't want to listen to me."

Tony said, a frown appeared on his face. Bruce stopped working and he took off his glasses, his eyes showing you worry and concern. You bit your lip and waited for advices that you were going to get from your best friend.

"I don't mind if you want to be friend with him but not this way, Y/N. You can't be falling for him."

Bruce stated sternly. You groaned and crossed your arms against your chest. Tony just nodded at Bruce's words. You knew your best friends were looking out for you but you couldn't help but fall for the God of Mischief since you laid your eyes on him.

"I like him, a lot! What can I do?"

You whined. Tony rolled his eyes and put his hands on his waist. He was worried for you. He didn't want you to get hurt, emotionally or physically.

"What you need to do is forget him."

Tony demanded. You shook your head violently and poked out your bottom lip. Bruce smiled softly at your reaction.

"No, Tony! Loki is living with us in this tower now. How can I forget him?"

You said. Bruce chuckled under his breathe and gave Tony a nod. You were hoping Bruce would pick your side after you said that.

"Y/N is right. But it seems like she is attached to Loki easily. She really likes him."

Bruce pointed out. Your smile was as bright as the moon when you saw someone that you were waiting for walked pass the lab. Tony was talking to you but you weren't listening.

"Y/N, I'm talking to you!"

Tony said, frustrated because you didn't want to take his advices. Bruce looked out the lab, the way you were looking and a sigh escaped the scientist's lips.

"She is busy looking at Loki."

Bruce mumbled and continued to do his work. Tony rubbed the back of his head and frowned at you. You gave him a big smile.

"I'm going after him!"

You said, before you ran out of the lab to catch up with Loki. Tony scrunched his nose and looked at Bruce who was shrugging at him. Your best friends couldn't stop you now. They knew that for sure.


You called out for him. He stopped walking and turned around to look at you. A soft smile cracked on his lips when his eyes gazed at you. Oh, that smile...

"Morning, Y/N. Why are you looking for me?"

He was so nice towards you. He was changed for good. You smiled broadly at him and shook your head.

"Nothing. I--- I just want to talk to you."

You admitted, a guilty grin spreaded on your face. Loki laughed and it was the first time you heard his laughs since he arrived. It was music to your ears.

"I'd love to talk to you, too, Y/N. I mean I love hearing your voice."

He said. There was butterflies fluttering in your stomach and you didn't get this feeling for a long time. But Loki managed to make you like this.

"I love your voice, too."

"I really like you, Y/N."

He blurted out. Your eyes grew wide and he cleared his throat in realisation. He chuckled nervously and mentally facepalmed. He was nervous around you.

"I mean---I want spend time with you. I want to know you. All about you. You know, there's something about you that is attracting me to you since the first time we met."

Loki said, a genuine smile was plastered on his face. You smiled and stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He blushed crimson and his eyes were wide in suprise. He wasn't expecting you to be that bold.

"Do you want to go out with me?"

You asked, a smirk was dancing on your lips. Your confidence was boosting when you managed to make Loki blushed.

"I've heard my brother said something about.. Like a date?"

He asked. You nodded and smiled sweetly at him. Loki smiled nervously at you and you knew he was falling for you.

"Yes, Y/N. I would love to."

He said. You fistbumped in the air and he grinned at you. You were so cheerful and happy; it made him feel blessed to be around you.

"By the way, you look like a dream and I don't want to wake up."

You said, heat creeped on your face when you complimented him. You were going to say that to him since you met him. He was like a dream to you. Loki smirked and pulled you closer to him, you shrieked and he chuckled.

"Let me be your dream and reality, Y/N."

He said, his voice was sending shivers ran down your spine. You bit your lip and your face flushed. Loki failed to hide his smirk when it was time for you to blush.

"I'll see you later, Loki."

You said, before pressing a kiss on his cheek. Then you walked back to the lab, leaving Loki smiling there like a fool.

"Don't forget about the date!"

You reminded him just before you walked into the lab. He grinned and nodded. A warm feeling wrapped his heart and he loved it. He knew you could be the one for him. The one that he hasn't been looking for his whole life, thinking that he might didn't deserve it but now he wanted to be yours. And you to be his.

"Y/N, what did you do?"

Tony asked as soon as you stepped into the lab with a big smile on your pretty face. You clapped your hands together and your smile grew into a grin.

"I asked him out on a date."

You said casually. Tony's jaw dropped and he couldn't believe what you just said. Bruce took his attention away from his work to look at you.


"He said yes."

Bruce was flabbergasted, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop you from going out with Loki. He sighed and nodded weakly.

"Just.. Be safe, okay? I know he is a changed man now but just be careful."

Bruce said, a small smile plastered on his face. You turned to look at Tony and he was still shocked.


"I'm going to make sure Loki is not going to hurt you in any ways. Or else he'll be dead in a second."

He replied, a tight smile was on his face. You smiled and walked over to him to give him a big hug. You opened your arms and looked at Bruce.

"Bruce, wanna join this group hug?"

Bruce raised his eyebrows.

"No, thanks."

You pouted.

"Bruce, I know you love group hug."

You said. Bruce sighed before walking over to you and Tony and joined the group hug. It was a good moment, at least now they weren't talking about Loki.

you guys deserve some loki's fluff after those angsty imagines that i'm not sorry for lol

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